Glimpse of God for Christmas 2023
This week’s glimpse is based on my own reflections, so I hope that it is helpful with your Christmas season prayer. With that there are no daily reflections, just my thoughts.
Mary was visited by an Angel.
Mary had faith in God in God and his promises Joseph held on to hope that things would work as God wanted them to the shepherd’s great love for God and his message and they gave up all in search of the Savior. Mary visited by the Angel Gabriel and was told that she was chosen by God to be the mother of our savior, the Messiah. She knew about the promise of a Messiah, as she was a very learned Jewish girl. She grew up in the temple and later with the stories the visitations constantly told by her parents Anne and Joachim. In her question of How can this be? She was not asking for a sign or seek proof, but rather to come to a greater understanding of what he was saying. She could not fully grasp what the angel was telling her and in her heart she thought, why me? can this be true?
How often when things happen to us and we find ourselves saying, why me? could this be true? how am I to respond?
Mary’s response to the Angel was not one seeking a sign or proof out of doubt but she wanted to come to a greater understanding of the Angel’s message. The Angel told her that the Holy Spirit will overshadow her and she would conceive a child and he shall be called Jesus, the savior, the Messiah, our Redeemer.
Often when we live through some very painful and unexpected situations, we then start with the why's, could this be true, am I being punished? Or when we are blessed beyond our imaginings, we even question why. How can this be, how come I am so fortunate, and others are not? there are so many others who are suffering how come or can I be so blessed? Whatever message God has given us, what are we being invited to do that will build up His kingdom here on earth? If we are called to carry a heavy cross, we are given the strength and grace by God to carry it knowing that we are never alone.
Mary believed this and trusted in God and in that trust, she said YES, she gave her FIAT that began our salvation. Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, and she conceived the child.
I believe that we can, if we try to, recognize how in our life experiences where and when we were overshadowed or embraced by the Holy Spirit and received new life. The new life that was conceived within us were his gifts of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, counsel, piety, and fear of the Lord. How do we know that we received his gifts? It is by the way we share his fruits of joy, charity, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, chastity, modesty, and self-control, with others.
We receive these gifts from the Holy Spirit who is alive and well in our life. I believe that what we desire is to be a greater reflection of these gifts and fruits as was Mary.
Through Mary's intercession, as we imagine being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, what we can see within, it's what we give life to it is our better self, our stronger self, our deeply rooted self in Christ. No matter what we are called to do, or cross we are called to carry, we are invited to ask for Mary's help, her never-ending intercession, knowing that it's always available. Mary said yes, we say yes not just once but every day when we recognize how God has chosen us to be his witnesses in the world beginning in our home, in our community, and on our world.
Mary was the first living Tabernacle. She bore the savior and not only gave Him life but gave us all new life in Christ. As members of the body of Christ, each time we receive the Holy Eucharist, we are also a living Tabernacle. Christ dwells in our heart and we are enlivened with His grace so that we are not an empty vessel but a but a living Tabernacle filled with God's grace to be his living witnesses to all those we encounter. Mary's eyes and heart were open to God and his message that the Angel delivered. The Angel delivered God's message to his servant Mary, and she accepted it, and lived it out. We sometimes have our eyes and hearts closed due to fear, anxiety, and stresses of daily life, yet God knows our hearts and understands and recognizes our weaknesses.
So as we think about closing our eyes and heart because we are afraid, take a moment to remember that in the darkness, God's light shines even brighter so when you open your eyes and heart His light will be the beacon that leads you and others to the Christ child.
Joseph was visited by an Angel.
After Joseph decided to divorce Mary or put her away to avoid her from being stoned to death an Angel appeared to him and told him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife. At first, I am sure that he was not only startled, but more confused and probably thought that he was going nuts, but once he realized the Angel was from God, although he still did not understand his role in this miracle, he trusted that God would show him what he needed to do, he was happy and at peace.
Joseph, prior to the dream, was content and sure that he could provide for Mary, as a Carpenter and his work had and would be their livelihood. He was concerned because he knew that Sacred Scriptures said that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, but they lived in Nazareth, and up to that point had no intention to travel that far.
But then the census came out from Caesar Augustus. Everyone, no matter what, even the blind, lame and even pregnant women had to return the city of their fathers and there be counted. Joseph prepared for the long journey and tried to console Mary by telling her that the ancient prophecy was being fulfilled, in spite of their wishes, was coming true. So, at this news and obligation, Mary and Joseph prepared to leave for Bethlehem, which was 50-mile journey that would take at least five days. The physical journey of Mary who was about to give birth and traveling to a land not known, and Joseph who was afraid that about the safety of the baby began. The spiritual journey of faith, trust and hope continued.
After the journey was completed and they arrived in Bethlehem, they were faced with the reality that all the inns and everything living space was filled with folks and there was no place for Mary and Joseph to go to have the baby. But they were offered a cave that they could have the baby, it was where the animals were kept warm. That was all that Joseph had. As the husband he felt that he disappointed and failed both Mary and Jesus, he wanted the best for her and the baby, but he accepted what was placed before him trusting that God placed it there and all was going to be well.
How often do our thoughts and ideas go off track? we think we know how it should be? we think we know what's best for us, but then we see that God’s plan is what worked and through it we learned and became stronger person. With God’s grace and through it all we are able to recognize how we became our best self the person that God crated us to be and have the potential to become.
Like Joseph, sometimes when we are called by God to do His will in our life and we think that it will be clear and easy, we often encounter many obstacles, roadblocks, and mountains. We begin to feel that we didn’t hear Him right or failed and even disappointed God and others. It’s not what we thought it would be. If God wanted me to do this, it should be clear and easy. When the Angel appeared to Mary and Joseph, he didn’t say it would be easy, he said fear not. In other words, do not be afraid of me, an Angel sent by God, or of what God is calling you to. Yet we know as do the martyrs and saints, that God’s will isn’t meant to be easy, but He would never ask anything of us that we could not fulfill without His grace. Following Christ’s footsteps is what makes it a straight and clear path.
How often do we think that we failed God and others and are so deeply disappointed in ourselves because of our mistakes and bad choices? Although we make mistakes, the consequences and repercussions don't define us, what defines us is that we are God's beloved sons and daughters, loved unconditionally and are His greatest creation. Joseph maintained his hope with his faith and trust of Mary and hoped that all would work as God wanted it to.
The Shepherds were visited by an Angel.
The shepherds were outcasts, wanderers, they had no roots, seldom married, they were looked down upon and having sheep that didn't smell all that great didn't help. But God’s Angel appeared to them in their lowliness and humility and proclaimed that both the savior and Lord was born and that they wanted to go worship him. God knew their hearts and knew that they would want to go in search of Him. They left all behind, their livelihood which lied in being a shepherd and in their sheep, in search for the savior and they found him. We have our Holy Father, the Shepherd of all Catholics, our bishops, priests, and deacons, who are our ordained shepherds.
So as a group, although we are not shepherds or in a foreign land, or may not be ordained, we are shepherds in that we are called to bring others to know Christ. We are called to guide, lead. and show others how to know Christ through our example so as to show them how they are instrumental in building up the kingdom of God here on earth. The Angel appeared to the shepherds, and they gave up all to seek the Christ child. We don’t have to leave home to find the Christ child. Like the shepherds, as they beheld the child in a Manger and emerged with great joy and proclaimed his birth to all they encounter, don’t we, or shouldn’t we do this when we behold the child Jesus in the Eucharist? When Jesus enters the core of our being in the Eucharist, we are filled with great joy, and it is that joy that we are to share with all those we encounter. It is then that we are shepherds, helping all of God’s sheep, both the lost and the found, to come and know Him better and that He came for them and not just for everybody else, we all have reason to proclaim Joy to the world.
The shepherds were outcasts, yet they knew about God and Sacred Scripture. How do we look at the outcasts of our society? The homeless, the addicted, the poor…..
Do we, are we willing to see the face of God in their face, or do we turn away, make judgments, and leave being indifferent? Do we try to be in relationship with them as a brother or a sister in the Lord, or do we keep them at a distance as a stranger?
The shepherds possessed the faith and trust, the hope and joy of Mary and Joseph and as humble shepherds were chosen by God to behold the face of God in the baby Jesus. They heard the message and beheld the miracle. So as a seeker and follower of the Christ child, although we are not shepherds herding sheep in a foreign land, every day if we open our hearts and minds to God’s voice, we will hear His message and be given the opportunity to behold a miracle. The miracle of life, every breath that we take, the gift of reconciliation, of mercy being extended, injuries being healed, us becoming whole, these are all actions of God and His grace within us. The shepherds beheld the miracle and emerged with great joy and exultation. When we receive Eucharist, so we emerge with great joy and exultation, or do we just go away feeling no different, or not allowing us to feel different? The Eucharist, Jesus changed Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds and even the wise men, how can we not be changed after we receive the Holy Eucharist, after we have the opportunity to behold Jesus in our very heart, mind, spirit, and soul? And if we are changed, does that not affect how we see others? aren’t we able to see past appearances and see the heart of the person? Do we seek to see past the hurt to the healing? Are we willing to see to the heart from the heart?
Second Sunday of Advent 2023
This week’s Glimpse of God comes from a view outside of our Assisi Room
(Sunroom) as I took time to relax and was pleasantly surprised, due to the time of year, to see God in the many unexpected faces of His creatures and in His creation.
One day last week I was looking out our back yard and was watching all types of birds eating from the bird feeders outside the window and how Cannoli (crazy cat) was eager to help them in her own way. She was getting excited, jumping up and down and just wanting to go out with the birds and have some play time. There were also birds in the water that was on the pool cover, there were cardinals, robins, sparrows, and doves. This went on for several minutes and I was left wondering wasn’t it too cold for the birds, shouldn’t they be going south for the winter? Don’t they know it is December? Do they realize that they are in the wrong place, they need to be where it is warmer?
With thanksgiving being early, black Friday came earlier, people flocked to the stores this year, there seems to be more folks shopping, people have decorated their houses, lawns and whatever else they could with various types of lights, figures, and inflatables. Christmas music is playing, and people seem to be in a pleasant and helpful mood. 2023 is definitely different than the past three years. Despite what is going on in the world, and how it is affecting people directly, the attitudes and dispositions of people seem to be less suspicious, and fearful, but more generous, encouraging, helpful, loving, peaceful and kind.
In light of the post pandemic and now the various variants, gun violence and the number of shootings of innocent people, the wars in both Ukraine and Israel and the repercussions that they are having on individuals living here, the lack of respect, empathy, understanding, compassion and peace and the uncertainty as if and when this downward spiral of needless taking of life will end, I found myself asking many questions and having many concerns about the future of our communities, city, nation and world. Often, we seem quick to judge, to criticize, to cast aspersions and often, it seems, to not accept another point of view. We need to reflect fully and completely, as we truly are our brother’s keeper, fellow Builders of the Kingdom of God here on earth, placed to walk with each other, build each other up and not tear each other. The question is do we take that seriously?
We have much to be thankful for; the beauty of nature, our church, friends, family, job, and the list goes on. We need to step back and look around us. There is beauty in everyone and everything, even though it may be difficult to discern it at times.
It is as simple (and refreshing) to remember what peace there may be in silence and the majesty of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the miracle of nature in all of its glory. Simplicity, kindness, thoughtful gestures……..each day we can strive to become better persons and we have truly have much to give thanks for!
This week let us strive to be the best we can be, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become. Let this second week of Advent, be a week or page in our life, where we experience spiritual renewal, refreshment, and preparation for the coming of Jesus that is reflected in our conversations, in our relationships, in the quiet whisper of our prayer and most importantly in the deepest recesses of our hearts. Although this is the shortest advent season that we can have, let us not give up hope, but rather have a greater resolve to draw nearer to our Lord and be ready to welcome him into our hearts this Christmas morn.
SUNDAY - for today, the second Sunday of Advent, let us be mindful of the many events, occasions, circumstances, people, and situations that we will encounter on our journey to the holy and humble day of revelation: the Birth of Christ our Savior Jesus Christ. Let us resolve to keep Christ in Christmas and be His messenger to all those we encounter: in our homes, on the road, in the workplace, in our neighborhoods, in the malls, through the tweets, the texts, the face times, the befriended and the unfriended. May God use you to tell others about His Son Jesus Christ and how He is the reason for the season, there is no other.
MONDAY - for today, let us be mindful, that as the many types of birds gathered on the pool cover to bathe, play, and enjoy the sunshine, that we too are called to be of one mind and heart, that is of God, and see each other as God sees us. Let us pray that we come together as a family, as a community, as a church, and as a nation, in the name of God, to honor, respect and love each other. As we journey through the season of Advent, let us surrender to God any grudge, anger, or barrier that is getting in the way of us being one and opening our hearts to the Christ Child. Let us ask Him to fill us with His compassion and mercy so that we can come to Christmas renewed in His love, peace, and joy.
TUESDAY - for today, let us strive to live as the birds on the pool cover, with no judgment of another. Let us try to see each other as God sees us, as His beloved sons and daughters, chosen by Him to know, love and serve Him in this life so that we can all see Him face to face in the next. Let us pray for all those who are judged by another, ignored by others, and treated as if they were invisible. Those who are incarcerated, estranged from their families, and outcasts in society, and earnestly ask God to bless them with His peace, consolation, and hope.
WEDNESDAY - for today, as the birds gathered from all directions, that as we live in the fast lane, going to and from so many different places with very little time to be still, that we take time to be still and bask in the presence and the love of God. As you are immersed in the secular aspects of the Christmas season; shopping, decorating, baking, cooking, and traveling, allow yourself the spiritual blessing and renewal of quiet time. Take time as you travel, as you decorate, as you shop, to offer God a prayer of adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, and supplication. Prayer is the lifting of your mind and heart to God, you can do that anywhere and at any time.
THURSDAY - for today, let us be mindful that Mary said YES to God and allowed herself to be His instrument in His act of redemption. Mary said YES and was embraced by God's Holy Spirit and brought forth God's only Son to redeem us. Mary was filled with God's love and lived in His light with trust, faith, patience, peace, compassion, mercy, joy, humility, and courage. Let us seek to grow in relationship with Mary and come to a greater understanding of how she faced the many challenges in her life and did not waiver or stray away from God, but remained steadfast and faithful and ask for her help so that we can do the same.
FRIDAY - As we are given the grace to observe the rain coming down from the clouds, and the sun emerging afterwards with a rainbow, the wind making the barren tress blow from one side to the other, the birds flying here and there, and the squirrels seeking an acorn to feast on. All of these created things point towards God their creator so that all glory be given to Him. In all that you do, do you give God the glory? or do you take the honor for yourself? Are you able to recognize the giftedness and talents of others so as to give them credit for their work or are you sometimes selfish and proud? During this humble season of Advent, let us strive to see the gifts, talents, and the presence of others, and of our self and give God the glory, gratitude, and gift of our hearts so that it can continually be molded to be more like His.
SATURDAY - for today, let us pray for those who are wounded spiritually, physically, and emotionally and unable to live the life that they desire. Ask God that they find hope and peace through the prayers and support of others. Let us pray for those whose hearts are broken and wounded and do not know the healing touch of God and feel unloved. Let us pray for those who lives have been touched by tragedy, the loss of loved ones, terminal illness revelation, unemployment, and financial stress, and mental illness, that they seek the consolation of God and find it in those surrounding them in their community, in their church, and in their extended family members. Let us pray for those who are estranged from those they know: Their God, their family, and their friends, and ask God to fill them with His mercy, His humility, His hope, His compassion, and HIs peace so that they, like the prodigal son, may return home and be reunited to those they truly do love and love them.
As we begin our Advent journey, I would like to pause and reflect on “gift”. I believe that the gift of our faith is the most important and precious gift that we can ever receive, yet if we take it for granted, walk away from it, deny it, or even abuse it, although it remains a gift, it doesn’t maintain its significance in our life that the giver intended. As with many things, we can place our faith on a shelf, knowing that it is in reach if we need it, we can put it in a closet and close the door so that it is easier to ignore, or we can toss it aside out of anger, yet since God is the Giver of the gift of our faith and we are His greatest creation, His beloved children, His vessel, the gift will never be taken back, or denied to us. God wants us to be our best self, the person that He created us to be and have the potential to become and He knows that we cannot do that alone, we need Him and each other. We need our spouses, our children, our extended family, our neighborhood community, our religious community members, our Church, to grow and reflect the presence of our Gift giver, which is God. As followers of the newborn child Jesus, the Messiah, our Savior, we all have been given the gift of faith so that we can grow in love with Him and serve Him with an undivided heart.
As we begin Advent and journey to Christmas, let us reflect on how we take the gift of our faith: take it for granted, take it lightly, take it seriously, and seek to be transformed so that we can grow in aa greater appreciation and love for the Giver which is God. I hope that this reflection is helpful on your advent journey with Mary as you unite your YES to hers. In your FIAT to our Lord, may you experience a deeper peace within, a greater desire and willingness to surrender, and the gift of joy that comes from Mary as you recognize and grow in love for her Son Jesus, Others and Yourself
What is in a gift? How do we open a gift? Do we open the gift slowly or tear it open?
Do we honor the gift giver? and the gift?
Do we silently cherish, hold, and look intently at the gift? or do we put aside the gift, paying no attention to the work, the love and care that went into presenting the gift?
When we receive a gift, we often look at the wrapping and then we tear it off, as if we only want to see what is inside; is it what we asked for? what we wanted? what we need? or just a token gift?
Then there are times when we open a gift with great thought and very slowly.
As we receive Jesus into our hearts in the Holy Eucharist,
do we use the time prior to encountering Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to prepare our hearts for the King?
or do we go through the motions just to fulfill our Sunday obligation?
Going through the motions, is like tearing off the paper, we miss the gift, the giver,
and the reason for the gift. The gift is Jesus and eternal life with Him
the Giver is God the Father who loved us so much that He sent His only Son
into the world to redeem us, the reason for the gift: UNCONDITONAL, SELFLESS AND PERFECT LOVE.
When we take time to pray, when we take time to see Jesus in and through our lives, it is like one who slowly unwraps the gift, we see, appreciate, and honor each moment of the encounter between God and our self. When we receive a gift in a gift bag, we tend to pull the gift out of the bag and then we look at it and choose to honor or reject it. Do we pull Jesus out of our "gift bag" when we need Him, or are angry at Him and need to blame someone, or when we feel abandoned, and life seems out of control?
Or are we in a relationship with Him one that recognizes that He loves us and will never abandon us?
Do we see that God, and His unconditional love for us never changes?
whether we wrap Him up or put Him in gift bag.
God is the Gift Giver and Jesus is the gift whether we honor the gift, ignore the gift,
put the gift away or in hiding, whether we respect the gift or not we are always living out of our human limitations. God on the other hand, is not limited.
His mercy, His love, His compassion, are eternal, everlasting and all embracing.
Jesus is the greatest gift given to us, but do we realize, can we imagine, that we are God's gift to others?
Do we know that He loves us and has created us to live in union with Him on this earth and as we do that,
we are gifting others with a glimpse of His presence, by how we love and care for others?
Each time you give a gift to another, you are giving a part of yourself,
the part that loves, cares, and appreciates another.
You are giving someone else the gift of God as He is revealed through you and seen in you.
As we journey towards that beautiful day where Mary’s Yes came to fulfillment
and our salvation was at hand, to the Holy Birth, that which was without sin,
let us thank Mary for saying YES and allowing God to dwell within her,
let us thank God for saying YES when He chose to use you and me to be His instruments in His world,
that HE wants us to do His work, that HE believes in us and knows our potential.
Let us thank Jesus for coming into our world, our life, and our hearts and for making us one with Him;
in and through our baptism into His passion, death, and resurrection.
Let us thank each other for being the gift of God's presence a Glimpse of God, to us in and through their prayers, works, words and example.
During this Advent season, as we prepare to receive the Baby Jesus into our hearts,
let us pray to be open to recognize that Jesus is the greatest gift given to humankind,
and that we have been chosen by God to receive Him.
YES. YOU AND I have been chosen by God to receive the gift of His Son Jesus into our lives forever.
As recipients, do we ever say thank you to God
for loving us and presenting us with such a great and awesome gift?
Let us thank God now, later, tomorrow, next week,
each and every day and may we never grow weary of being a gift giver
or a recipient because both are avenues to encounter God and His great love for us. ……….
Have a happy Advent journey!
Glimpse of God for the week of November 26, 2023
My Glimpse of God comes from the Sisters of Saint Francis that reside at Assisi House, the retirement home for the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia. Why am I reflecting on the Sisters? Because as we celebrated the feast of thanksgiving, I would like to begin with those who begin our week, who have shown me a greater picture of who God is and how He makes himself known to me, and one of the many blessings for which I am thankful. As we begin this new week, John, Clover, and I begin it with Clover, a certified therapy dog, visiting the Sisters at Assisi house, as she has done every Sunday for 7.5 years. During Covid when she wasn’t able to visit, she would send cards, gifts, and reminders that she would be back and that she missed them.
Having the Franciscan Sisters as friends is like having a gift from God that is there to remind us of His constant presence. They have been there for John and me and our pawsome kids, by their presence, their prayers, their support, encouragement, and their humor. They are like having a house full of siblings as sisters, similar to blood sisters, but unless you have a family of 100, we are recipients of genuine love and gratitude from them, a genuine and gracious love. What is a sister? A sibling, a religious, a friend that seems more like a blood sister than a friend that we met and grew in relationship with, or another female that knows us through and through, be it an aunt, grandmother, God mother, foster mother, stepmother, or adopted mother. God is present through all of them, but in a unique and special way, possibly because of their personal connection with Saint Francis, he shines through the kaleidoscope of the faces of so many, through the Sisters of Saint Francis. In the funny times with Clover and her golden retriever antics, and in the shared troubled times as we endured Covid and being isolated from each other but could communicate through phone calls, as a sister would pass away and their love and physical presence was missed, when it doesn’t see like there is anyone else that can help carry the burdens and when the burden is lifted because of their encouragement, prayers and support. When we volunteer there, and they are genuinely grateful and always say thank you. It is a mutual relationship where we grow and learn from each other.
As Franciscans, they exude the spirit and charism of Saint Francis, which when one thinks about it, is a spirit of love and simplicity. Through their love for God, others, and self, they show those they encounter how to be their best self, the person that God created them to be and have the potential to become. It doesn’t take a Sister, or sister to show us that, as God’s beloved children, we are all invited to show each other that. It is how we can live out the good news. We can bring out the best in each other so that we can build up a strong Kingdom of God here on earth. It’s not a complicated invitation, but rather a simple one. If we believe it and live it, I think that the Kingdom of God would be a more bright and visible sign instead of one that overshadowed by so much violence, secularism, hatred, self-abasement, and greed.
As we begin a new week, in the shadow of the Thanksgiving holiday, let us be thankful for those who have been like a religious Sister and sister sibling sister to us: one of a friend, one of a confidant, one of a strong supporter, one of encouragement, one of prayer, and one who exudes the light of Christ by her compassion, care, concern, encouragement, and faithfulness. One might not have a sister or know a religious Sister, but I believe that there have been and are male figures who have the ability to connect with us, that tried to be like a Sister/sister and not a father figure preaching hell and damnation and passing judgment, but rather a person of compassion, understanding, empathy and truth. Although difficult, they tried to be the confidant, the supporter, the encourager, the prayer warrior, the shoulder to cry on, the style gauge and the voice of reason when things seemed overwhelming. Let us be thankful for all those who, by the grace of God, guide us to be the best person that we can be and have the potential to become: our Moms, Dads, Sisters, Brothers, Grandparents, Godparents, Aunts, Uncles, Father figures, Mother figures, Sister figures and Big Brother figures.
Sunday “S” - Steadfast (one who is unwavering, dedicated, and persistent)
What does it mean to be steadfast, and do you see yourself as steadfast? What draws you to want to be steadfast or unwavering? Your family, faith, friends, community? I often say that my husband is my better half, not that he or I think that he is better than me, but rather he calls me to be my best and better self.
He recognizes the good in me when things try to overshadow my ability to recognize the goodness within me. That is God. It is God who calls us to be better than we think that we can be or become. He calls us to stay the course and He will steer us in the right direction, he calls us, and call us and calls us. He is a persistent and loving God who will never stop reaching out for us. The question is as He calls us and reaches out to and for us, are we listening? are our hands tied or free and do we allow Him to steer, or do we take the wheel and attempt to ride it alone? Today, listen to the gentle whisper of God as He calls your name and tells you how much he loves you, how you are His greatest creation, and how much He needs you.
Monday “I” - Impartial (one who is fair and just)
How fair and just do you think you are? How many times in one day have you had to make decisions that were fair and just? How hard was it when others wanted you to make decisions that would favor them, their view point or their need to get ahead? Are you fair with yourself? Do you judge yourself too harshly? Do you think that God is fair and just? Do you think that the cross you carry is God’s unjust and unfair response to your sins and weaknesses, or is the cross you carry a gift that enables you to be fair and just as a follower of Jesus? As a follower of Christ, being impartial is a grace and a gift that is given, and which holds a great responsibility. Once we receive the gift, we are called to be open-minded, not judge others, but leave that judgment to God alone since only God our hearts and why we do what we do. Once we receive the gift, we are called to share it with others by the way we love one another and reflect the presence of a just, loving, compassionate and merciful God. Today, listen to the gentle whisper of God as He passes His judgement on you. Lift your eyes because where you think that He is going to chastise you for your weaknesses and sins, He is affirming you for your decision to be a better, fairer, and less judgmental person.
Tuesday “S” - Sincere (one who is free of deceit, hypocrisy or falseness)
How sincere do you think you are? Are others as sincere as you would like them to be, or do they miss the mark? How do you deal with hypocrisy? Does it make you angry as it did Jesus, or do you accept it as a norm? When we experience hypocrisy or deceit within the family or our circle of friends, it can be very painful, and then we are left with how to rise above it through the grace of God’s mercy, and compassion. When we are deceitful or when we act like a hypocrite, we are choosing to sell our souls to the devil and act in a way that contradicts the Gospel. Jesus called the hypocrites of His time to their truth as He does us. We can choose to change and be honest or remain stuck in falseness. Our faith in God and our desire to be His faithful followers requires us to strive each and every day to avoid hypocrisy and remain steadfast in our commitment to building His kingdom here on earth. Today, listen to the gentle whisper of God as He reminds you of your call as His follower, and commends you on your decision to be genuine and truthful and not seek to please others by saying one thing and doing another, no matter how less popular this makes you.
Wednesday “T” - Thoughtful (one who is considerate, caring and kind)
How thoughtful do you think you are? Do you try to be more thoughtful with and towards others especially when it is difficult? When someone is not thoughtful or caring or kind, does it bother you? Do you judge yourself harshly when you find yourself being unthoughtful, say uncaring words and do unkind things? We all fall short, but it when we raise our eyes and take God’s hand of help, we find that we become more thoughtful and caring then we ever imagined we could be. Today, listen to the gentle whisper of God as He tells you that you are a very thoughtful person. You extend your prayers and well wishes to those who are ill, you listen to others as they share their grief and problems with you, you are always there for others when they need you, and you never make anyone feel like a burden but rather a blessing. Does this really sound like you? God doesn’t lie, It is.
Thursday “E” - Empathetic (on who relates to the feelings and experiences of others, sensitive and sympathetic)
How empathetic do you think you are? What does it mean to be empathetic and how difficult is it? Do you find it easier to be judgmental and negative with others especially when you think that they cause their own misery or problems? Do you take the time to really listen to others so as to gain a better understanding of their situation or do you pretend to listen because you have already passed judgment?
How do you feel when others judge you first and choose not to be empathetic or understanding? How hurtful is it and how do you respond? Jesus was very empathetic but He also called people to their truth. As His followers, we are called to help those in need. With Jesus we are called to walk with and not judge or condemn others. We are called to be empathetic and compassionate with those who are different, those whose crosses are heavier than ours, and those whose crosses are lighter, those who are outcasts as well as those who are the center of attention, the visible sinners and the and those who do not know Christ. Who are you called to love today? Today, listen to the gentle whisper of God as He directs your heart to love another who is difficult to love and embrace their story as Christ embraces yours.
Friday “R” - Reliable (one who is trustworthy, honest, dependable and reliable)
How easy is it to be reliable? How often are you tempted to do your own thing, stick to doing what you want, or just making excuses when you don’t want to bother with someone or do anything that will put you out of your way? How reliable are you in your prayer life? Do you make time to be with God in prayer? Are you honest with God? Do you stand before God or do you try to hide?
In families, in religious communities, in our church and in our neighborhoods, we are often called to forego our needs so that we may serve and help others. This can be an easy task or it can be a difficult one, but no matter how it is, as we seek to serve our God and build His kingdom here on earth, our response must be made in the spirit of humility and out of love. As builders of love, compassion, mercy, peace, healing, and reconciliation, we are called to be honest with our self, God, and others. We are called to be dependable so that the task at hand can be accomplished, we are called to do our best no matter what so that others can see more clearly the presence of God in and through our honesty, reliability. and dependability.
Today, listen to the gentle whisper of God as He not only thanks you but also how much He needs you. He thanks you for not only being an honest and dependable builder of His kingdom here on earth, but for doing so in a spirit of humility, love and joy. He needs you to be His builder, one prayer, one act of kindness, selflessness, thoughtfulness, and understanding, all with one heart.
Saturday “S” - Selfless (one who is unselfish, generous, and noble)
How selfless do you think you are? Do you see yourself as a selfless giver? Do you think that others see you as selfless more often than not? As a parent, when you heal the hurts of your child, spend extra time helping them with their homework or school project that was due yesterday, but you were just told about it? when you put down everything so as to give them your total attention as they muddled through broken hearts and broken relationships? As a spouse, when you learn that your spouse is working late and the dinner you prepared would get cold? When you stay up and wait for their return home so that you can behold their face and be embraced in their arms? When you hold your tongue and choose to build them up instead of tearing them down as they utter words of anger in your direction? As an adult child, when you care for your sick or aged parent, when you become the primary caregiver? As a religious living in community, can you recognize your many acts of selflessness by the way you pray for those in your community, love those who are not able to show you love in return, listen to each other, serve the needs of the older and ill? What calls you to be selfless instead of selfish? Is it the gentle whisper of God that calls you to be better than what you think you can be? What does Jesus say to you when you love others more than yourself, when you lift up the needs and prayers for others before your own needs?
Today, listen to the gentle voice and whisper of God as He affirms your many acts of selflessness. Smile with God as He smiles at you for following the path of Jesus His Son, in giving of yourself in love as an act of selflessness and not selfishness.
Glimpse of God for the week of November 19, 2023
My Glimpse for this week comes from a spirit of gratitude for God’s many blessings, both in the sacred and the ordinary, the awesome and the pawsome, those seen out the window and in the mirror. A few thoughts about this week.......
Today, in the liturgical sense we celebrate the 33rd or last Sunday in Ordinary time and next week we will celebrate the feast of Christ the King. This is the biggest traveling week of the year, so some will spend time away from home and some will be returning home, It will be a day or week of tears, both of joy and of sadness. This week we will gather to celebrate the wonderful Thanksgiving holiday where will gather with family and friends to spend quality time in each other's presence, share stories and partake of a meal. This week we will also participate in, voluntarily or not, a parent's nightmare or the shopper's heaven,.... Black Friday. So....I invite you to see Glimpses of God in all of the sanity and insanity: the ordinary and the extraordinary, the pets and the people, in a life of simplicity and in the sometimes very complicated, in the creation we see and the greatest one that we were created to be. God is there, wherever you were, are and hope to be.
Sunday – Thank God for the gift of the routine and ordinary, the exciting and the extraordinary.
Today we celebrate the last Sunday in Ordinary time. Yet, I have to ask, if it were your last Sunday in the ordinary time of your life, how would you respond? Would you change the way you are living as you prepare to meet Christ the King, or would you continue to live as you are with Christ as your King?
Sometimes we become stagnant because we do some of the same things each and every day like going to work, cooking meals, cleaning the house, helping with homework, paying the bills, taking care of the pets, studying and we don’t feel as if we are growing as a person. We lose sight of their meaning and why we do them and begin to take them for granted. This happens in our spiritual life as well, we say our set prayers, we pray at meals, we reach out to those in need, and we even find time to read the Bible, but yet these spiritual exercises have become more routine and the understanding of their deeper meaning and purpose seems absent. Our relationship with God, our desire to grow in that relationship falls into the depth of routine and ordinary instead of exciting and extraordinary as it truly is. A simple question to you is this: In the ordinary routine events of your day, is Christ your King or have other things taken His place? Whether you are a religious or lay person, married or single, young adult or child, would others see the crown of Christ on your head or at the cross? Is the reason you get up each morning so that you can follow Him and give Him the glory and honor that He deserves, or does He come to mind only when you need something? Christ lived and died for you, do you recognize that you are His beloved child and that He loves you more than you can ever imagine? Does His being King of your heart and life empower you to live more for Him and not for the world?
Today: Can you give your heart to Him today and let Him heal the brokenness, bind up your wounds and make you whole?
Monday – Thank God for the gift of the awesome and mighty pawsome
As I begin a new week, I reflect on Clover and how she began her week and ours: Selflessly, completely, and joyfully. Clover is a pet therapy dog and spends a few hours each Sunday with the retired Sisters at Assisi house. She absolutely loves her time there and I believe the Sister’s enjoy her presence there as well. On Monday, she is tired. She rests much of the day. Although she can’t answer the question “Is Christ the king of her life”?, she reflects her yes by the way she is present to the sisters and how she brings them healing, unconditional love, happiness, peace and joy.
Today: Can you look to the pets that you have or that others have and try to see them as God’s instrument of healing, happiness, wholeness, peace, and joy. They give of themselves completely for the happiness of their owner. They are reminders of how we should be: unconditionally loving, forgiving, and happy just because. They don’t hold a grudge no matter what their owners forget to do for them. They wag their tails even at the point of dying to show their owners that they will suffer but they don’t want their owners to. This is true love. Christ died so that we may live, does your life reflect that selfless act of love?
Tuesday – Thank God for the gift of Children
Today look at the children and try to see the face of God in them. They remind us by their innocence that we are all called to trust and believe in the love and presence of God and not let others change or diminish our faith. God dwells in the heart and soul of each child. When they give of their heart, they are giving of what God has planted in them. They are trying to please parents and family with the gift and talents that they have discovered and uncovered in themselves. God gives us the gifts and talents that we possess. We should do our best to nurture and use them to glorify Him and thank Him. Children are reminders of that by the way they give of their hearts. Parents take that and give them the opportunity to grow with their gifts. They recognize the giftedness. Do you recognize your giftedness?
Today: Can you see that your talents are gifts are from God to be used to glorify Him? Can you thank Him today?
Wednesday – Thank God for the gift of His creation
Today, look outside and try to see the face of God in His creation. God gives us the free gift of the fresh air, the trees, the green grass, the birds, and other creatures. God is there as the wind blows and when it is quiet. He is speaking through the birds, foxes, hawks, all of God’ creatures (great and small), the blue sky and the gentle rain. He is there to remind you that He is all around and not limited to any space or time. If you are seeking Him and having trouble just look out your window and pray that He speak to your heart. Wait and you will hear His gentle voice. Do as Mary said, Listen to Him.
Thursday – Thank God for the gift of Thanksgiving Day
Today is Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving to all
A day to give thanks for the many blessings you have. This is a day to attend the celebration of Mass and experience the greatest gift of thanksgiving, the Holy Eucharist. Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving Day alone or with others, this day is always a day to look at your blessings and look past your crosses. It is a day to see God in all of those challenges and see how you are blessed because of them. Our crosses can bring us great strength and courage, hope, and healing. This day is an opportunity to just be and allow the meaning of the word “Thanksgiving” to permeate your being and take root so that you can give thanks and receive thanks from God for the gratitude that He has for you being His beloved child.
Today: Can you celebrate and be thankful for ………..
Friday – Thank God for the gift of your loved ones near and dear
Today, look for Him in the faces of those you love. Offer prayers of thanks for those you have been blessed with to call family, friend, or neighbor. Look at those you have near to you and see God’s face in them. Today try not to take them for granted. Offer words of encouragement, support, and gratitude and let them know that you are blessed by their presence in your life. Spouses, children, siblings, nieces, nephews, community members, and neighbors are all God’s way of showing us His many faces. He offers us the opportunity to recognize them and see in and through the differences that He is the one and only creator, we are His creation, we are all His beloved children and that we are all placed in this world to build up His Kingdom one person at a time.
Today: can you admit that you can’t do anything alone; you need God and others.
Saturday – Thank God for the gift of YOU!!!
Today, look in the mirror and try to see that face of God in the person that you are looking at. He is there. He is smiling on you. He is looking into your very heart and placing His love there freely. This is a jaw dropping realization for some, is it for you? Do you believe or do you look in the mirror in disbelief? When I think of this, my jaw drops because it means that He sees my potential, my abilities, my desires, my heart and even my sinfulness and believes in me more than I believe in myself.
Today: Can you look in the mirror and see the face of God, His beloved child, loved unconditionally, in the image that you see before you?.
Glimpse of God for the week of November 12, 2023
History Comes Alive
These three words can encompass so much if we allow them to. God, our creator, has had a plan for us since the day we were conceived. We as His children, have the free will to choose to follow in His plan or go another direction. But even when we go the opposite of His direction, He is always there to invite and bring us back.
As I reflect on the phrase History Comes Alive, I can’t help but think of how God is saying that to you and me. Our history can come alive and be a source of great joy, consolation, expectation, and peace if we allow it to. What is our history? It is our past and that includes all of our life experiences and circumstances, both positive and negative, good, and bad, the acts of betrayal and denial, the acts of kindness and mercy and the act of love and reconciliation. These all have created who we are in the right now, in this, the present moment. If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that our past has made us who we are and, in some very difficult cases, has allowed us to be victors and not victims, a person of hope and not despair and a living witness to God s presence in our life. But if we are not willing to allow our history to come alive, what are we missing? What is being forgotten, taken for granted, placed aside, diminished, or denied? Where are the opportunities for healing and becoming whole or experiencing a renewed joy, a sense of awe and wonder? With God’s grace, our history can come alive and be a source of blessing, a greater appreciation for the event, an emotional tug that reminds us of how we felt and how those feelings overwhelmed, abounded, and overflowed from us.
God has called us by name, we are His beloved children, loved unconditionally and His greatest creation. He has watched as we emerged from the womb, and the many tomb experiences that our life has been presented with, but in all of them, God has been there as we have emerged and embraced new life. When our history comes alive, it is another opportunity for us to embrace new life with a deeper reverence and greater hope. How or what will bring us to experiencing our history coming alive? How is God calling us to allow our history to come alive and not remain dead? What needs to be resurrected so that new life and renewed life, can be experienced again?
I have thought of seven life experiences that many people have experienced, yet some haven’t, but the message or reflection can be applied to similar experiences. The flame of new life can burn brightly as our history comes alive if we allow it to and not try to smother it. What or where have significant life experiences events have been taken for granted, not appreciated yet life changing?
SUNDAY - Making your first Holy Communion…. the nervousness of receiving Jesus for the very first time and what would the host taste like….
History can come alive when you reflect back on when you prepared for and made your first Holy Communion. What does it take to bring life back to your heart, mind, and soul as you receive Holy Communion each week? Can you think back to the joy, nervousness, and anticipation as you prepared for that big day? When you thought about receiving Jesus for the very first time? The same Jesus that suffered and died for you because He loves you so much? The same Jesus that is with you with every breath you take, in all of your life, both good and negative, and in those you love. Holy Communion is the real presence of Jesus, the very person of Jesus is giving you a spiritual hug when you need it most and when you think that you don’t need it at all. The graces that we receive in Holy Communion are so numerous, vast, and immeasurable, and as you reflect on your life experiences, especially the difficult times and wonder how you made it through, it was Jesus and His grace. When you think of how you were able to extend mercy and reconciliation, perform acts of kindness and love, help those less fortunate by being present to them, and seeking forgiveness for your own shortcomings, it was and is Jesus, the same Jesus you receive in Holy Communion. SO your history is alive, just possibly overshadowed by life stresses and personal stuff going in in your life.
For today: Take time today or when you receive Jesus in Holy Communion, to thank Him for coming to you and being alive and well in your life. Ask Him to help you to recognize, with greater clarity, how He is alive in all of your life, especially in those area where you have closed your eyes to His presence.
MONDAY - Graduating from High School and College ….. the feeling you had as you realized all the required work had been done and you achieved the status of being a graduate.
Your history can come alive as you reflect on the many hours of hard work that you endured and completed to graduate. The various classes that you were confident with because knew the material well, and those classes that you felt were your personal invitation to doomsday. The many hours of studying where you had to put aside time with friends, attending family events or other enjoyable activities because you chose to study and stay on top of things? What did it feel like to finally accomplish such a big task knowing that it was the beginning of gaining a greater sense of maturity, self-sufficiency, and independence?
Now that you are a graduate be it recently or many years ago, that time to prepare to graduate was a very significant, time consuming, and life changing period in your history, and even if it was many years ago it is never too long ago to appreciate how it impacted you and made you a better person, the person that you are today.
For today- Take time to reflect on the many hours of preparation it took to graduate and the grueling classes that forced you to be persistent, increased your self-determination and helped you realize that you were not a quitter, and thank God, and perhaps your family members, especially your parents, since they endured you as you completed your studies.
TUESDAY - Your parents trusting you and giving you a sense of responsibility. Your curfew extending, your first date, getting your driver’s license, your first car, and your first credit card.
All of these events in a young adult’s life can be moments of personal growth and maturity or not. As a parent chooses to trust their children in these areas, it does not come easily or without second thoughts, but rather it comes because the child has shown and grown with a greater sense of maturity, trust, self-respect and understanding, and the parent believes that their child can handle the responsibility at this time in their life. As you reflect back on when you received these or other responsibilities for the first time, even though you probably thought that you should have received them much earlier, can you remember, allow those thoughts of WOW, I can’t believe that I am going to be able to…., that I am being trusted enough to do…enter back in your mind so that your history can come alive and that this life changing events that create your history don’t remain just in the past but can become a calming reminder that you succeeded in gaining your parents trust, showed them that you would honor and respect them in and through your decision process, even if it took a few times, you would not give up on yourself or them trusting in you.
For today: As possibly a parent yourself, or not, look back on what you experienced with gaining your parents trust as they gave you a sense of responsibility and remember how you felt prior to receiving them. There is much angst going on in a young adult’s life during this period and even though your parents trusted you and may have made that known as you grew up, try to pass that on to those you know who are now going through it: children, siblings, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, friends.
WEDNESDAY - getting married…… preparing for the wedding day and a great marriage.
John and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and through it all, I feel like every day is our honeymoon. Why, I think there are many reasons, but each day as I still cherish calling him my husband, I think of how, each day, I am still learning more about myself as a wife and about John. Does he know that? I don’t think so because it is how I learned from each life experience, both little and small, how we choose to work on them together. I know and so does he, that we will have each other’s back, that we will be there for each other in good times and bad, healthy or sick, and love will bring us through everything because love is of God, He has called us together and each day is a great day as we strive to live and grow in His love to become our best selves, the persons the He created us to be and have the potential to become.
So do I remember our engagement? oh Yes, we celebrate it every year in Annapolis at the Naval Academy, where he proposed. That part of my history comes alive on an annual basis. Being engaged is a great time to prepare for the wedding day, many detail to be handled, people to remember, lists to be made, and in all of that it should be a time of great joy and gratitude, but for many it becomes a source oof stress where many couples can’t wait for the day to be over with. For me, that is sad. The time preparing for the wedding day is a great time but preparing for marriage the more important thing. One day, although a great day, can be the beginning of a great life celebrated together. Once the wedding day is over, the couple doesn’t part ways but becomes one and begins their life together. They have thought about this day in light of the long-term meaning and have chosen each other to go through their future life with.
For Today: Now I know and realize that this is not the case for many. But whatever the scenario is for each of you, if you can think back on your marriage, and the joy that you experience being married, allow that joy to be re-kindled and alive so that you don’t take each other for granted, where you build each other up and not tear each other down, where you see your spouse as the Body of Christ, so that when you need to be listened to, seen in your worse times and want to be loved anyway, built up, carried, that just as Christ does, your spouse will seek to do the same.
THURSDAY - Entering the convent or seminary…... the joy and nervousness as you left home and followed the Lord’s call to serve Him not knowing exactly what that meant or would like.
For those who are members of the clergy or members of the religious or consecrated life, you are probably feeling the pangs of being one of the proud but few, as you see less and less men and women entering religious life. It is a great calling to serve God as an ordained or religious, but not an easy one. You are called to give up life and family in the secular world to immerse yourself in the convent or seminary culture so that you can serve in the secular world. At one point in our Church history, both seminaries and convents had large number of men and women entering. Today that is not the case, and those who are serving are serving as one where there is a need for more. Since there are fewer priests today in parishes, those who are active are being pulled in so many directions. Serving more than one parish at a time, being the only priest in a parish to say weekend masses, funeral masses, administer the sacraments, lead a parish, and lastly stay connected to their God, and others under the stress and weariness. And the Sisters.. those who were in schools, hospitals, parish ministry and other ministries, have gotten older and have retired with few in the order to replace them if the parish school they taught in or were principals of or parish ministers of, is still open or the hospital they were administrator of still has a religious leading it. This is not what the Church expected or had hoped for but it is our reality and to those who have remained steadfast in their vocation it is their reality.
For today Allow your history to come alive. Think back at all of the preparation it took just to enter the doors of the seminary or convent. You didn’t know or realize exactly what you were entering the doors to, but you had a great trust in the God who not only called you to follow Him, but it took courage for you to say Yes when you did not have a map unfolded before you that showed you the many directions that you would go as His servant. But you are in great company, Mary didn’t know what direction she would go after God called her to be the Mother of His Son, but she trusted anyway just as you did and do. Can you remember the joy of being accepted, getting the necessary paperwork completed, the various interviews, and completing all other requirements and the sense of anticipation growing as each step was getting you closer to those front doors? You probably experienced times where and when you wanted to give up but then realized that you would be giving up in the only person that you loved more deeply than the world and that gave up His life for you. Jesus called you then and calls you each day and you have said Yes over and over again, Let your history for and of your YES, your vocation see you through the difficult time and remind you that they will make the better times even better.
FRIDAY - The experience of a broken relationship due to divorce, betrayal or deception and reconciliation.
I realize that there are some life experiences where one does not want history to come alive; divorce, betrayal, or the deception by a loved one or close personal friend. Yet in all of these instances, forgiveness can occur. It may not bring a couple back together, or estranged family members back into the fold, or those who have hurt you deeply, but forgiveness can lead to a greater joy in living life and moving forward. How. When we choose to forgive another for the hurts that they have caused us, we gain a deeper peace and the burden of anger, revenge, bitterness, resentment, and despair and discouragement are no longer ours. With God all things are possible and when we seek to forgive another then the grace of God is working in our life. Does the other person need to be a part of the process? Not really, there are many instances where the other is deceased, but the effects of the pain that they caused are alive. It is in that pain where God gently invites us to extend mercy and be merciful as He is merciful and forgive even though the other cannot respond to it. When we can forgive another that is God. When we seek to want to be our best self, and realize that holding onto anger, bitterness, resentment, revenge. are holding us back, we then seek God’s grace to let go. Only with, though, and in Him can we be healed and made whole of our brokenness. Only then will be able to truly forgive another and ourselves if needed.
For today: Think back on the where a relationship was broken and not on just the pain that it caused, but the courage you had to move forward. You still may be carrying a lot of anger, bitterness, resentment, discouragement, and frustration, but there is something inside you that is telling you that the weight of these negative and painful emotions is not helping you find or peace. It took a lot of wisdom, courage, and fortitude and not to hurt the other person back, so now use those same gifts to forgive and seek God’s grace to let go so that you can truly move on so that you may gain His true peace, joy and happiness.
SATURDAY - The loss of a loved one….parent, sibling, family member or close and best friend.
Let history come alive through your heartfelt memories, your life experiences together, your feelings when you were together, the joy and laughter you shared as well as the sorrow you endured, the healing of their presence and the wholeness of your relationship, the silence that was heard as you sought consolation and the laughter that resounded as you celebrated joyous occasions, the times that you were able to laugh at yourself with their help and the times that you were able to forgive yourself with their help, the times that your worse self wanted to emerge and they only saw only your you best self standing tall, the times where they were seeing their worse self emerge and you only could see their best self coming out ahead, why because I believe that we are all sinners striving to become saints, and when we love another, even at our worse time, Christ comes before us and allows us to see their best self so that they too can see it. We are the mirror of Christ when we and our loved ones can’t see Him.
For Today: Reflect on the many times where you were the mirror of Christ for them and they for you and as you cherish the many heartfelt memories of your loved one, take consolation in that they are now in the presence and embrace of Christ. They no longer are the mirror of Christ but the kaleidoscope of Christ’s presence where in and through: your many heartfelt memories, instances here you feel their very presence still, the tears that you shed because you missed their physical presence, hearing their voice and their gentle touch, the smiles that come at the thought of them, the gratitude that you have for them and the realization that your life would not have been or be the same without them, and more importantly the gift they were from God to you and you to them was no accident, but intended so that you both could grow in His love together as you loved each other.
Glimpse of God for Veterans Day 2023
Veterans Day this week and the end of day light savings time
Most of this week's Glimpse of God comes from OUR VETERANS: those who selflessly gave the ultimate sacrifice of their life for our country, those who survived in the midst of great suffering, death and despair, those who returned home with a great welcome, and those who returned with no fanfare at all, those who returned to their families who were there and supported them as they fought for our freedom and peace and those who came back to an empty house, all of these men and women Veterans are and will always be a Glimpse of God to me because no matter what war they fought or how it turned out, they said YES to God and their country and gave of themselves for others. Many of our grandparents, parents, children, siblings, neighbors, school alumni and community members, have served our country and are Veterans. Let us remember them thanks them and prayer for them.
We celebrate Veterans Day this coming Saturday, the day where we are called to remember those who said YES when asked to serve their country, who were called to return home to their God as they fought for our freedom and peace, and to thank those who survived the great trial of war and are left with the memories of their fallen comrades, their injuries, their isolation and the darkness that comes from war, death and their conscience. Some of the Veterans who lived through great destruction, death and darkness will never speak of their experiences. They have placed them in a compartment of their soul that will not be brought out because of the impact, the devastation, and the sadness that they hold.
There are some Veterans who have selflessly fought the fight that our country called them to, but upon their return, their country did not recognize their battle, their cause, or their sufferings, and they are left feeling forgotten and alone. Whether the Veteran be that of WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other fronts in which our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard members have deployed and sacrificed, we owe a great debt of gratitude for their selfless sacrifice for our country and our freedoms.
As we begin a new week, we begin by gaining an hour of sleep, but losing substantial hours of day light time. How significant is this weekend to our Veterans and the celebration of Veterans Day? Although we may gain an hour of sleep this month, we lose significant day light and are navigating more in darkness again. We may complain about being tired and about the increased amount of darkness and less sunshine or light, we may even suffer from depression because there is less light to fill our day, and that is our reality.
BUT, as we reflect on our Veterans let us remember that they were surrounded by the darkness of fear, war, injury, and death and although daylight was a gift and an asset in and to their fighting strategy, it was also the same for the enemy. They were more than tired; they didn’t have the opportunity to take a nap or chill out with their kids, take a day off, walk their dog, go to the store to purchase a gift for their loved ones, or play on their phones. They were men and women who at a very young age were taught by their parents the importance of values, morals, respect for life, compassion, concern for other, and selflessness. I believe that they were taught that no matter what they did, where they were or how bad they felt, they were not alone. Their God was with them, and they were always in their heart, thoughts, and prayers. They signed up to serve their God, country, and fellow man. They did not make it a conditional enlistment.
They signed up knowing that there would be moments, days, or long spreads of time in darkness; physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but this wasn’t meant to consume, defeat, or overcome them.
They signed up to serve all people no matter what their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or color of their skin was. They served as an instrument of God’s peace and in the most difficult situation, to protect lives, they had to take lives. They signed up to eliminate the darkness of prejudice, hatred, and discord, by living their lives and by giving the ultimate sacrifice of their life, they hoped to be a flicker of light, by their compassion, empathy, service, and commitment.
And then live with the horror of that action. They bear the guilt and must deal with it so that they could be healed and become whole again. Some had and did, and some found the task too difficult. As we reflect on day light savings time and we want to complain about it or some aspect of it, let us take a moment to reflect on our veterans and how in and through their time of service, they were constantly vigilant about protecting life, serving their God, country, and fellow human being, and not losing hope. Let us try to follow their example and imitate the sacrifice, selflessness and the love for God and others by our actions, in our attitudes and through our prayers.
SUNDAY – “V” –Voice
Our Veterans chose to use their voice to say Yes to serving and they have a voice today. They were called to use it to proclaim the freedom and the peace of God to those who were bound, unfree and living in fear. They used their voice as one of command with the troops, as well as one of reverence and respect as they pledged allegiance to the flag. Their voice carried as they shouted words of warning as well as when they shouted words of victory. They used their God given voice to serve God, country, and others. They were not ashamed, embarrassed, or afraid and neither should we be. Duty was not shirked but embraced!
For today have a voice, don’t swallow your thoughts, opinions, or perspectives out of fear, shame, or embarrassment. Don’t lose your voice over the loss of day light or complaining about it. Use your voice to proclaim how Christ light shines through the darkness of sin and that no matter how dark or lost one feels because the darkness of their sin, weakness or guilt, the light of God’s mercy, compassion, and love permeates and penetrates through the darkness.
God gave you a voice, a personal way of looking at things, a unique perspective so that you can share them with others. When you use your voice to serve God it is not a voice of control but more of humility, it is not a voice that belittles, but rather builds up, it is not a voice of condemnation but rather of compassion. Do you realize that God uses your voice to build up His kingdom here on earth?
MONDAY – “E” – Empathy
To walk in another’s shoes and to attempt to see through the eyes of one another. Who among us has seen and heard what our Veterans have done and how it has impacted the concepts of life and liberty for our nation? We have much to appreciate for the sacrifices of our Veterans and their love of God and country!
For today, seek to be empathetic to someone that has served or is serving our country and listen to their story. Listen with an open heart and seek to understand what they are saying. Allow them to tell their story and allow their story to transform you and expand your heart.
TUESDAY – “T” – Thankfulness
Most of our Veterans are thankful that they could serve their country. It wasn’t easy, but it was a job that needed to be done and they were there to do it. We are all called to do things that are not easy, but God has chosen us to do them because He knows us best and our hearts desire and chooses us because He knows that we are the best for the job. Being thankful is a choice that you make. Although we can make people say thanks, you, can’t make someone feel thankful. As we enter the end of daylight savings time and more darkness emerges, let us remember that no matter how much physical day light may be missing, we have no reason to be afraid of the dark, Let us dedicate our life to living in the light of God’s love and being a person of compassion, trust, mercy, and peace so that others can walk in that light and not be afraid of the dark that the devil represents.
For today, be genuine in your thankfulness and your expression of gratitude. Let it come from deep down and not just in lip service. Start with God and end with yourself. God deserves your gratitude for the many blessings that He has bestowed upon you, especially the gift and love of Jesus His son, but He is also grateful to you for who you are, the person that He created you to be, and for your undivided heart that seeks to serve Him faithfully. Offer a prayer of gratitude for the gift of Christ’s light that can never be snuffed and the daylight that we so much need to guide us on our physical journey.
WEDNESDAY – “E” – Embrace
Our Veterans were far from embracing. They did not have the blessing of a hug from their family or friends. When they were far away from home, they did not get to experience the joy of embracing their baby, their children, or their spouse, but they did have the grace to recognize that God is always embracing them and holding them deeply close to Himself. There are many reasons for an embrace, it could be an embrace to offer reconciliation, extend peace, or share joy. We all need to be embraced. God wants to and is always there to embrace us spiritually and asks that we be there to extend His embrace to His sons and daughters who need hope and feeling loved.
For today, embrace someone that needs to feel the love and compassion of God through you.
THURSDAY - “R”- Resurrection: This is the day that they Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad.
Our Veterans were men and women who had hope and did not let the circumstances that surrounded them defeat them. They were resurrection men and women. They lived through many good Fridays, but they stayed the course because they knew that Easter Sunday would follow, that there would be a resurrection and death would not have the final word.
Can you think of something that is causing you to keep looking in at the empty tomb and not believing that Jesus has risen, and that death does not have the final word? In what part of your life are you lacking in hope and choosing to stay in discouragement, or despair?
For today, be a resurrection people and choose to have hope and send the devil of despair away for good. Choose to embrace the end of daylight time, your mini tomb experiences, your cross, life challenges so that the fear of darkness dissipates, and you can begin to emerge from your tomb a renewed, healed, whole and jubilant believer.
FRIDAY - “A” – Anonymous
Our Veterans did not serve to become famous. They did not serve so that their names would be written everywhere, or that they would get extra benefits.
They selflessly served, not selfishly, and they chose and continue to choose, to remain anonymous because they know that the glory and honor goes only to God not humans. They are heroes, heroines, but by choosing to be anonymous it allows them to grow in holiness, and humility so that they can serve God better.
For today, can you choose to be anonymous when choosing not to be, will afford you notoriety, fame, and fortune. You are a resurrection people, let people know that and let them see that in your words, deeds, and actions.
Don’t say never when asked to spend time with a Veteran.
The word never has a finality to it. Reach out to our service members ---- they are a part of our nation’s heritage and history whose lessons need to be passed on to future generations. The Greatest generation’s numbers are dwindling every day. So too our Korean vets and Vietnam Vets numbers are also growing smaller. Thank them, honor them, and please keep them and their families in your prayers.
For today, as you recall the words that Freedom is not free but is earned, must be treasured, and respected each and every day, live them out by your support for veterans and your respect for what they have given you. As we all give honor and show respect for our Veterans, let us not lose sight of giving first God the glory and honor for choosing them to serve Him, their fellow human beings(us), and their country. Let us remember that although there may be more hours of darkness these days, that Gad’s love, call to commitment is always a sign and beacon of light.
Glimpse of God for the week of October 29, 2023
A Reflection on All the Saints that walk with us,
on this our mutual holy ground,
All the Souls that have walked with us on their journey of faith to their final reward:
Eternal rest, peace, and happiness in the loving embrace of God.
As we begin a new week, we enter Tuesday by looking at Halloween, Wednesday we honor All Saints Day and Thursday we commemorate All Souls Day. Two of these days encompass that which we strive to be here one earth, sinners striving to be saints so that when we enter our eternal reward, we can join all those beloved souls of who have gone before us in faith. Halloween is God’s gift so that we can satisfy our sweet tooth and be a kid for a day.
To me, All Saints day is not just about those who have been officially declared saints by the Church and through their example and love for God, inspire us to seek a greater holiness. To me it means more than that. For me it is about those who walk on this mutual holy ground with us on our faith journey every day. It is about those who we are blessed to walk with, our beloved family members, friends, coworkers, community members, neighbors, parishioners and even the stranger.
As we walk with each other, the saints are those who endure our impatience, our weaknesses, have been the recipient of our sinful choices, tolerate our moodiness and our inability to be compassionate, pray for us as we are merciless and selfish, instead of being merciful and selfless, and see us at our worst and not our best and choose not to judge us or condemn us. They choose to remain with us because they know that that is what God would want them to do, and they also realize that is what God does for them as well. They, those saints in our lives; our parents, our family members, our spouse, our community members, our friends, fellow parishioners, choose to love us through and in all of that.
You might think of them as martyrs, but the difference is that they are not dying for their faith in us, but they are dying to their very self as they invite us to be a better person, the best person that God created us to be, and they know we have the potential to become. They call us to a greater, deeper, and better knowledge of God through their life and their example. They invite us, by God’s design, to grow in relationship with Him. Those saints in our life choose to die to themselves, their desires for themselves while they are walking with us, so that they can show us what God truly desires for us and how we can best reach that. They are allowing God to make them His instrument as they walk with us on our mutual holy ground. Our parents, our spouse, our children, our friends, and even those whom we do not know well are gifts from God, His instruments of love.
Like many gifts, we don’t always recognize their beauty or significance, purpose, or reason. As we live each day as sinful human beings, we are given the gift and presence of others who are also sinners striving to become saints, to help us see our self as God sees us; His beloved children, loved unconditionally and His greatest creation.
As we walk with each other on our faith journey here on earth, on this our mutual holy ground of God’s great creation, we walk together one with each other, one with Christ, so that we stay focused on the direction that will lead us to our eternal reward, that true and lasting holy ground. So that we all an become our best self, the person that God created us to be, and have the potential to become.
Who is your faith journey saint? Who are you walking with that is inviting you to become your best self and at the same time, challenges and does not condemn you, when you are your worst self? When you are in their presence, can you admit, that you see a something greater than just a Glimpse of God, but maybe a bigger picture of who God is? Does your saint inspire you? Lead you to a deeper sense of holiness and a spirit of humility? Are they at peace with their God as they look in the mirror, and even as see their reflection, they can recognize themselves as a sinner, but more importantly they know and believe that in their sinfulness, God loves them unconditionally because they are His beloved child, His greatest creation?
Has God called your saint back home to Himself? As you remember their saintliness, can you pray to them now as they stand before God in the company of Mary and the communion of saints? Can you ask them to pray for you as you continue to be a sinner who also strives to be a saint here on earth?
All Saints Day and All Souls day should bring us a sense of peace as we think about the saints here on earth that we will walk with today, have walked with us in our yesterdays, and will walk with us in our tomorrows. Their souls, the souls of the just, are now resting in God’s loving embrace, but their memory, their love, their presence, will always remain in our hearts, and we should never forget them or think them to be gone forever.
Although we miss their physical presence, their presence and impression, their impact and their love will remain in our mind, within our heart and a part of our spirit, as long as we choose to remember them and not forget them.
As you enter a new week, take each day to remember those saints that walk with you and your saints that have walked before you to their final journey. Think of the virtues, qualities, gifts, and graces that God has bestowed on them that makes them saintly. As you admire these virtues and qualities in another one of God’s beloved children, ask him to help you nurture your own special gifts, qualities, charisms, virtues so that you can grow closer to Him. Ask for the grace to recognize those qualities, virtues, gifts, and charisms within yourself, those that will help you become your best self, the person that He created you to be, have the potential to become, and will make you a living saint here on earth.
God has many gifts in store for you to help you as you seek to grow in holiness. Allow God’s goodness, His love, His invitation to grow with Him, His peace, His mercy, His dying example of selflessness and His loving embrace, be the glimpse, the big picture that keeps you focused on being the best person that you can be and want to be.
As you reflect on the saints that have journeyed with you and the souls that have gone before you, thank God for them, and in
and in a spirit of humility, thank God for calling you to be a saint in their lives and on the faith journey of others. For the souls who have gone before you in faith, pray to them and for them as
they find eternal rest, peace, and happiness in the loving embrace of God. If they have harmed you, or if you have caused them harm during their earthly journey, seek greater saintliness by forgiving
them and seeking their forgiveness.
SUNDAY – “G” God’s goodness
God is good and gracious. He provides all that we need to grow in relationship with Him. What glimpses or gifts has God placed in your life that have allowed you to grow in a deeper relationship with Him? Have you been given the gift of quiet time in the midst of your busy day? Have you been gifted with a better understanding of prayer and how God wants you to speak from your heart, honestly and without fear? Can you recognize the goodness of others that surround you and how they have helped you grow in love with your God and in a deeper relationship with Him? Your parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, friends, co-workers, community members, neighbors? Thank God for being so good to you.
MONDAY – “L” God’s love
God’s love is eternal. His love for you will never die, grow short, end or be restricted. He loves you unconditionally. There is nothing that you can say or do that will make God love you less. Do you believe that? On your journey toward holiness, who is a beacon of the unconditional love of God? To whom have you been a beacon to of the unconditional love of God?
TUESDAY – “I” God’s invitation
God’s invitation is not a trick but a treat. He invites us to be in relationship with Him. He invites us to be in communion with Him each and every day. This communion will be a communion of transformation, conversion, renewal, and refreshment. It is an invitation that comes not because we have earned it, or won it, or deserve it. It is free but it comes with a commission and mission. It is an invitation for us to unite our will to God’s so that we can be our best self, the person that He has created us to be, the person that others want us to be, and the person that we can face in the mirror and not run away from. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to extend the invitation to others and be ready and willing to talk about the good news with them. Have you opened your invitation? Is it still sitting on your desk, unopened? Opened but still in the envelope? Right out front ready to reread again and again? Is it in a prominent spot that reminds you of how much God loves you and wants to be in relationship with you?
Say your own RSVP. No regrets.
WEDNESDAY – “M” God’s mercy
God’s mercy is such a gift. It requires grace to share it, grace to receive it and grace to extend it. Can you recognize how God’s grace has opened your heart to receive His mercy and can you see how you have extended it to others? How has mercy been extended to you?
Blessed are the merciful they shall be shown mercy….
THURSDAY – “P” God’s peace
We can’t experience true peace without God. In the midst of life, where we can get stressed out and anxious, the peace that God longs for us to have and hold onto is overshadowed by many other things. Being at peace doesn’t mean that there will not be times of stress, but rather it can mean that in the midst of the stress, when we can turn over our concerns to God trusting in His infinite wisdom, we trust that we will not feel overwhelmed, alone, or anxious. In the midst of life, when we invite God to walk with us through it all, His presence brings about the peace that we need so that we can keep putting one foot in front of the other and not turn back.
The prayer of Saint Francis, the prayer for peace, is a foundational prayer that when one prays it, one begins to experience what true peace is and can be. As we pray for peace with Saint Francis, we begin to see as a co-worker in the vineyard of God, building His kingdom one brick, one act of mercy, one prayer at a time.
What is you level of peace? is it at the brim flowing over and abounding? Is it in the middle, half of peace yet still the other half filled with worry, concern, and anxiety? Is it on empty, because your worries, anxieties, weaknesses have sucked up all your peace and left you deflated, discouraged, or defeated? Good news!!! God’s peace flows like a river, it will never run dry, it will never leave you empty, and it will never be denied. Blessed are the peacemakers; they shall experience peace…
FRIDAY – “S” God’s selflessness and selfishness
God calls us to be selfless not selfish. Jesus’ death was a selfless act of unconditional love and surrender. He chose to die for us so that we can experience eternal peace, joy, and happiness with Him when our earthly journey is ended. How are you called to be selfless? How hard is it to selfless and not selfish? How do others encourage you to be selfless? Who has been a selfless model for you to follow? When you are tempted to be selfish instead of selfless, what changes your mind?
Only God can be selfish and when He is it is for our own good. God is selfish in that He wants us for Himself. He loves us so much that He wants us to be in relationship with Him while here on earth so that we can see Him face to face when our earthly journey has ended. He wants us to give our time to Him and not spend so much on the computer, playing video games, texting, partying, over working, self-medicating because only when we give our time to Him in prayer can we recognize and receive the graces that we need to grow to be our best self. God is selfish in that HE is the only God, and He doesn’t want us to be deceived by the devil in believing that the world and all that it allures us with, is a god. Only God forms us in our Mother’s womb, gives us life, nurtures us throughout our earthly life with the sacraments of the church, gives us His grace so that we can live and be the best person that we can be, and promises us eternal life.
There is no god but God. Who or what is your god: consumerism, social status, power, prestige, laziness, self-centeredness, ego? have you been deceived by your god? Do you allow the only one true God into your heart and mind so that He can steer you clear of the false gods that are ready to claim you as their own?
SATURDAY – “E” God’s embrace
It is the embrace of God, the love of God, the spiritual hug from God that makes one stronger, healthier, healed, whole, at one with God. How far are you from God’s embrace? What does the embrace look like? Is it in the face of compassion, mercy, forgiveness, healing, rest, enjoyment, fun, laughter, or in the form of pets, creation, the sunrise, or the sunset? God’s embraces here on earth are as many and as often as one opens their heart and mind to seeing and experiencing them. Our greatest spiritual embrace is the Holy Eucharist, but yet we, as the body of Christ, are called to be embracers, to embrace others. How have you been God’s embrace to others? How have others been God’s embrace to you? As you walk with those saintly people in your life, how have their embraces lessened your fear, calmed your spirit, healed your soul, and awakened your hope?
Glimpse of God for the week of October 22, 2023
My Glimpse of God for this week comes from our 25th silver wedding anniversary on October 4th but we celebrated it on Saturday, October 7th. We invited an intimate group of friends and family members to celebrate with us as John and I renewed our wedding vows. We began with a Mass of celebration and renewal of our vows at our parish of Saint John Fisher in Boothwyn. Father John, who has been a father figure and mentor to me for the past 45 years, was the celebrant, as he was at our wedding. He was assisted by Deacon Dan Bingnear, who is assigned at our parish, and in the past 10 years John and I have come to consider Dan and his wife Barbara dear friends. There were about 50 people: those of our family, dear friends, Sisters from Assisi house and OLA, coworkers and acquaintances that we have remained close with who attended the mass.
A luncheon followed the mass, and we had a good friend of ours, John, who is a gifted, self-taught accordion player, with a great sense of humor and he is his own DJ, and although he is challenged by being blind and autistic, he has the eyes, mind, and heart of God to see the blessings that he has received and willingly shares so with others. The reception was well attended, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. On comment made by a friend who sat with the Sisters from Assisi House, was that they should have their own comedy podcast.
God came through in so many ways: Father John being able to celebrate the Mass with our vow renewal and was able to go back the past 45 years and share how we first met, the readings and music were the same as our wedding day Mass, a great organist and cantors who had to refresh their memory of the hymns that we chose 25 years ago and they made it such a beautiful liturgical experience. In and through all those who gathered with us, in the entertainment with John and the Springfield Country Club, we couldn’t have asked for a better day of jubilation and celebration.
God’s glimpse was a big and as wide as each person present. They all were and are a beacon of His light, love, friendship, and peace. His presence was felt through each person, in the care and the serving of the food, John’s entertaining us with his accordion playing and sense of humor, and the many warm wishes that were expressed.
God’s glimpse was truly present and radiating in and through my husband John. He has been a glimpse of God each and every day and there is nothing more God present than waking up with the man who has promised to be with you for the rest of your life in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and for richer and poorer. John has been my rock, my best friend, my partner though many of life’s challenges and has always made me feel as if I am all that matters to him. In all of my surgeries and medical challenges, he has always made me feel like the most beautiful and blessed person that he has ever seen, as does God everyday as His beloved daughter.
As we begin a new week, let us be mindful of the promise that we all make to God as His followers, as a clergy member, a married person, member of a religious community or a single person.
We all desire to be our best self, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become. We want to follow God and give our hearts to Him in good times and bad, in sickness and health, in prosperity and poverty, in jubilation and discouragement, till the day when He calls us back to himself. No matter what our vocation is, God’s promise is that He will always be with us, that no matter what we do, He will never abandon us and the He will always love us. God is present and calls us each and every day so that He can renew us in His love, and in light of that grace and gift, we in turn, choose to affirm our commitment and our promise to be His faithful follower. As a sinner striving to be a saint, if we live as a married, or single person, a member of the clergy or a religious community, we need to be mindful that our promise to God needs to be reflected in how we choose to live in love each and every day, because we know that His promise to us is reflected each and every day in the love that Jesus had as He gave up His life for us.
We all want to be patient with our self and others, but we know that we can lose patience very easily and quickly. There are triggers that once set off, we find our self snapping at or being short with others. When this happens, we can become irritated, and our worse self can emerge.
When we have patience, we possess a peace and serenity that permeates our very being. This peace allows us to be our best self with those around us: family members, community members, coworkers, and neighbors.
Today, pray for a greater patience with self and others. This fulfills your promise to God to try and be the best person that you can be, the person that He created you to be, and this allows Him to answer your prayer with His grace to help you live up to your potential and become your best self.
We all deserve to be treated with respect, no matter what our social status is, if we are unemployed or homeless, addicted or alone, we all are God’s beloved sons and daughters, and this entitles us to be treated with dignity and respect. There are times when we feel that we or others don’t deserve to be treated with respect, so we choose to be disrespectful. This choice and be as subtle as a silence or as loud as words of condemnation, judgment, or gossip. When we choose to judge and treat others badly, we are actually treating Christ badly. Returning bad for bad doesn’t help build God’s kingdom here on earth, but rather tears it down one brick, one word, one judgment, one action at a time.
Today, seek to help build God’s kingdom here on earth, one brick, one word, one action of respect at a time, and let God be the judge of others. This helps you to fulfill your promise as His follower to proclaim and build His kingdom here on earth.
We need to be open vessels, with open minds, hearts, and souls so that we can receive the graces that God wants to give us. When we close our minds, harden our hearts, and close our souls towards God and others, we miss out on His many glimpses, graces, and gifts that He wants to shower us with. His grace enables us to be open to the presence, opinions, love, and challenges that we encounter in our relationship with others, so that we can extend His mercy, compassion, peace, joy, and love to others that we are in relationship with. When we are open, it is a time where God invites us to grow in spiritual maturity and be transformed. He promises that His grace will guide us through the fear of vulnerability to the courage of conversion. This transformation can help us to recognize our authenticity and sincerity and thus see it more clearly in others.
Today, pray for the grace to open your hands so that your prayers will be answered, and your mind and heart will be transformed.
We all want to be more attentive and mindful to the needs of others, but sometimes our own crosses, stresses, daily life challenges can interfere with us being mindful to the needs, suffering, and stresses of others. Many times, both parties understand, but there are times when this lack of being mindful hurts and the relationship can become strained. This happens in marriage, community, among family members and in parish community. We love others and want to be present to them, but sometimes we can’t be or we just miss the mark and so do others.
As we promise God to be our best and serve Him faithfully, He knows that we will miss the mark. He promises in return that when we do, He will gift us with His grace so that we can try again, be reconciled, be more selfless so that we don’t miss the mark as we gaze on the Jesus, where the cross marks the spot.
Today, ask to be more mindful of Jesus and His love for you, so that you can and will be more mindful of others. Look at the cross where Jesus marks that spot and you can’t miss it.
Intimate (in- to- me- see) This word, this concept is very deep. Intimacy in any relationship is an invitation to others to see us more deeply, to see our weaknesses, our vulnerabilities, our gifts, our blessings, our wounded ness, and our healings, on a deeper level. Intimacy in marriage is deeper than in family life, intimacy in community life is different than in the single life, but in all areas of life, we as Christ followers are invited to be intimate with others.
In our relationship with God, self, and others, we lose if we choose to keep others out and live on an island. Being intimate allows us to grow in trust, love, compassion and affords us the opportunity to strengthen our relationship with those in our family, our friends, and those in our community.
Today, as you celebrate your life and your promise to be your best self, ask God and allow Him to open your mind and heart to seeing those He knows could benefit from your presence and intimacy. (in-to-me-see)
We want to be selfless, yet we find our self being selfish instead. We want to be our best self, yet we see our worse self emerge as acts of selfishness emerge. Christ knows our inclination towards selfishness. He experienced it personally with His group of apostles and followers. He didn’t condemn them but rather used the moments to teach and at the end, He selflessly gave of Himself by dying on the cross.
Being selfless isn’t easy, but you are selfless every time you pray for another and place their needs and intentions first. As a parent you are selfless as you place the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of your children before your own, and your spouses before yours.
As a consecrated religious you are selfless when you serve the needs of your elderly community members first, when you spend time in vigil with those who are dying and preparing to meet Christ face to face, when you visit those members who are suffering from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia and how this can lead to moments of frustration. As a single person you are selfless when you spend time listening to neighbors, friends, and family members offering them consolation, support, encouragement, and silence. When you can stay with their children so that they can either run errands or have a date with their spouse. You are selfless when you take care of your elderly parents as they age, are ill or are preparing for their final journey home. As a clergy member you are selfless as you spend countless hours with your flock offering them spiritual guidance amid their spiritual and physical crosses.
Today, ask for the grace to recognize your selflessness.
We can be near and inviting of embraces or we can be far from and afraid of embracing. In any case God wants to and waits for us to invite Him to embrace us. God wants to embrace us here on earth so that when we are called home to Him, we will know what a true and loving embrace is. He embraces us each time we receive Him in the sacraments. In Holy Eucharist where He gives us a strong spiritual hug, in Reconciliation where our sins are forgiven, our hearts are healed, and our resolve not to sin is strengthened. Anointing of the sick, where our illness is not a tool of defeat or fear, but rather a source for prayer, strength, healing, and courage. In all, God embraces us and calls us from our daily challenges that can weigh us down, to His gift of grace that raises us up.
Today, as you reflect on where you are with embracing: embracing others, being embraced by others, and allowing God to embrace you, ask for the grace of gratitude. Be thankful for the many people that have embraced you and have invited you into their heart and life. Be thankful for those you felt comfortable and trusted enough to ask to be embraced by them. Be grateful for the gift of the sacraments that are God’s free gifts of embraces.
To you, our dear family, and friends.
25 years ago,
we began our life as one.
With, in, and through His grace we
come here today,
twenty-five years later,
to remember, express and celebrate,
our gratitude to God,
to you our family and friends,
and to each other,
for inviting, allowing, and encouraging us
to grow to become our best self,
the persons that He created us to be,
and have the potential to become.
These twenty-five years have been blessed,
and filled with the love of family,
strengthening of old friendships
the forming of new.
Wherever you fit in,
we thank you.
Today we celebrate 25 years,
and look forward to forever.
Thank you for being part of our forever.
Cookie and John
With Clover, Cannoli, Cadbury, and Cocoa.
All God’s creatures great and small
give praise to God for HE made them all.
Glimpse of God for the week of SEPTEMBER 24, 2023
Thank you, God for the refreshment of Summer,
and let us celebrate with you, the newness in your tapestry of Autumn.
This past week, we entered the season of autumn. As we begin the wonderful and colorful season of autumn, let us look at season of summer and reflect on what it has offered: the many more hours of sun light, the beautiful and colorful flowers, full trees, green grass, the rain, the storms, the winds, and the variety of miscalculated weather conditions, let us seek to see all of this in the light of God’s love. The many hours of God’s Son, Jesus, light in our life and how strived to walk in that light, the warmth of His love, the fullness of His love when we fall short and seem only to be able to offer a quick prayer for help or a moment of thanksgiving, the abundant showers of His blessings and graces, and the gentle whispers as heard in the wind.
As for the miscalculated weather conditions, let us humbly seek His forgiveness as we have sought to know His will without asking Him, and then doing our own thing, as we thought best, without seeking His direction. Doing our own thing failed because we did not know the whole story, nor could we see the whole picture. They were the times perhaps when we experienced the storms of life, the uncertainty, the fears, the personal frustrations that became overwhelming to our spirits and overflowed in prayer life, our words, through our actions. BUT in all this His love was overwhelming and present through us because there is nothing that we can say or do that will make Him love us less. HE CAN’T. HIS LOVE IS PERFECT EVEN WHEN OUR LOVE IS NOT.
Although summer is officially over, school has begun, the pools have been covered and the cookouts, well might have lessened, the time at the shore has not come to an end but people still want to go to the shores to rest, relax and enjoy the peace and quiet now that the crowds are gone. It is still the time of light, wearing white, light, or bright colors, and a light heartedness that can still abound from you. So don’t let the cookouts end, as long as there are family and friends to gather with, and still wear light, white or bright colors to symbolize the refreshing spirit that should still abound from within you.
As this was the second summer since the pandemic hit that we could actually go out and gather with friends and family at the beaches, for BBQs, for swim dates, take the time to look back the many valued memories that you have collected this summer and share them, don’t just put them away for next year or never. This was a year where you had the opportunity to choose to enjoy the season of summer, and I hope that you were able to enjoy the gifts and the graces that summer afforded you because God’s beauty cannot be stifled or diminished by any circumstance, not even a pandemic , wearing mask, keeping distance, fear of another strand, can cover up or destroy the beauty of God’s creation as He revealed it this summer and continues to reveal it through the beauty of and the changes that autumn brings.
Autumn is a season of color and change. As we witness to the changes in creation, can you recognize the autumn of your life? What part or aspect of your life: be it spiritual, physical, or emotional, do you recognize that requires change and are you ready to change so that you can become your best self, the person that God created you to be and have the potential to become?
Spiritual transformation and conversion occur when we can recognize, with the grace of God, where we are falling short of being our best self, and where we seek God’s continued grace to take the steps necessary to change so that we can better serve Him as our genuine and authentic self. The season of autumn in our advent to a renewed sense of self, a renewed sense of the God incarnate within us and a renewed sense of joy.
The autumn of our life can be seen as time to experience a spiritual advent one that can better prepare us for any of the cold or desolate life experiences that we will face with the sure uncertainty that even when things seem barren God is with us and has not abandoned us.
As you be season of begin your journey through the season of autumn, strive to let go of any negative thoughts, attitudes, or emotions, let them fall away from your desire to be your true self. Let the radiance and brilliance of mercy, empathy, compassion, love, understanding, and selflessness be what people see in you as you try to be the tree that not only bears good fruit and whose leaves never fade, but genuinely looks good as well.
Let the glory and awe of the tapestry of color that is before you remind us of the awe and love that God has for you. The love and awe that He has because you are His beloved child, touched and filled with His grace as you desire to change, and be transformed so that you can become your best self, the person that He created you to be and have the potential to become. Allow the CHANGES in your life to become a source of continued spiritual transformation, encouragement, hope, and conversion as you build His Kingdom here on earth, one step, one prayer, one word of encouragement at a time.
SUNDAY - “C”- Caring
For today, let us strive to be more thoughtful and caring with and towards others. Being a caring person requires being other centered and knowledgeable and not judgmental or ego centered. When we take the time to get to know others and let them know that we care about them and for them, we get to know the true person and not the image or the façade that they try to present. Being caring requires a selfless humble attitude and disposition so that we can see past the points or aspects of someone that we may not agree with or like but seeing the good and the face of Christ in them. When we are not truly genuine or thoughtful, we can be like the leaf that is falling off the branch, it has no root or growth, but it has become colorless and lifeless.
How thoughtful are you? How thoughtful are people towards you? Can you remember how you touched someone’s heart by your acts of care and concern? or words of thoughtfulness, sincerity, and genuineness? Can you recognize the many colors of your caring, thoughtfulness, genuineness, sincerity, and joy for life in your new leaf of life in Christ? Keep looking, God knows that you are thoughtful, genuine, caring, and sincere, and that others have experienced your new life and leaf in Christ and God wants you to know it to. You have taken the time to see the face of Christ in those you encounter and have encountered, as you look in the mirror do you see His face? If not, why? What hold you back from seeing Him in you? As you see the face of Christ in yourself, do you thank him?
MONDAY – “H” Hopeful
When we can trust another and when someone trusts us, it is a gift. When someone betrays our trust, it hurts beyond any physical pain that we may endure. When we find someone that is trustworthy, we know that we can open our hearts to them and be received with tender love and care, as well as with tough love, honesty, and truth. This trust offers us hope and diminishes our discouragement and sinking into to hopelessness or despair
As you think of being trustworthy, can you think of a time where you were betrayed and how it felt? Can you remember when you betrayed another, unintentionally or not, but in any case, someone was hurt very deeply. Can you also think of how it feels to be trusted by another, and how it feels to finally trust others? Can you remember where hope came in and how? Was it in and through a loved one, a friend, through your prayer, through the silence, in the noise of children playing, the presence of a beloved family member? Hope came and the sense of betrayal’s control and manipulation deceased. Hope does not deny the experience, but it brings us out of it to a brighter and less disappointing experience. As God’s Son, Jesus had hope, lived hope, was hope and is hope, yet He was betrayed. As His followers we can expect to experience the same thing. Are you ready to forgive or seek forgiveness? Do you have an attitude of gratitude to God for those who He has placed on your path so that through your hopefulness and ability to be trusted, they have come to see a glimpse of God in and through you? The past hurts and betrayals are the old leaves that are falling to the ground and your ability to forgive are the new and colorful leaves of mercy, compassion, hope and trust, and fullness of love in and through your expanded heart of love that God has given you and you have accepted.
TUESDAY - “A” = Living God’s Great ADVENTURE
For today, let us try to be more open to God’s wonders. Being young at heart is a gift. It means that we try not to get stuck in an attitude or disposition that is “old”, one that has no room for growth, openness, self-awareness, or transformation. No matter what our number age is we can be old at heart at 21 or young at heart at 105. Being young at heart can make living life like a great adventure whereas being old at heart can make living life like a tedious challenge.
Are you ready for a great adventure? Can you prepare for the adventure, the journey, that Jesus has ready for you? The journey that promises that no matter what may come, you will not be overcome or defeated but that you will overcome, that your heart will not shrink but will be expanded?
WEDNESDAY - “N” Newness - We can all learn something New
For today, let us take an extra step in love to learn more about someone else. It takes a lot to want to become learned and to gain knowledge of a broad variety of topics and issues. When someone is learned they have taken the time to gain knowledge of a variety of topics, experiences, but most importantly the lessons taught by Jesus in the Gospels. People become learned so that they can share their knowledge with others and relate to more people. Becoming learned as a Christian is about knowing the will of God and how we can live that out in our life. Becoming learned in life is not only about book knowledge, but the knowledge and language of the heart and how we can reach out to others and build them up and not tear them down. We become learned in the will of God, an experience that is ongoing because it is an ongoing movement of spiritual growth and is not stagnant.
How learned are you? Do you recognize how God has given you the desire to learn about His will for you, how you are living it out and how you are being His light to others? Do you need to have a Bachelors, Masters, or a Doctorate degree from a University to become a learned individual about the will of God? They are given as tools to help but should not be seen as the final tool to seek and know the will of God.
No, what you need and already have is a blank page so that God can write His plan and His will for you, where the only book you need is the Bible, the only writing tool you need is your free will, and the only test is the one where you challenge yourself to be more Christ centered today than you were yesterday.
THURSDAY - “G” Giving
For today, when tempted to be selfish, choose to be a more giving and selfless person, not with a grudge but with a smile. Being selfless or selfish, what do you want to be? Being selfless is about giving of oneself for the good of others. To be selfless and giving is a challenge because it goes against the devil’s desire for us to be selfish and self-centered. The devil does not want us to be giving or to extend our self to another. He would rather that we take from another; take away their humility and make them proud in themself, diminish their self-respect, and lie about their true identity as God’s beloved child. The devil would prefer that we be a more selfish person so that others cannot and would not come to know God or His Son and the great love they have for us. When we seek to know about others for their good, to be sincere, to become learned about others and their experiences, it is an act of selflessness. When we focus on our self and the desire to use the knowledge about others as a tool of power and control, that is selfishness. Being selfless is not easy, being selfish is. As we look at the fullness of autumn, imagine that your acts of selflessness are the new colors that ware emerging before you in the trees and the leaves, the fullness that they show and the brightness that they exude.
Do you see that you are selfless and not selfish? What would others say? In your prayer, do you hear and listen as God gently speaks to you in gratitude for your acts of selflessness and thanks you for not choosing to be selfish instead? And…. even if you realize that you were selfish, can you listen as Christ speaks lovingly to you as He did from the cross, Father forgive them for they know not what they do?
FRIDAY “E” Encouragement
For today, let us listen with our hearts and minds to God as He encourages us to be His servant, His witnesses in the world. Spiritual inspiration and encouragement are what spark us to act and speak. Spiritual encouragement, that is true encouragement without a false motive, is when we are given the gift of God’s Holy Spirit that allows us to speak his gentle whisper to others or a challenging word, to write His words for others to read or for us to reflect on, to help others to carry their cross or to ask others to help us carry ours. Our response involves a personal surrender of our own words in speech or writing or actions so that God’s words, desire, or invitation may be revealed through us.
When we feel motivated or encouraged, we feel blessed that God has given us the words to speak at a difficult time or a time when we had no idea what we were going to say but trusted that God would provide the words that needed to be said. When we are motivated and encouraged by God’s Holy Spirit, it is then that we choose to use His words and not ours, when we choose to trust in Him and not in what we think we need to say or write.
God’s encouragement is what allows us to help others, especially when we had no idea that they were struggling, or when we humbly sought the aid of others when our cross seemed too heavy to bear alone. Your words of encouragement to others was your autumn of color in their life when perhaps their leaves, their color seemed all too black and white and they were seeking to see God’s tapestry of color that they knew was there. As we enter into the season of autumn and we look at the tapestry of color that is before us in the tress, leaves and all of God’s creation, seek to recognize that the fullness that brings the tapestry to life is your openness and encouragement to God’s will and empowering others to recognize His will in their life. Be open to the reality that you are the fullness and the new life that others are seeking because of the encouragement and hope that had they chance to experience through you.
SATURDAY - “S” = Sincerity
For today, let us be sincere in what we say to others. It is nice to compliment others, but if we are not sincere, we are lying and misleading them. Sincerity comes from a heart that loves and is caring, selfless and not selfish or self-centered. Can you see that God has given you a sincere heart, one that loves and has been filled with His grace that invites you to not count the cost or hold onto grudges?
As you behold the beauty of the autumn leaves and the splendid color that they behold, can you see how splendid you are and how much color you bring by your sincerity, care and love for others, and by your selflessness and compassion? Do you see that in your sincere words and actions, you have helped another recognize that they are God’s beloved son or daughter, loved unconditionally and without limits?
Glimpse of God for the week of September 4, 2023
Happy Labor Day Weekend. May it be a safe, happy, relaxing, and celebratory as you gather with all those you love and hold near and dear to you. Cherish those times that you celebrate with family and friends and be mindful of all the labors of love that you have participated in, been the recipient of and have freely performed. May all your conversations, and shared heartfelt wishes, be a glimpse of God’s never-failing love, grace, hope and presence. May it be an opportunity to recognize of the many hidden blessings that come out of hiding, graces that expound, joy that refreshes and peace that permeates the core of your very being, from your head to your toes, and brings you refreshment, renewal, and strength. May the memories of the quality time spent in the presence and company of your family and friends as you celebrate the ending of summer and the upcoming of autumn, be a source of energy, encouragement, renewal, strength, hope and support. May the end of summer remind you of how blessed you are and how much of a gift you are to others, and they are to you. In your celebration of Labor Day 2023, try not to focus on the feeling of discouragement or sadness that you may have felt, or may be feeling, due to financial or family stresses, mental or physical weariness, or the continued anxiety of covid reappearing. But rather focus on the courage that God gave you to face and carry your crosses and how you became victorious over, and not a victim to, their weight, effects or temptations.
My prayer for you this Labor Day 2023 is that you are able to recognize and recall the numerous labors of love this past year that came forth from your compassion and concern for others and their concern and love for you. Look at the many random acts of kindness, extensions of love, compassion, forgiveness, quality family time, and the growth of genuine concern and caring for the stranger that continue to emerge be it from covid or the reality that we need each other, and no one is an island.
As you reflect on the significance of this weekend and the gift of labor, take a moment to thank God for the many graces that He has bestowed upon you as you labored in the light of His love: in the light of your hard work as a parent, on the graces received as you raised your family and gave of yourself, your energy, though probably often depleted yet never selfishly held onto, your attention, your discipline, your wisdom, your insight, your tough love and your tender love and care. In the light of your hard work as an employee, coworker, mentor and how you were blessed with so many gifts and talents especially of your attention and reliability, look at how you gave of yourself out of selfless love for the good and growth of others so that they could grow up and become their best self, the person that God created them to be and have the potential to become. As you live and love as a consecrated religious, member of the clergy, single, married, or retired, can you recognize that it is in your many labors of love that have allowed you to grow and become the mature person that you are today. In the light of your love as you offered your talents and gifts to your family, children, siblings, grandchildren, employers, coworkers, friends, member of your religious community, neighbors, church members and even the stranger, can you see God’s presence, His graces, and blessings?
Let the memories of those who have gone before you, the gift of their hard work and their work ethic be a source of strength for you as you take a break to celebrate the gift of your labor.
Labor Day means so much more than labor or work. It is how we labor or work that makes this day so much more meaningful. How we labor in love, with love, in love and out of love, for our God, self and others is what makes Labor Day a day to celebrate and remember verses just thinking that it is just another holiday that makes for a long weekend. As we celebrate this Labor Day with picnics, going to the shore, or BBQ’s at home, amongst family, friends, or neighbors, it doesn’t really matter what we do or where we go or who we celebrate with, what matters is what are we celebrating and why is it important. For many the gift of Labor is about the job that they do so that they can provide for themselves and their family. The gift of labor is truly a gift especially as we reflect on the effects of the pandemic and how many businesses are still looking for employees to keep them afloat. Let us be grateful for the jobs that we do have and let us pray for those who are still unable to work and businesses that failed to thrive since the pandemic and had to close down. Labor is truly a gift provides the ability for one to support themselves and their family. Yet as with many gifts, we fail to recognize the giver as God, and we misunderstand the significance of the gift. We sometimes think that our identity lies in what we do, our labor or work, and not who we are, God’s beloved children. So, when one is unemployed, one can develop a sense of low self-worth and discouragement because they feel that they are insignificant since they are not financially contributing or supporting themselves or their family. Some people think that they alone are responsible for their work, and they fail to see that their gifts and talents are from God and that their identity does not lie in their work, but rather in their status as God’s beloved children, loved unconditionally and beyond measure.
Our labor, our giving of self, our recognition of the work and talent of others is what can make their Labor Day weekend and everyday a memorable gift, a glimpse of God to celebrate, rejoice in and thank God for. Do we labor out of obligation, or to gain attention and accolades or just to get a paycheck? Could it be that there is a deeper reason, one that speaks of service, giving of self for the good of others, out of gratitude to God so that we can be our best self by sharing the gifts and talents that we have been so blessed with? So, as you reflect on Labor Day 2023, will you take time to celebrate the gift of your life and the love of those you love and have been a coworker with you as you strive to build up the kingdom of God here on earth? Isn’t that the best labor of love that you can participate in here on earth? One brick, one step, one prayer, one act of kindness, one word of mercy, one word of contrition, at a time…
Yes, students return to school, the crazy and hazy rainy days of summer will soon be behind us, but as you look in the rearview mirror at the summer of 2023 can you see, do you recognize, how you have been participating in the great labor of love? It is because of your compassion, selflessness, extending of yourself to help make the days of time spent all about quality time. It is because of your presence before your God and with those that surrounded you, all of God’s beloved sons and daughters, that they are able to recognize how they too are reflections of His presence and beacons of His love. It is because of your faith that you can be an instrument of God’s peace in a world that is divided and in discord. Do you see how you have labored in love by the way that you cared for an elderly parent, visited a widowed neighbor, encouraged a lonely friend, called someone who may have been feeling discouraged and depressed and suffering from mental illness, forgave an estranged sibling or family member, how you helped raise your grandchildren, remained in contact and encouraged your nieces and nephews, were present to the member of your religious community and parish community? Do you see your labor of love by the time spent time in prayer placing the needs of others before your own, your sincere and humble contrition before your God and your extension of mercy and peace where there is injury and hurt? Your labors of love are the very blessings that have come back to you. As you have labored in the love of mercy, you have become merciful; as you have labored in the love of empathy, you have become more compassionate; as you have labored in the love of healing, you have become more whole and a wounded healer; as you have labored in the love of offering peace, you have become a peacemaker; as you have labored in the love of silence, you have become a lover of humility; as you have labored in the love of tough love, you have become more understanding; as you have labored in the love of thoughtfulness, you have become more selfless; and as you have labored in the love of prayer, you have become a better and deeper pray-er; and as you have labored in the love of spreading the Gospel, you have become a visible witness of your faith and the presence of Christ in your life.
May your Labor Day weekend remind you that it is not the work or lack of work that makes this Labor Day special, or a cause to celebrate, as much as it is the measure of love that you use as you strive to be your best self, live up to your potential as God’s beloved child, and help others to do the same.
Make each day your prayer of gratitude as you recognize God’s great love for you.
May you, as God’s Laborer of Love
(Sunday) “L” - Live with joy, Love always, and Laugh often.
(Monday) “A”- Because God Adores you, Abides, within you and Abounds from you.
(Tuesday) “B” – Believe that you are Blessed, Brave and beautiful in God’s eyes, though broken or discouraged at times,
(Wednesday) “0” – Overcome by despair, destroyed by diversity, or defeated by self-doubt.
(Thursday) “R” – Renewed and replenished in the grace and by the strength of GOD.
(Friday) “E” - so that you can embrace the cross of Christ with humility, openness surrender and joy,
(Saturday) “R” – resolving to show love, empathy, and understanding when looking in the face of hatred, indifference, and hostility.
Glimpse of God for the week of August 20, 2023
This week’s Glimpse of God is more like a panoramic view then just a glimpse. The panoramic view is formed when you take 13 glimpses of God and see them together, and that is what I see when I see the Brawley family at Mass. They attend our parish and with 11 children, form a broad kaleidoscope of God’s splendor and beauty and do it in and out of love for God.
When I think of the Brawley family, I think of the multi-faceted, multi-dimensional face of God. If one is blessed to encounter this family, one can be the recipient of many glimpses of God and see the many ways that God chooses to reveal Himself. In a family, when you have a kaleidoscope of glimpses, and you put them together or place them side by side, the varied colors, shapes, and sizes, form a bigger picture of God as each individual understands Him, as well as the family.
When I think of a family, I imagine as a whole unit they form a big picture of God and each individual is a ray of God’s love, light, hope and joy.
When I see the Brawley family attend Mass each week, what I see through the parents, Michelle and Chris the openness of heart, mind and spirit to living out their commitment to their marriage covenant with God. And as a covenant, eucharistic people, they gift us with 11 facets of God’s light that has come forth from them: Matt, Chris, Krista, Theresa, Michelle, Anna, James, Michael, Ryyan, Rita, and Tommy. And the rays of God’s light that I see are trust, patience, understanding, respect, love, support, encouragement, reverence, adoration, compassion, peace, joy, and serenity. As the family prays together, they all exude the peace and love that only God can provide and sustain. The parents are always smiling, as are the children. It isn’t a pasted or fake smile but an authentic smile that can only be that as one’s foundation is presence of God, His goodness and His grace. The smile reflects an inner peace and joy that even waking up 11 children and being at the 8am Mass cannot be removed or replaced.
What I see in the older children is the love for their God and each other that they so graciously share with the younger ones. What I see in the younger children is that gift of an inherent trust that they have for their older siblings that shows when they come and pray together and navigate the Mass together. What I see in the parents is a natural peace, trust and comfort with their God that says we know you have our back and we thank you.
SO how can one relate their faith to this glimpse especially if you don’t have children or have seen this family? The Brawley family gives us a panoramic view of God through each individual glimpse of its members. As a community, the larger Church or the domestic church as represented by each family, we are all called, invited to, share God’s good news and be there for each other. I believe that we are all sinners striving to become saints, we seek to be our best self, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become. We are all God’s beloved children, loved unconditionally and His greatest creation, and there is no one that is exempt from receiving God’s compassion, mercy, and love or being His Glimpse to those they encounter. As God’s beloved sons and daughters, we have been given the privilege to walk on this holy ground that God has given us and be a glimpse and to exude His presence in our love by how we live, love, and treat others.
The young are that by their trust in those they look up to and the smile that comes knowing that they are safe and cared for. The smile, innocence, and joy that a child exudes can melt the pain and sadness from many hearts, even of those they do not know.
The patience that an older sibling or member of the community shows with the younger allows them both to grow in love together as they see God’s patience and love in each other.
As a family, community, or Church, we all are God’s beloved sons and daughters, first and foremost, and it is that identity that defines us and not what others say or by what we do or by our educational or social status. As God’s beloved, we are all blessed with many talents and gifts that are meant to be shared and nurtured with and by each other. As we gather as a family, community, or as a Church, we all possess many gifts, such as compassion, mercy, joy, peace, happiness,…(fill this in with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit),and form the greatest glimpse of God when we are open to sharing those gifts especially when it seems most difficult to do so. We as children, tweens, teens, young adults, adults, seniors, all are God’s gift to each other, a gift that is to be reverenced and treated with respect and dignity. Families, although many may fall short of this, are called to be that for each other and the Brawley family offers us hope in that it is possible. So as we begin anew week, let us pray for all families that they see the goodness of God in each other and treat each other with the respect, dignity and compassion that flows from their love for Jesus, others and self.
You are God’s beloved child. Allow your self to be-loved by God and others. This may come by way of a compliment, sign of reconciliation, or in the silent trust as they are in your presence. For today: Take a moment to pray for someone that does not know they are loved and ask God to touch their hearts with His warmth and love and ask how you can help be His love to them.
We are all God’s children, beloved and His greatest creation, and as such, should be treated and treat each other with respect and reverence. When we reverence each other, we reverence our God as He reveals Himself in each other.
For today: Take a moment to pray for someone that you have not treated with respect or reverence and ask God for the grace to see why and how you can see more of His presence in them in the future.
God adores you and loves you unconditionally. You are adored; that is admired, esteemed, loved and revered in God’s eyes and in the eyes of so many others.
For today: take a moment and offer a prayer of wisdom to see just how He adores you and thank Him when He shows you. Be ready, His answer will amaze you because you are amazing to Him.
For me, being warm hearted means that you can take the any situation, person, or circumstance and bring the warmth of God’s love into its midst. You are not cold hearted where you have no feelings, care, or compassion, or hot where your temper wreaks havoc and hurts deeply. Being warm is a balance where you recognize that God has given you the wisdom to see your feelings and emotions as gifts that are to raise others up and not tear them down.
For today: Take a moment and ask God for the grace to recognize those in your life who have shown you this balance by their life example and thank Him, and them if it is possible.
To say that you are loved by God is a truth that cannot be denied, or that one can be exempt from, just look at the Cross and how Jesus so freely suffered and died for you. There is nothing that you can say or do, no sin that you can commit, good that you omit, that can make God love you less, He can’t, his love is perfect.
SO the next time that you feel unloved or unlovable, close your eyes, look at what is making you think that or believe that: a sin, weakness, bad choice, anger, shame, guilt, and then open your eyes and look at the cross where Jesus hangs. He died to forgive, redeem and free us, from the grip of the devil. Allow LOVE, that is the embrace of God to break the devils’ HOLD (Hindering, Overbearing, Loveless, Deceiving), over you.
For today: Love the person you see in the mirror with words of encouragement, support, forgiveness, and peace. Remember God sees the heart of the person you see in the mirror and has chosen to dwell in it.
You are embraced by God. Each time that you choose to love, be a peace maker, forgive, encourage, support, understand, choose joy,…. you embrace God’s invitation to be a builder of His kingdom here on earth.
For today: Ask God to show you in what other ways you can be a builder of His Kingdom here on earth. Seek to go out of your comfort zone so that your heart can expand, and you can freely embrace the truth that He not only believes in you to do His work but has already planted the seed there and now wants to nurture it.
Our youth, the Brawley family, our communities, our Church, the Sisters at Assisi House, your grandparents, parents, seniors, yourself, all have the gift and ability to be young at heart in that as we embrace God’s truth, love, and cross with the spirit of trust, courage, peace, and joy we do it by being childlike and not childish. We can be old at heart, that is bitter, resentful, hard of heart at 21 and young at heart, that is forgiving, joyful, happy at 99. Our life experiences, no matter how young or old we are in numbers, offers us opportunities to respond and be a better person or a bitter person. Our hearts can either be expanded or constricted, filled with a greater love for God, others and ourself or closed off to loving at all.
For today: Strive to be more young and ask for the grace to see how you can become more of that and lose the attitudes or behaviors that have made you possibly hard or old of heart.
Glimpse of God for the week of August 13, 2023
As I reflect on this week’s glimpse of God, there are many words that come to mind; uplifting, healing, inspiring, awesome, blessed, overjoyed, authentic, genuine, and uplifted. God kept tapping my heart, mind, and spirit to write this glimpse as it comes to me. Since I am still so excited about the event, I wanted to share my excitement with you. Although you may not be able to relate to my experience, I am sure that you can think of those people that inspire, lift you up, were or are an instrument of healing, who are genuine, and authentic and just make your day.
Last night I was able to reconnect with a priest that I had not seen since he left my home parish over 45 years ago. Back then he was God’s instrument of welcome, healing and peace to and for me as I was only a teenager coming to church. Last night, after seeing him at his parish and how he was present to his parishioners, I can see that he still remains a good priest, God’s instrument of warmth, welcome and genuineness.
In my childhood I faced many challenges, had to climb many mountains and through it all had to hold onto my faith which got me up through it all. This glimpse is not going to be about what I survived as a child, if you would like to know that you can read my book Shopping for a Lighter Cross available on Amazon.
But as a sixteen-year-old on my own, I wanted to go to church. The only problem was that it was 5 miles from my home, and I didn’t drive yet, so I walked. I found myself walking to Mass on Sunday and sitting in the back of Church. It was not long before Father Angelo Citino, a newly ordained priest approached me and welcomed me, and we began to talk. Eventually I became active in the parish in many ways. I thank God always for Father Angelo, because of his warmth, welcome, excitement for the faith and his sense of genuineness that allowed me to want to volunteer at the parish despite all that I was living through and with at home. And yes, that is where I met Father John who has been a long time God father figure, mentor, and so much more.
But back to Father Angelo, we reconnected last night because of another blessing from God, Colleen who is a person that I consider a good friend who is also my nurse. One day while she was here, we were talking about her parish, and I happened to ask who her pastor was, and she said Monsignor Angelo Citino. A name from the past, I couldn’t believe it, I was so excited to just knowing that his parish was close. I wrote about him in my first book: Shopping for Lighter Cross but haven’t spoken to him since forever. So, I signed both books for him: Shopping for a Lighter Cross, because I wanted to let him know how instrumental he was on my faith and life journey that brought me to where I am today. Only God knows how my path was to go, but he placed a good priest on it at a significant time that opened many other doors to my healing and wholeness, and my new book, Glimpses of God and asked her to give them to him next time she saw him. I also reached out to him in an email to see if would want to connect up at some point. He responded immediately and we did connect up last night. John and I went to the 4:30 parish mass, and we asked Colleen and her husband to join us. Well, John and I were sitting in the second pew in church and when Father Angelo came out of the sacristy, he recognized me right away, put down what he was doing, and gave me a big hug. He was genuinely happy to see me. He talked briefly before his homily about seeing a longtime friend again after 45 years and went into a bit of how and when we met. I was touched and just so thrilled to see him and it was clear he was happy to see me and meet John. Having Colleen there was important because what could seem like a chance conversation, was so much more than that, and if it weren’t for her, the reconnection may have not taken place. 2 very genuine individuals.
Do where is this glimpse going?? There are three words that come to mind when God brings about reconnection, be it a good one or one of reconciliation. Healing, Happiness, and Wholeness. Father Angelo was a source of healing, although he didn’t know it when we first met. Because of what I was living though, there was never a sense of peace within my home, only within my heart where God chose to dwell and make His home.
He recognized me where I had thought I was invisible, he reached out to me where I thought I was a leper, and he invited me to become a parishioner and serve where I never thought I could or ever would be wanted. The wounds and scars of my personal life experiences, though many and unknown to him, were slowly being healed because they weren’t the focus of my life. You can say that parish life became more like an escape, I think of it more as a getaway, an invitation from God to get away and be with Him. I did so much for the parish, became very active, discerned my vocation, and found out that I was being invited to be the wounded healer and no longer just the wounded.
Last night a bridge was strengthened. The bridge where God took the past, being Father Angelo, as a priest and instrument of God’s grace, healing and peace, strengthened its supports through Colleen as God’s instrument of healing as a nurse and friend, and paved the way to a more gentle and smoother walk through and with John’s loving support, constant encouragement, and love.
I still smile as I think about reconnecting with Father Angelo, him meeting John and having Colleen and Pete there with us. It was more than just seeing someone that I haven’t seen, it was deeper than that. It was about God bringing someone back in my life that reminded me that those many years ago where life’s crosses were heavy and seemingly unbearable, to where I am today where in the midst of my crosses, I see clearly that life is a blessing where every day is a great day, some more challenging that others, but God is there, was there then, is there now, and will always be there. Father Angelo reminded me of that. Today, God has blessed me with true happiness in Him. He has made me whole and I have accepted His invitation to become a wounded healer.
So, as you begin a new week, I am not offering a daily reflection but rather an invitation each day to think of those people who have been a part of your life for many or few years, and their impact in your life and on your faith journey. Someone from your past that has unknowingly been God’s instruments of warmth, welcome and healing for you and offer a prayer of gratitude. Think of someone that you know today (present) that continues to be God’s instrument of healing by and through their words, actions, and presence: A doctor, a nurse, a good friend, your dog, or other pet, and offer a prayer of thanksgiving. And, as we connect the past and the present, think of someone that through it all has walked with you, knowing your past, accepting you as you are, believing in you and in the reality that your past does not define you, and has made the path, the walk more manageable by their presence, prayers, care, concern, and love for you, and offer a prayer of blessing for them. And as you reflect on those individuals, ask God for the grace to recognize that their love for you and your love for them, made it possible for you to walk each day into the future where life was unknown, yet you both took the steps necessary with faith, hope and trust you would be a beacon of God’s presence where not only would you shine brightly, but you would see His healing and wholeness come to fruition.
The newness of life.
As You begin a new week, and a new month, try to begin it by looking all around you to see the newness that surrounds you, be it in nature with the flowers that are blooming, the leaves on the trees that continue to look full and vibrant, and the grass that is very green and growing (thanks to the many occasions of God’s watering bucket pouring over) or in relationships with new life being born, reconciliation occurring, milestones being accomplished, and or a healing received. As we physically can see the newness of each day with the sunrise, more daylight than darkness, and God’s creatures participating in the circle of life, we can also see the newness in our heart with the added light of God’s love, compassion, understanding and mercy that we receive and that which we share. The darkness of sin, revenge, anger, and bitterness have been removed, we have been transformed and we now can hear clearly Jesus saying to us; Peace be with you.
Each day we can look to see a sense of newness in people's outlooks and attitudes, disposition and perspectives. This newness can be a result of gratitude for the gift of a new day, quality time off spent with family and friends, a good health report, a greater appreciation for loved ones, or the loss of a loved one knowing and trusting that they are in the loving embrace of God. In all of these invitations to undergo transformation, seek to recognize God's call, God's beckoning to you to a newness of life, to a spiritual and personal transformation so that you can become your best self the person that He created you to be and have the potential to become. We are a resurrected, sacramental people. Our old selves have been redeemed and we are to put on the new self of compassion, mercy, love, peace, joy, and happiness. The newness comes when we can let go of the old self and its negative ways and put on newness of a different way. So, as you begin a new day look for the newness of relationships, those with your family, friends, community members, coworkers, the stranger and even your enemy. What can this newness look like? It can take the form of reconciliation with another, mercy and compassion for another, a sense of joyful celebration with another, a spiritual, emotional, or physical healing for a loved one or yourself, greater respect, understanding and empathy towards another and a greater sense of being loved by God within yourself.
And as I continue to reflect on the newness of life and being a resurrected people, I cannot help but about the many invitations to new life I have received this past week.
I lost a very dear friend to cancer, a good friend lost her husband, a colleague lost his brother and an estranged family member lost his wife. It seemed that death, the desire to stay in the dark, wanted to rob me and others of the light that can emerge from the darkness of the tomb.
I believe that our dying to self, our tomb experiences, is not the beginning of darkness and the end of light, but rather it is the beginning of light and the end of darkness. If we recognize that the many painful life challenges that we experience are not meant to put us or keep us in the dark, but rather are opportunities to see them in the light of God’s love, then we are a renewed people. When we can emerge from the tomb filled with greater hope, trust and faith, then we are a renewed people and the light of God’s love, shines even brighter.
Will putting on newness be easy? Will being able to recognize a newness in life be easy? No!!! It is different and change can be difficult, but not impossible. Next time, when you feel discouraged, try to smile, not a fake smile, but rather one that reflects you feeling God's loving embrace at that moment.
Allowing oneself to feel the newness of life, is allowing oneself to feel the newness of God's love in a special way. Be re-newed, after all your newness of life began when God formed you in the womb and called you by a new name. Celebrate the peace, the joy and de-lightfulness that comes from this new life experience and share it with another, one smile, one laugh, one prayer of gratitude at a time.
As you journey through the newness of each day, try to recognize how or what has been renewed from within and around you.
SUNDAY - In nature I can see new life in and through…..
MONDAY - In my family, I can see new life in and through…….
TUESDAY - In my relationships, I can see new life in and through……
WEDNESDAY - In my weakness and sin I want to see new life in and through…
THURSDAY - In my spiritual life, I can see new life in and through….
FRIDAY - In the mirror, I can see, hear, speak, taste, and smell new life by…
SATURDAY - In my desire to become my best self, I choose to see new life in and through….
Glimpse of God for the week of July 23.2023
Now to follow the theme of Christmas in July, I have to admit, it took me time and serious reflection as to what to write about for this week’s glimpse. As I was continually inspired and the idea would not leave me, as you will soon see, I couldn’t resist the inspiration and I decided to write this week’s glimpse on the 12 days of Christmas along with a combination of my and another’s Catholic Christian interpretation which I will call the 12 gifts of Christmas. That made it easier because as I tried to come up with a spiritual parallel for the 12 days, I did fall short of a few so I borrowed from another. As I reflect on the 12 days of Christmas and how they are normally celebrated beginning with the day after Christmas to the feast of the Epiphany, my suggestion is as we reflect on a different interpretation of the 12 days, may we make them a mindset as the Spirit of Christmas should be, beginning with each new day. I have to admit, the 12 days of Christmas is one of my least favorite Christmas songs. I actually never listen to it in its entirety because I feel it is too long, and goofy, like what was the partridge doing all by himself when all the other creatures had company, and they didn’t all travel in pairs, the French hens and the swans were all odd. The lords were leaping, why? For joy?, were their pants were on fire?, were they playing leap frog? But that is just my opinion, and I don’t mean to insult anyone else’s. So, you can see that I have listed the song with the secular and the Catholic Christian interpretation.
Now since I normally write a reflection for each day, I had to write this glimpse up a little differently, so bear with me through it all. I could not write this in the actual order of the 12 gifts of Christmas so as you will see I did include them just a little out of order.
The 1st day - A Partridge in a pear tree 1 - The 1 True God
The 2nd day - 2 Turtledoves, 2 - Old and New Testament
The 3rd day - 3 French hens, 3 - The Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The 4th day - 4 Calling birds, 4 - 4 Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
The 5th day - 5 Golden rings, 5 - The Pentateuch: 5 first books of the Bible
The 6th day - 6 Geese a laying, 6 - 6 Days of Creation
The 7th day - 7 Swans a swimming, 7 - 7 Sacraments
The 8th day - 8 maids a milking, 8 - 8 Beatitudes
The 9th day - 9 Ladies dancing, 9 - A novena
The 10th day - 10 Lords a leaping, 10 - The 10 Commandments
The 11th day - 11 Pipers piping, 11 - 11 Faithful Apostles and
The 12th day - 12 Drummers drumming. 12 - 12 Points of Doctrine in the Apostle’s Creed
SUNDAY - As we begin a new week, let us begin by acknowledging that our God is the One True God and in and through Him we have been give the gift of life and received the promise of eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. As we seek to know God in a deeper way, think about reading His inspired word as found in Sacred Scripture. You can begin by the Old Testament, beginning with the Pentateuch, the first 5 books of the Bible which describe the history of man’s fall from grace, or the New Testament which include the 4 Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, that narrate the life and ministry of Jesus. They include the narrative of His birth as found in Luke, as well as His healings, His teachings, The calling of His Apostles, His many other miracles, as well as His Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
MONDAY - Today as we seek to draw nearer to God through the graces that we received as we attended our Sunday Worship, the time spent in reading Sacred Scripture, developing our personal prayer so that our relationship with God can deepen as we seek to become our best self, the person that he created us to be, and have the potential to become. Let this be a day where we continue to seek the graces, inspiration, and the wisdom from the Holy Trinity: God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Let our prayer be to God that we seek to know His will and surrender our will to Him so that what He calls us to do we will do. Let us take each day that the Lord has made to glorify Him and serve Him faithfully.
TUESDAY - He created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Let us take our cue from Him and seek to serve Him during the week, but make the time to reverence, rest and reflect on or worship and on our service so that our service does not become something out of habit, but rather out of love. Let us take each day to follow Him so that when we rest on the sabbath, we can see where our footsteps were going forward, where we faltered and where we learned to get back up and put one foot in front of the other. Let us seek to serve and honor Christ in and through the 7 Sacraments of the Church. With the 3 sacraments of Initiation which are Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation. In the sacraments of initiation which are baptism where we received the light of Christ and were cleansed and freed from original sin, the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist where we receive the real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and Confirmation where we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. The 2 Sacraments of healing which are Reconciliation where we are reconciled to Him and given the grace and strength to reconcile to another, forgive another as we have been forgiven, ask for mercy and strive not to sin again. The Sacrament of anointing of the sick where we are anointed in the case if terminal illness, in preparation for surgery, chronic illness and death. The 2 Sacraments of vocation which are Marriage, where we honor our call to serve God and His church as a domestic church where a married couple nurtures their children and family in the knowledge of the faith, God’s will and His plan for them as they grow with morals and values consistent with the teachings of the Church, and the Sacrament of Holy Orders is the sacrament by which men are ordained as priests or deacons. It is a sacrament carried out by a bishop, who must lay his hands on the candidate. Taking holy orders is a commitment for life both to God and to the Catholic Church. Through the sacrament of holy orders, or ordination, a man vows to lead other Catholics by bringing them the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. He promises to do this by proclaiming the Gospel and by providing to Catholics other means to achieve holiness. Being ordained a deacon - a deacon may baptize, preach, and distribute Holy Communion (but not to transubstantiate it). Being ordained a priest - a priest is believed to have the power to change bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ (transubstantiation) and to forgive sins.
WEDNESDAY – The 8 Beatitudes, which mark the opening of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. {Matthew 5:1-12} They can be viewed as attitudes to live by, learn from, and grow in. The Catechism of the Catholic Church calls them the heart of Jesus’ preaching. So, the 8 beatitudes are literally the center of all Jesus’ teaching, and they give life to Jesus’ teaching. – just as the heart gives life to the body. They can be seen as 8 signposts that lead us to happiness because they are what Jesus gave us to show us how to be more like himself here on earth as His follower, and to lead us to our eternal reward which is heaven when our earthly journey is over. The 8 Beatitudes are: Blessed are;
the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, the meek for they shall inherit the earth, those that mourn for they shall be comforted, those that hunger and thirst for justice for they shall have their fill, for the merciful for they shall obtain mercy, the pure of heart for they shall see God, the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God, those that suffer persecution for justice sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
THURSDAY – A nine-day Novena. A novena is a period of nine consecutive days of intensified prayer. A novena may be offered in preparation for a major feast day such as Pentecost, to deepen one’s relationship with Jesus Christ, to grow in greater devotion to the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph, to honor a particular saint, or to make a request for a special favor. A novena an be offered by the entire Church, within a community or by an individual.
FRIDAY – The 10 commandments that were given to Moses from God to teach us how to live rightly by following the commands of God that He knew would lead us closer to Himself. They are not rules that God gave us to punish us or to make life difficult, but rather to lead and guide us to a better life, a life centered on Him, serving Him, honoring Him, and reverencing Him. They help us to know how to serve God and how we should live with each other. We can not honor God or reverence Him if we purposely seek ways to hurt others. The 10 commandments show us how to keep on the right path and divert when we see the devil try to take us down the wrong path.
The 11 faithful apostles were on the road to following the 10 commandments just as Jesus did and as He combined them with the beatitudes, he gave the apostles first and foremost the richer more real-life education so that they can teach it to those to which they were sent. After Jesus suffered, died, and rose, he offered them peace and commissioned the 11 faithful yet very much afraid and confused apostles, to go and to teach in His name so that others would come to know Him and grow in His love as they exuded it and shared it. Although Judas was one of the Apostles chosen by Jesus, he chose to go off the path of righteousness and gave into the devil’s temptation to betray Jesus. When Jesus offered peace to the apostles after His resurrection, he offered it to them knowing their heart and even in their weakness as Peter denied Him, and the others ran from Him and hid out of fear, he forgave them and believed in them that they would do His will and proclaim His message of unconditional love and mercy to all the ends of the world.
SATURDAY – The 12 doctrine points of the Apostles Creed. We say the Nicene Creed each week at Mass, but we do not say the Apostles Creed except during baptisms. We often say prayers or other parts of the mass out of memory, but do we know what we are saying and do we realize how what we are saying is significant in our life? The Apostles creed came first and was adopted by the early church before in the beginning of the 2nd century and is shorter than the Nicene creed. The Nicene creed was created by the council of Nicaea in 325. The Apostle’s creed summarizes our faith and leads us to confirm what we believe so that we can live what we believe. The creed begins with “I believe” so that we can take responsibility for what we believe and recite. Take some time today to pray the Apostle’s creed. Listen to your prayer as you profess your faith and see where you live it out in and through these words.
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary,
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.
Glimpse of God for the week of July 2, 2023
“Spiritual Freedom”
How great a blessing it is that we are able to celebrate our religious freedom and our nations independence on Tuesday.
As Catholic Christians, we can begin this day by gathering at the table of the Lord, where we celebrate our first freedom as children of God. As we listen to the proclamation of Sacred Scripture, we hear how God reveals to His people how they can become a free people.
What is our freedom in relationship to our faith? It is not just about being given the right to practice our religion freely without the fear of persecution but is more about us freely choosing to practice our religion and worship our God. It is about freely choosing to worship our God, not out of fear or guilt, but out of love, respect, and reverence. It is through the proclamation of the Sacred Scripture, the living and inspired word of God, that we hear God speak to our heart where He invites us to grow in a deeper relationship with Him. As God reveals Himself through Sacred Scripture, how we freely choose to respond will make us either a freer people or a people bound up in our guilt, ego and sinfulness. As we listen to the inspired word of God, through His Holy Spirit, we are given the grace and wisdom to make good choices. It is through our good choices that we can avoid sin, but when we do sin, we then can choose to seek the mercy and healing power of God. God created us and instilled in us our free will. It is through that free will we can choose to be obedient or disobedient to God and His will and plan for us. This is not a task that we are given without help. Sacred Scripture, the Sacraments of the church, Worship and community, are there to assist us our journey of personal and spiritual transformation, conversion and self-discovery.
As Mass continues and we celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we are then given the Body and Blood of Jesus. Jesus our redeemer, who suffered and died for us, who set us free from eternal damnation and opened the doors for us to eternal life. Jesus set us free and invites us to stay a free people. Our freedom is celebrated each time we receive the Sacraments especially Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. In the sacrament of reconciliation, through confession, absolution, and penance we are set free from our sin. In the Eucharist, and all throughout Mass, we are given the opportunity to reflect on and repent of any wrongdoing and weakness, that does not require going to the sacrament of reconciliation and receive God’s mercy and forgiveness. Our spiritual freedom does not mean that we will be free from sin, we are human, but what it can mean is that when we do sin, we recognize our sinfulness and repent, and choose not to fall into self-righteousness, despair, discouragement, or hopelessness. When we can recognize how we have fallen short of God’s desire for us becoming our best self, the person that He created us to be and have the potential to become, we are free. That freedom is choosing to see how we have fallen short but with hope in reconciliation and not despair, with courage to go forward and not turn back, emerging as victorious and not victims. Our spiritual freedom is when we choose not to be bound up in Satan’s deceptions.
God is the God all of His beloved sons and daughters. We as Catholics can begin each day by attending daily Mass. But for all of us, God’s beloved sons and daughters, the religious freedom that we can enjoy is when we choose to be in relationship with God as our heavenly creator, His only Son as our redeemer and Savior, and the Holy Spirit as our inspiration and guide to fulfilling the Father’s will so that we can all become our best self, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become.
This week, let us reflect on what freedom means to us, what is keeping us from being spiritually, physically, or emotionally free, and seek God’s grace to let go so that we can celebrate our freedom in the light of God’s love in and through Christ, with His Holy Spirit.
SUNDAY – “F” faith vs fear
Having faith is one of the biggest tools in becoming and remaining a free person. With faith, not a perfect faith, but a greater desire to believe in the God who promised to always be with us, that He would never abandon us, that we will never be overcome, and that we never have reason to be afraid. If we believe that then we have chosen to meet our fear face to face and in trust that we will not be defeated. Remember that fear is the devil’s tool to take you away from God by having you believe that there is something that you cannot overcome, that you will be defeated by it, and that you have been abandoned by God.
As you celebrate your spiritual freedom, are there areas in your life that you would like to have greater faith so that your fear will dissipate, and you will experience a newfound independence?
MONDAY – “R” reconciled vs regret
When we want to and choose to be free, we are choosing to let go of that which is constraining or binding us to our past choices, weaknesses, sins, and injuries. When we choose to be reconciled to God and others by admitting our mistakes and sins, it is in that reconciliation we are renewed in God’s grace, mercy, and compassion. Being a new creation, we are then able to go forward in that same mercy and compassion that has been shown to us and extend it to others. We then can choose not to look back and hold on to anger, grudges, resentment, and vengeance. It is when we choose not to be reconciled, it is then that we can have regrets. We regret that we have isolated ourselves from others because of injuries that have been inflicted on us or by us, regrets that we are angry about, and it is surging within us and making us more miserable, that our past choices and our need to be in control is controlling us and making us feel defeated, discouraged and despairing. Regrets can be eliminated by one act of reconciliation with God, who then gives us the strength and courage to seek reconciliation with others.
As you celebrate your spiritual freedom, are there areas in your life where you would like to seek reconciliation with God and others; over a past sin, injury, grudge, so that you can experience a greater sense and reality of true autonomy, healing, and wholeness?
As we choose, with the grace of God, to recognize that which is binding us, we can then choose to embrace it or exclude it. What I mean by that is when God invites us to grow in our faith, we are being invited to see ourselves as God sees us; His beloved child who is loved unconditionally, His greatest creation, and that there is nothing that we can say or do that will make Him love us less, He cannot, His love is perfect. It is in those truths that we need to see both the weak and the strong sides of our humanity. If we fail to recognize our sinfulness, our weakness, or our bad choices, but justify them or deny them all together, then we cannot undergo personal or spiritual transformation.
God knows our hearts better than we do so He knows our choices and the reasons behind them, and He is ready and willing to forgive us. I believe that we are all sinners striving to become saints and, in our desire, we fall short and give in to the devil’s temptations.
SO, when we acknowledge our choices or sins in the light of God’s love for us, their power to diminish our belief in God’s love for us as His beloved child is defeated, and we come out living more to our potential to be our best self.
As you celebrate your spiritual freedom, are there areas in your life where you would like to acknowledge or embrace instead of denying or excluding, so that you can undergo a greater spiritual and personal transformation?
WEDNESDAY – “E” entrust vs endanger
As we seek our spiritual freedom so that we can undergo a greater spiritual and personal transformation, we sometimes put it at risk by not commending or entrusting our will to God. We seek to be in control, we try to fix our problems, we attempt to heal our brokenness and fail to see His presence and His love within us. We endanger our spiritual freedom because we seek to stay bound in control, self-righteousness, fear, ignorance, or self-reliance. Yet we are never out of God’s loving sight, or out of His desire to forgive and extend His mercy and compassion. Entrusting God means surrendering your fears, your will, and your control. This might be scary, but not impossible.
As a sinner who is seeking to become a saint, a co-builder of God’s Kingdom here on earth, and a beloved child of God, I do not believe that you mean to or want to endanger your spiritual freedom, it sometimes just gets lost in the stresses and crosses of daily life.
So, as you celebrate your spiritual freedom, can you surrender those areas that are calling you away from God and risking the spiritual freedom that God has given you?
THURSDAY – “D” delight vs discourage
God delights in you and adores you. You are His beloved child, loved unconditionally, and His greatest creation. He called you by name when He created you. You are one of a kind, there will never be another you. You are unique and special, you are YOU. You are a sinner striving to become a saint, a builder of His Kingdom here on earth, an instrument to bring others to know, love and serve Him better in this life so that we can all experience His presence in the life to come. Do you believe that, or does that discourage you? Does your sinfulness or weakness discourage you to the point that you cannot believe that God loves you unconditionally? That He delights in you? that you are loved beyond measure? and that Jesus died for you and not just everyone else? When we delight in someone or something we experience a great joy, happiness, and peace. God wants you to believe in His love for you so that you can experience His joy, happiness, and peace.
As you celebrate your spiritual freedom, where or what keeps you from believing that God delights in you, and can you pray for the grace to let go so that you can find delight in yourself?
FRIDAY – “O” open vs obstructed
As we seek our spiritual freedom, we can choose to be open to it and all that it stands for, or we can put obstacles or obstructions in its way so that we cannot experience the freedom we are being invited to receive. Sometimes the idea of being free, forgiven, reconciled, healed or whole can be scary, we do not know how to respond to or live with this new freedom.
For instance, being healed means recognizing where we are broken, see the cause of our brokenness in the light of God’s love, allowing God to fix the brokenness because we cannot so that we can then become a new and whole creation.
Healing occurs when in the past where we have given control over to anger, bitterness, resentment because of our injuries, we now allow love, compassion, empathy, compassion and understanding to permeate our being instead. Being forgiven means that we have to admit that we have caused another harm and that we were wrong and sometimes our ego gets in the way and we justify our actions instead. I believe that the two phrases that are hardest for humanity to speak are “I am sorry” and “I forgive you”. When we say that “I am sorry” we are admitting that we have caused another harm, intentionally or not, we see that we have hurt them, and we feel remorse.
When we say that “I forgive you” we are given the grace to recognize the remorse in another who has caused us harm and we extend God’s mercy to them as He has so often extended it to us. When we are open, God’s grace overflows within us to without us. But when we put obstructions in the way because we would rather stew in our anger, shame, guilt, bitterness, vengeance, or grudge, then God’s grace is left waiting at the door of our mind, heart, spirit, and soul, and we need to open the door for it to make its way in. There is no obstacle or obstruction that cannot be removed and overcome with faith and trust in God, no matter how small we think it is, God can work miracles.
As you celebrate your spiritual freedom, are there areas in your life where you would like to be more open to God’s grace so that you can overcome the obstacles or obstructions that are keeping you from opening the door of your mind, heart, spirit and soul to His love, mercy, and compassion?
SATURDAY – “M” mercy vs memory
God’s mercy is greater than we can ever imagine or put into words. He doesn’t remember our past sins, but rather our present desire to repent, conform to His will and seek personal and spiritual conversion, and transformation. Yet when we sin or are injured, we often do not want to forget, but choose to dwell on the injury or sin. We continue to allow the shame, guilt, anger, and grudge to fester and take root so that the love, mercy, and compassion of God cannot make it’s dwelling within our heart, mind, spirit, or soul. Our memory serves us well when we choose to remember the good times, the great people of the past and present that have touched our life, and the events and celebrations that have brought us great joy. Our memory also serves as a tool or instrument that reminds of the painful events or injuries that have also formed us and make us who we are today. God is not expecting us to forget those aspects of our formation, but rather what He is inviting us to do is to not allow our memory of the painful experiences to control us, make us feel like a victim and cause us to despair. But rather to remind us of His healing power that will make us a victorious, hopeful, and a resurrection people. As we seek God’s mercy, we are called to share that mercy with those who are in most need. With those who have injured us, or us for us, who have injured another. When we can share that mercy, then the pain and the effect of the memory will fade and grow farther away in the rearview mirror, and we will steer straight ahead to healing and wholeness that God desires for us.
As you celebrate your spiritual freedom, are there areas in your life where you would like your memory of past hurts or injuries lead into seeking God’s mercy so that you can offer it to those in your life who are most in need?
Glimpse of God for the week of June 25, 2023
It is what it is and If God leads you to it, God will lead you through it.
Father Otto, our new pastor at Saint John Fisher, quoted these words in his homily this past week. As our newly appointed pastor, he probably could define “it: as it applies to his new appointment and the various feelings, anxieties and joys that he may have experienced or is experiencing. I think that we can relate to the varied emotions that come with moving and starting over. Meeting new people, being the new kid on the block and in some ways wanting to be accepted, trying to remember names, faces and responsibilities, and the list can go on. But if I put in context those few words, no matter what we are experiencing, we know or seek to trust, that as God leads us to it, He will lead us through it, no matter what “it” is. Although I do not know Father well, just from his words shared, his smile, personableness, and humility, tells me that he doesn’t just say this, he believes and lives it.
As I have often said, a Glimpse of God is not limited to what one can see, but also what one hears, touches, smells, speaks, senses, and understands as God chooses to reveal Himself.
The saying “it is what it is” is something that I always say, especially when I realize that I have no control over a specific situation or circumstances, and I don’t want to get caught up in what I cannot change. BUT now as I reflect on the words that I use so very often, I find myself realizing that in my desire to dismiss and not get caught up in any drama or frustration, I am diminishing the” it” and taking my God and His goodness and graces for granted. As we go one step further,” It is what it is” and “if God leads you to it, He will lead you through it”, offer us the opportunity, the invitation to place what our “it” is before Him and trust that He will use “it” to empower, enable and enlighten us to better know His will and how we can best fulfill it. He desires that we be our best self, the person that He created us to be and have the potential to become. The question that I have is how does “it” help us to do that? What is “it” that God is leading us to so that we can get through “it”?
These are questions that this challenge has brought me to ask myself. I believe that I need to think harder about life challenges and when I say “it is what it is” Am I saying it together with God or independently from God? The latter is a slippery slope, in that if I don’t acknowledge God’s presence and help in the “it” I am not surrendering or trusting God completely, but rather ignoring, diminishing and dismissing “It”. As I have reflected on the glimpse for this week, I have come to recognize and trust that God has brought me to where I am today. When I say “it is what it is”, I believe that I am saying it with a desire to completely trust God and His continued graces to get me through the” its” of my life.
So, as we begin a new week in preparation to celebrate our nations’ independence, let us seek to recognize through the” its” of our life that God has lead us to have been a source of personal and spiritual transformation, freedom, healing and wholeness. I pose the questions for daily reflection; What are the “its” of your life, and how do you pray with them?
SUNDAY – “FAITH”- “Faith is what faith is”
What is your faith to you? Is it important enough to nurture and grow in, or is it a token gift from God that you turn to when things get rough, and you need help? When you say” It is what it is” and you are referring to your faith, are you saying that because you feel that what you learned, grew up believing and hold on to, is significant, transforming and life changing? Or do you say that because you think that faith is something insignificant, unhelpful and more like a crutch, and that you have managed all this time without using it anything as a crutch?
What is your faith to you? Look at how you think about your faith and how it impacts and changes your daily life. Our faith “is what it is” but Jesus makes “it” more than stagnant, He invites us to make it an opportunity to grow, learn and experience life changing transformation. Are you ready to make your “it” life changing?
MONDAY- “LIFE” “Life is what Life is”
What does life mean to you? If life is what it is, what does that mean to you? As you look back at your life and everything, both positive and negative, do you see God in the picture and if so, where, and if not, why? When you say, “it is what it is”, and you are looking back at certain situations and life challenges are you trying to dismiss the impact that the challenges have made because of fears, pain, hurt and dismissing them with the phrase is easier? When you look back on your life and you say “it is what it is” do you see everything and blanketing it all with a statement that doesn’t recognize where God is or was? Or when you look at your life and you say “it is what it is” you are recognizing that what God has designed is His design, and all that has occurred has been a part to His design, and has made you who you are today? It is not stagnant but rather an invitation for life changing, transforming, and renewing experience?
What is life to you? Today, as you look at your life and how you have gotten to be where you are, and who you are today, are you able to recognize that God has been an integral part of your life and has been you silent, joyful, steady partner through all of life challenges, obstacles, and victories?
TUESDAY – “DEATH” “Death is what death is”
Death is a subject or topic that many folks do not like to discuss, yet it is the one act that will affect every person on this earth. Why are people afraid to talk about death? Is it death that frightens them or is it the not knowing the way in which they will pass from this life to the next? As faithful followers of Christ, we have the promise of eternal life and the assurance not only that we will see God face to face, but that we will also be reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us in faith. Death is our final act on the stage of life. I believe that we go through our life living as the best person that we can, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become. As we prepare to return home, either via a long illness, accident, or age, we begin to look at our life and take stock in it. Our God doesn’t want to meet us face to face with regrets but rather peace. He knows our sins and forgives them, and we need to let them go so that our journey to heaven is a journey of freedom and not burdened by carrying our past life of poor choices, mistakes, weaknesses, or sins. We need to look at our life and ask for mercy, seek to extend mercy and trust in our loving God who gave Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice so that we can get to heaven. Do you believe this? Death is what death is. No one can escape it, it can be painful and painfilled, it can also be a journey of peace and transformation as well as one of anticipation. Death is not the end but a new and eternal beginning, and it is in that beginning where we see that our life was not lived in vain, but with purpose and conviction. Death is not the beginning of darkness and the end of light, but rather it is the beginning of light and the end of darkness.
The worst death is not the physical one, but rather the spiritual death that occurs while we are still here on earth, where we allow our spiritual relationship with God to die because we choose not to nourish it with the Sacraments of the Church, being in the presence of a community of believers, or by developing a personal prayer life. But like the final act of death, when we choose to reconnect with our God,
He is right there to give us new life, right there to resurrect our hope, joy, and peace with His mercy, reconciliation, compassion and understanding.
Are you facing a type of death today? How can you experience that peace that Christ wants for you amid the thoughts of death: either the fear of it, the spiritual aspect ,or the immediate reality of you preparing to meet God face to face? In any case, if you are preparing to meet your God face to face, or you are experiencing the death of how your body is reacting to age or circumstances: aches, pains, limitations, arthritis, cancers, Alzheimer’s, or any other disease where your youth, your abilities are no longer what they were, turn to the God who calls you His beloved child and is waiting to embrace you here and now. His embrace will bring peace instead of fear, calm instead of turbulence, love instead of hate, and surrender instead of regret. Only in death can we experience new life. Today, take this lent to look at your mini deaths, the experiences that keep you in the tomb and seek to come out so that you can revel in the new life that Christ died for.
WEDNESDAY – “AGING” “Aging is what aging is”
Aging is a process that when we are younger, we can’t wait to be older, when we are growing older, we wish that we can return to the days of our youth, and when we reach certain age milestones, we are gently, or not so gently, reminded that the hill is steep, and the road down can be more challenging than we grew up thinking it could or would be.
Aging is what aging is and exactly what is it? For me, it is a gift from God to learn, grow, change, acknowledge and let go. As I have gotten older and have faced many health and life challenges on the way, I have been given the grace to see God in them. It is in my spiritual maturity, where I was able to surrender to God and seek the wisdom that comes from Him, so that I could make the right choice and grow in a greater understanding of how I was being called to grow from my lived experience.
Aging can be a gift of freedom to celebrate or a burden to lament. I don’t think that only older people get sick or face major health challenges, it just seems that the older one gets, they choose to be empowered by complaining and making their illnesses a part of their daily litany. That is where it is seen as more of a burden and not a blessing or an opportunity to be more selfless and live as a person of peace, joy, and happiness. As we all age, let us be mindful that it is an opportunity not only to appreciate the many gifts that come with aging, but also to take the opportunity to surrender those things that make the journey burdensome.
Today, look at the many gifts that you have at your age. The gift of your lifelong faith, family, community, grandchildren, grand dogs, retirement, health, church, community and most of all, a grateful heart, one that has been expanded throughout the years and now is ready and open to receive God’s love as He chooses to share it.
THURSDAY – “SUFFERING” “Suffering is what suffering is”
Suffering is a part of life, as well as death, we suffer within our families, because of our families, through the aging process and because of sin. Yet that is not the end. As Christians, we were baptized into the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He knows suffering. He suffered most of all for you and me.
Suffering takes many forms: pain, anguish, sorrow, or torment. It is in the moments that we suffer we can choose to see Christ with us, or away from us. Jesus understands us when we feel abandoned, even though we are never abandoned. He understands and can handle our anger, frustration, fury, self-pity, as well as our surrender, peace, and calm. Suffering is what it is, but it has a purpose, and it is in the purpose that we can grow out of our self, see others who are also suffering and seek to walk with them. When we suffer, we tend to think that we won’t or can’t make it through. We think that we are not strong enough or have the courage or determination, yet as we look back, we see those as non-truths and see more clearly how we were strong, had the courage and the determination to overcome the obstacles, and that our suffering has made us the strong and resilient person we are today.
Today, look back at the crosses that you have carried or are carrying and ask for the grace to see how you have grown from them and how they have made you a stronger, more resilient person that you are today.
FRIDAY---- “FAMILY” “Family is what family is”
Family is what it is, that can be a positive statement that invokes good memories, or negative ones. Family can be the immediate members, or extended members, members of religious community, or foster families. The gift of family and each of its members is meant to be treated with dignity, respect and honor because each individual is God’s beloved son or daughter. As family is a gift, but like every gift, the recipients can nurture the gift, appreciate the gift, bless the gift or abuse, neglect or turn away from the gift. As we grow up, we see the flaws of family members and have the choice to love or reject them.
Family is what it is. What does that mean and how does that statement affect you today? If you come from a dysfunctional family, are you still bearing the wounds or the scars? Have you accepted the grace from God to not only see the members of your family as human beings that are weak and sinful, but also want to forgive them? You are the only one carrying the pain, so why continue to give them the control over you experiencing the true joy, peace, and happiness that God wants for you.
If you come from a loving family, are you able to thank God for them or have you taken their love for granted? We don’t say thank you enough for the good things that we have been blessed with
Our family, whether it be dysfunctional or functional, is where God placed us to take root and grow. There is a bond, a DNA that keeps us as one, no matter where we are in the world. I believe that that bond is what can bring reconciliation, love, mercy to each member with the grace and help of God. Although this may not be possible in all family situations, we still have the grace of God to pray for it and to sincerely desire it.
Today, pray for your family. Pray for those that have caused you harm and pray for those that helped you heal, pray for those far away and those near and dear, and remember that as you pray for various members, that they are also God’s beloved sons and daughters and where your love is lacking, God’s love is overflowing.
SATURDAY – “SIN” “Sin is what sin is”
“Sin is what it is” When we choose to sin, it is an instrument, a tool, a wedge, that the devil uses to tear us away from God and make us think or believe that we are unloved, unlovable, unredeemable because of our sin. The devil is the greatest liar. There is no sin that can make God love us less. We are His beloved children, called by name and His greatest creation. God so loved us that He sent His only Son to suffer and die for us. Sin is a choice of the free will, but so is the love and mercy of God and the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Forgiveness by God is always there for us. As we receive God’s mercy because of His unconditional love and compassion, we are called to extend it to others.
Sin is our weaknesses at their strongest moment. When we are so weak, due to weariness, temptations, physical, emotional, or spiritual exhaustion, we give in to the weakness because we don’t think that we can fight or resist, yet it is those weakest moments, where God is waiting and wants to remind us that it is weakness that His power is greatest.
We cannot dismiss sin just by saying “it is what it is”, because then it seems like an excuse to keep sinning, because one thinks that they have no control. YET we have the most control over sin because God gave us free will and when we sin, He gives us the sacrament of reconciliation, the desire for conversion, to make amends and try harder. I believe that we are sinners striving to become saints. Saints are those who did ordinary things in an extraordinary way. SO for today, look at sin, look at yourself and see the extraordinary person that you are, the person that God sees and pray to overcome the weaknesses that cause you to sin, and begin with the reality, the truth, that there is no sin that can make God love you less.
Glimpse of God for the week of June 18, 2023
Let me begin by saying Happy Father’s Day to all those men who are fathers, foster Fathers, fathers by adoption, blended family Fathers, God Fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and father figures. Let us remember all our Fathers, especially those who are deceased, and entrust them to the loving embrace of God. If we were estranged or hurt by our fathers, let us seek the grace from God to forgive them so that we can entrust them to the eternal and loving embrace of God.
Let me offer praise and gratitude to all the Priests that we call Fathers who lead us closer to our Heavenly Father by their love for God, the administration of the Sacraments, and their love for the flock that God has entrusted to their care. Let us remember women who are single parents due to divorce, death and separation, and as they fulfill both roles of father and mother and seek to protect and provide for their family. Let us encourage and support them as they try to raise their children with all their strength courage, trust, and faith in God and in those are present as support and encouragement.
This week’s glimpse comes as I reflect on what it means when we participate in or sponsor a flea market, a yard or garage sale. Our parish, Saint John Fisher, recently held its annual flea market. I believe that it was very successful and despite the threat of inclement weather, folks still came to out to see what we had to offer throughout the day. As they did, I noticed the various expressions on their faces; there were those who were excited to just get out and hopefully find a good deal, there were those who were hoping that their treasures would find a new home, there were those who were there to help answer any questions so that anything that someone wanted could be theirs, and there were those who out of curiosity, came through and looked at the many items and enjoyed engaging others in conversation.
So how can a flea market, a garage or yard sale be a glimpse of God? Where is God in the midst of items being sold for so little, where bargains are sought and where the least amount of money can bring a great amount of happiness? Is it possible that one person’s old stuff be another one’s treasure? When we attend or sponsor any of these events, there are usually things that we want to get rid of because they may have lost their sentimental value, we are downsizing or moving, we are decluttering, we need some instant cash, or we hope that we do not leave empty handed but rather we leave with a treasure or two. No matter what the reason, when one either sponsors or attends these types of events, there is an expectation that they come with and there is either a desire, need or purpose that prompts their expectation into a reality.
And where do we find God? With the fleas, in the garage, on the yard? If we are looking for God at these various events, are we hoping to find Him in someone else’s treasure, or our own? Are we looking to see Him in the eyes of others as they scope our treasures, the treasure of others and in their joy of finding something? Do we see God or hear Him as we barter for a bargain? Is He there when people just look over, make comments on, yet do not purchase a gift or treasure? Is God a part of the giving away or selling of our treasure? Do we see God in the treasure that we have lost joy in possessing? Do we think that God is disappointed when we no longer hold onto our treasure, but prefer to just get rid of it for whatever reason? Is God listening to our heart when we seek to sell something because it brings about painful memories? Or when we purchase something because we experienced an unexpected moment of joyful reminiscence?
God is in all of these moments, whether they be to sell or buy, to barter or to give away, to declutter or to just get rid of, to show we have let go or that we are still holding on.
God is there and as I try to show what the spirituality of a flea market, yard or garage sale can look like, I hope that as you either attend or sponsor one of these events in the future, you are able to see God more clearly in the items and people that you encounter.
As you walk through this week, take a moment to reflect on how God is being made present to you. As you reflect on the various reasons for selling a personal treasure, or purchasing someone else’s treasure, try to recognize God in the discernment and decision-making process.
SUNDAY – Decluttering
What does it mean to de-clutter? What is clutter and why would one need to de-clutter? Spiritual clutter can be those life experiences, life’s messiness that we have gathered, stored, and can’t seem to get through, over or around. Life’s experiences that take up our energy, mind space, heart, and soul where we can’t fit God in. Life’s clutter can come in the form of resentment, anger, loathe, bitterness, and revenge. When we put up items for sale because we are trying to de-clutter, we usually realize that they have taken up some valuable space and we need the space more than we need or want the item. So when it comes to spiritual de-cluttering, what is God calling you to get rid of so that you can open up the space of your mind, heart , spirit and soul, and God can fill it with His grace and blessing? Is it resentment, jealousy, anger, bitterness, hatred, gossip, shame, guilt, where we choose not to forgive, where we choose to hold onto these and justify our reasons, where we choose to think that we are in control, where we choose to believe that God doesn’t love us or this or that would not have happened, where we choose to believe that we can’t be healed, we can’t be forgiven, we can’t be made whole after what we have done or failed to do? The good news is that God is in the midst of your clutter and your desire to de-clutter, you just have to surrender to Him and trust that what He decides needs to go is in your best interest so that you can become your best self, the person that He created you to be and knows that you have the potential to become. Material possessions can possess us just like emotional negativity.
A treasure from God: “There is an appointed time for everything, a time to seek and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away.” Ecclesiastes 3: 6
MONDAY – Downsizing
There are those times that we need to look at where we live, the size of our house and decide if it is just too much house and we need to move into something a little smaller. This decision can come from a practical viewpoint like we raised our children in this house, but now they have moved out and we do not need five bedrooms for just two of us, or because of health issues that now require that we do not climb stairs, or financial issues, where the rent or mortgage is now too much for us financially and we need to go to what we can better afford. Whatever is the scenario, we need to look at the gathered stuff and decide what we can take with us, or what we need to let go of, sell, or give away. We would like to keep all those items that have meaning, but then we wouldn’t truthfully be downsizing, but rather just re-placing.
So, what does spiritual downsizing look like and when would one spiritually downsize? I think that spiritual downsizing begins when we seek to let go of all the spiritual fluff. And what is spiritual fluff, you ask? I think that spiritual fluff are those tasks, things, prayers, actions, that have occupied our life and have allowed us to not turn to God in our need, or to deepen our relationship with Him, because we were too busy and always focused on others’ needs.
Where we used, not intentionally misused, our acts of charity so that we can be in control of those less fortunate, our volunteering so that we can be the center of attention, our leadership role so that we can tell others what needs to be done, when and how to do it.
As we have done these things, we have not truly and honestly spoken to God, prayed to Him, sought to develop our relationship with Him, because we were too busy doing what we call “HIS WORK”. God knows our heart better than we do and He knows our intentions. He is not going to interfere with our decisions because He knows that what we are running from or trying so hard to avoid, we will eventually come face to face with, and He will be there when it does. When we decide that it is time to nurture our spiritual life by prayer, reading Sacred Scripture and being still so that we can hear the gentle whisper of God speak to our heart, then we have begun the act of spiritual downsizing.
A treasure from God: John the Baptist: He must increase while I must decrease.
TUESDAY – Moving
I believe that we all have had to move at some point in our life. As children or adults, we know what it is like to go from one house to another, from one groups of friends to another, from one community to another, and it isn’t always fun. Moving requires packing everything, from our personal items, like clothes to dishes, furniture and…. And what do we do with the items that we do not want to take to the next destination? We sell, give away, donate or if a flea market is coming up we set up a table or just donate the items and we hold a yard or garage sale in the hope of gaining a few extra dollars. And when we pack the items that we are not taking with us, we put a relatively cheap price on them because the goal is not to have to pack them or find a home for them. Moving can be an adventure because the excitement of going to a new location can be a positive experience that can also diminish any negative ones.
So what can a spiritual move look like? What are we moving to? From? Spiritual moving can be when we go from our childhood faith to an adult faith. A faith that doesn’t take God as a fire and brimstone God ready to abandon us when we sin. We move from a childhood faith that trusts without question to a faith that questions so that we can gain a deeper trust. We move from an image of a fire and brimstone God to a compassionate, merciful God. We move an image of God who is only “up there” to knowing that our God is within us, about us, and surrounds us. Our spiritual move can be an uplifting but challenging, risky but worth it, life transforming move. Are you ready to move so that you can experience your God in a new and transforming way?
A treasure from God: Move out of your own way so that I can move in and take refuge in your heart.
WEDNESDAY - Holding on to
As with any house, the rooms can hold both positive and negative memories, The kitchen can hold a host of positive ones in that the memory of your parent cooking a good meal, the aromas that filled the house and the time spent with family as one broke bread, can bring a tearful, but joyful smile. There can be rooms where abuse happened, anger was displayed, people were hurt, and we can’t seem to forget or let them go. We can also hold onto positive memories from our hour that we want to take with us. Spiritual holding on to takes shape when we are not able to forgive because we want to hold onto the anger as we justify it. Or when we sin, and we want to hold on to the shame, guilt and self-loathing because we feel unloved and unlovable. We don’t believe that God can love us as we are.
A treasure from God: There is no sin or choice that can make me love you less, my love is perfect.
THURSDAY – Letting go of
Letting go of what? And where do we want it to go? Letting go is not an easy task, it takes courage, wisdom, trust and hope in that as we look at what has harmed us, hurt us in some way, we can now see and say that we are healing from it and hope that as the healing continues, we become more of a wounded healer, a better person and not a bitter person.
Yet there are also experiences that we hold on to, and store in our heart, mind, and spirit and they affect us in a negative way. Let us pack the negative experiences, conversations, events that we experienced in our spiritual home, the home of our heart, and put them in a box so that we can let them go, and throw them away. Not taking them with us but throwing them away shows that we have experienced healing and now can let go. Letting go indicates that we have looked at them face on, we see them for what they are, and have, through the grace of God, been able to seek and experience healing of mind, soul, heart, and body.
A treasure from God: Let go, let God.
FRIDAY – Bargaining
This is for you. What are you bargaining for with God? More life on this earth, healing, financial ease, or reconciliation with an estranged family on your terms? If you are negotiating with God for something, whatever that might be, are you willing to accept the final answer? You are God’s special creation, loved unconditionally and one of a kind. You are a temple of the Holy Spirit. You are God’s beloved child, loved unconditionally and there is nothing that you can say or do that can or will make Him love you less. You can bargain with God and He understands why. In all that you are and mean to Him, if He answers your prayer as you want, you will only continue to bargain, whereas if you accept his answer on his terms, I believe that you will end up the winner with the greatest treasure; that of a deeper, more personal relationship with your God, a greater sense of self, better relationship with others, and a sense of freedom and healing that only He can provide.
A treasure from God: My Father’s house is a house of prayer, you have made it a…..
SATURDAY – Valueless
When we donate items to a flea market, garage or yard sale that seem valueless, the question that I have is did it at one time have value? due to how you acquired it; was it a gift, an intended purchase, or a surprising, good find? There are certain items that at one point in our life seemed to hold value be it personal, emotional or spiritual and now seems more insignificant than significant. When it comes to our faith life, do we hold prayer as the valuable gift that it is, or do we turn to it just when we need something or when we feel desperate? Do we see prayer as a time to speak to God and listen to Him speak to us or do we use it as a tool to scream at God when things do not go our way, when we do not get what we want or prayed for? If we were to put up our prayers for sale at a flea market, yard or garage sale, would we ask a lot for them because we value them, and realize how blessed we are by how they have helped us to grow in our relationship to God or would we just about give them away because we don’t feel that they were heard or answered?
A treasure from God: “Do not fear, you are worth more than many sparrows” Matthew 10: 31
Glimpse of God for the week of June 11, 2023
This week's Glimpse of God came to me as browsed through an antique store.
John and I like to go to antique stores, not to purchase anything, but really just to browse.
Lately, as I have gone to different antique stores, malls and the like, I began to ask myself the question, "what makes something an antique"? The question came to me because some of the items that I saw in some of the antique stores, seemed to be just used, dusty, not in great condition and that people found in their garage and just wanted to get of it. In my eyes, there was no real apparent quality in them, some of them were not in good condition, they weren't all that attractive, they seemed to be placed one on top of another so you didn't have the opportunity to see each item for what it was worth, and the price did not seem to be in proportion to the age of the item.
So, I decided to look up the definition of "antique". According to the computer dictionary, an antique is usually agreed upon to be something that is more than 100 years old and in good condition. There are things that are titled "vintage" and also "used", but for the sake of my Glimpse of God today, I will stick with the computer definition of antique.
I believe that genuine antique items are those things that we look at, admire, and dream about, and perhaps when and if all the stars align and we think that we can afford it, we will decide to purchase the desired item. These items are then placed in a prominent place in our homes, our offices or they are given as gifts. When we purchase a genuine antique, we can become the envy of others, we invite others to see our newly coveted gift, we even go so far as to intentionally, but discreetly and of course with great subtlety, mention it as if it were nothing of importance. For example, have you noticed how many antique cars and car shows there are and how many parades antique cars are in?
The men and women who take care of antique cars would not have as much fun if they couldn't show off their acquired piece of work. Yet in all of the antiques: the care they receive, the place of honor they are given, even the amount of respect paid to them, they are all items, not the most special gift of human life.
Now if an antique is something that is more than 100 years old, what about people still in our midst that are 100 years young? How do we treat them? Do we treat them with the love, respect, dignity, care, compassion, and the patience that they deserve? They represent years of wisdom, love, and memories of the past. They are our connection to what was and to what is today. How do we treat the wisdom figures in our midst, those who may not be 100 years old, but are years ahead of us in knowledge, memories, love, care, and concern? Do we recognize that they are priceless gifts from God to be cherished and cared for and about?
How do we look at them? Do we see them as figures that we want to be prominent in our homes, and in our hearts or do we see them as a nuisance to be placed in a room in front of a TV, or are they in a nursing facility that we never visit?
As grandparents grow older, so do we and so do our children, since we all are going down the same path in life.
Are we providing the opportunity for the present generations to embrace each other and listen to each other? Or as some antiques on the shelf, are they sitting and maybe not literally, but collecting dust? in other words, are they being ignored, not visited, not written to? Do your children know their grandparents, are they in relationship with them? if not, why? If they are deceased, do you talk about them in a spirit of love so that your memories can passed on? Pray for them? Visit their graves?
As members of a religious community or as a single person, are the wisdoms figures of your life, community, family, being shown the respect and dignity they deserve? Do you take time to communicate with them via a phone call a personal visit, a letter, an email? Or do you see it as a chore and a burden and make excuses as to why you can’t be in relationship with then?
As God embraces you in your weakness and strengths, can you hear Him invite you to embrace your elders with that same love and compassion? If you don’t what excuse do you come up with that you think God hasn’t heard before?
There is one excuse that does not work and that is WE don't have time. Time is a GIFT!
Those who are dead don't have any more time on earth, but we believe they are enjoying their time in heaven. Do we want our children to lose their family wisdom figures with no memories to hold on to? Wouldn't it be easier to build up the treasure chest of memories so that they can continuously go back and retrieve them, talk about them, share them, laugh and cry over them? We don't have time, yet if we are honest with our self, did our parents, our grandparents tell us that they didn't have time for us? I apologize if your answer to this is YES. I pray that you seek time with our loving God who always has time for you and loves you far beyond any love an earthly parent can show, so that you can hear Him tell you that He has all the time you need.
If it is your lack of mercy because of the fault of your parent, that is not your child's sin or fault, isn't it time to let go and give your parent a chance to know their grandchild? Easier said than done, I know, but life is short, and it is shorter for the elderly in our midst.
Do you want to forgive? Can you forgive? You cannot on your own, but with the grace of God all things are possible. Let us try to forgive those who have hurt us and allow ourselves to be embraced by our loving God who loves all of us unconditionally, in our sinfulness and in our weakness, in our joys and in our sorrows, in our youth and in our older years. Mercy is healing, although memories are painful, they are what make us who we are today and as we heal, we can begin to say I forgive you. It is not easy, but I promise you, it is the best gift that God has in store for you, and the one that is greater than any gift or antique you can find.
This week’s glimpse is not only in and through the elderly in our midst, but also on how have we forgiven the elderly, our parents, grandparents, siblings, in our lives that have hurt us? And or how have we, the older person in the mix, hurt others? Can we ask for help for healing and the peace and freedom that it will bring?
Think of someone who is older, be it a family member, neighbor, community member and say a prayer for them, perhaps call or visit them and thank them for the gift of their life.
As I said, life is short especially for the older ones among us. Help them to see the years past as appreciated and respected. Help them to see the road ahead without fear or apprehension, but with joy and anticipation? don’t those we know, although not without fault, all deserve to be prayed for and entrusted to the loving care and intercession of Our Blessed Mother Mary and Her Son Jesus.
Remember what Jesus said as He died on the cross, "Father forgive Them for they know not what they do" We are the "Them", because we have hurt others and we have sinned, our parents are the "Them", because in their attempt to raise us to the best of their ability, in their humanness and weakness, we were hurt by them. Those who we have been hurt by are the "Them". All on earth are the "Them". No one on this earth is exempt, but by the graciousness of Christ, we have all been included in His act of redemption by His death on the cross, and all have hope in and by His resurrection.
Can we do anything less than Jesus did? Not!!! If we claim to be His followers, if we are baptized believers, baptized into His passion, death and resurrection, we have to do as He did, nothing less than that is not an option. Seek His mercy, find His peace, share His love and freely offer these gifts with those in need.
Today, as we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi, (the Body of Christ) let us remember that we are all the Body of Christ: the infant, the toddler, the tween, the young adult, the adult, the mid lifer, and the elderly. As members of the body of Christ, we all need each other, and by the grace of God we grow stronger together, and we grow in dignity together. Although I am not providing a daily reflection, I invite you to take each day and pray for one elderly person that you know. Is that person being treated with dignity, care and respect or are they deemed a “burden” to be tolerated, but not taken care of? If God were to call them back home, do you think that they would leave this world feeling loved or lost? In the midst of growing older and having lost some of their ability to remember, walk, see, hear, and concentrate, do you think that they lost their dignity? Or do you think they have been dignified with great care and compassion?
Pray that God be their strength even if they don’t realize that they are weak or that there is a God who loves them. Pray for yourself and ask God for more empathy, patience and understanding so that you can truly be present to others because you see within yourself how the process of aging can change you.
Ask yourself this question: Have I given of my time to nurture and support others, or have I wasted time coming up with excuses? Do I give myself time to be nurtured and supported by others, or do I tell everyone I am fine and seek nurturing and support in unhealthy ways? Do I pray for the wisdom to use my time wisely or do I seek to fill my time unwisely?
Take time to listen to God as He tells you how much He loves, cherishes, adores, and beholds you as His beloved child, loved unconditionally and His greatest creation. Give yourself time to laugh, celebrate, remember, and rejoice so that you can be renewed, refreshed, and reformed as into His Body of Christ.
Next week’s Glimpse will be on the Spirituality of yard/garage sales, flea markets, …..
Thoughts to continue to reflect on…..
What does summer mean and how does it change me?
As we unofficially approach summer, let us take the time to reflect on what summer can be for us as we seek spiritual growth, a rejuvenation within our body, soul and heart and spirit, and personal transformation. Let us take the longer days with more light, the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the waters be it in an ocean or backyard pool, the gentle breeze and the cool rains. Let it be a season that you find enjoyable, not complaining about the heat, but reflecting on the warmth of God’s love for you, no complaining about the bugs that creep around, hover over and bite, but seek God’s grace and patience with those who bug you by their words, actions and attitude, not complaining about the crowds around your favorite summer resort, but being thankful that people are getting out, enjoying God’s creation and having fun safely, in a healthy manner and mutual respect for others. Enjoy your summer, don’t let it get away from you without some rest and relaxing moments amid your busy schedule, with your God, your family, friends, and most of all, with yourself. You are your best company, enjoy, relax, and remember that you are God’s beloved child, His greatest creation and loved beyond measure.
S – Self – Am I taking care of myself and finding the time to rest and relax
so as to replenish my body, heart, mind, spirit so that I can more fully enjoy,
and be present in my relationships with family, friends, coworkers and even the stranger?
U – Undo – Can I allow Mary, the Un-doer of knots, to undo the stress knots that I have, and allow myself to rest in the presence of God?
If I recognize that stress comes from how I handle situations, challenges, and circumstances in my life, can I change how I react so as to live a more whole and healthy life?
Can I ask Mary, the recipient of many stressful triggers, to calm my fears, lessen my anxieties, and help me to draw nearer to her Son Jesus?
M – Measure – During these summer months, what do I measure?
Do I measure and count the moments, hours of my time spent with family and friends, or my time spent in prayer?
Do I look at the time I spend in relaxation as a time of blessing?
or do I see it as wasting time?
Do I look at and measure the time that I spend at work as a necessary evil?
or as using the gifts and talents that God has given me to glorify Him?
If God had a measuring stick, and He asked you to mark where you thought His love for you was, where how would you mark it?
Would it be in centimeters, inches, feet, or yards?
Would it be on the low end because of shame, guilt, false humility, or the high end because you realize that His love is unconditional and unfailing?
He gave and continues to give His love freely and without measure, without cost,
the cost was paid in full on the very cross that you behold. Do you believe this?
M –Memory - The season of summer often brings back memories of our youth
and the things that we did as a family on summer vacation.
If your memories are great and plentiful, continue to live them.
Try to do some of the same things with your family so that they can come to appreciate your past and the love that your family shared on summer vacation.
If your memories are painful, start your own new memories.
Create new traditions. Build memories for your children so that they can pass them on to their children.
Good heartfelt memories are very special gifts from God especially created for us.
E – Embrace – During these hot summer months,
are you open to embracing and being embraced?
To allow oneself to be embraced, one has to let down their guard.
and open their arms to fully experience the love that comes from a genuine embrace.
Being embraced sometimes involves forgiveness.
Can you forgive? Can you ask for forgiveness?
God wants to embrace you and tell you how much He loves you.
He is waiting for you to let down your guard that is hiding the shame, guilt, fears that you might be holding on to.
Can you open your heart and arms to God so that He can not only embrace you,
but also touch and heal you?
Once you let down your guard and take the time to feel the love and embrace the mercy of God, you will also realize that God has had you in His loving embrace.
since that moment He formed you in the womb.
His embrace has been love that surrounds you, the peace that envelopes you.
and the joy that fills you, despite the challenges that confront you.
R – Refreshment – During these summer months,
take the time to be refreshed and rejuvenated.
This is the time to rejoice in the longer days filled with sunlight, the warmth of the sun as you relax under its rays, the brisk cold feeling of the ocean waves as they hit you,
the calm of laying on a raft in your pool, and the ability to go on vacation.
where you can enjoy the great gift of God’s creation and the blessings that surround it
such as faith, family, friends, nature and the joy of having FUN !!!!
As we look at Covid 19 in the rear-view mirror, with all the havoc that it has caused, I believe that we can now say, with greater ease because we have become a wiser people, that we have adjusted to our new normal, and are choosing to follow healthier habits, lifestyles, and practices.
But yet even with the great devastation that Covid19 caused, it still does not compare to what our veterans were faced with in war, or the killing of innocent people due to the gun violence in our communities, state and nation, and the mental illness that many are suffering, that is a contributing factor, leading to violence against others as well as in the rise of suicides. We must continue to pray for an end of the gun violence and the killing of our innocent young children and adults who are only trying to live their life safely.
Memorial Day is upon us, and the reason for remembering this day in a special way has not changed or lost its meaning, On Memorial Day we remember our Veterans, past and present, who selflessly chose to serve their country so that others could enjoy what it means to be a free people, a people that do not have to live in fear, but peace. As we grow farther away from the fear of getting covid 19 because we and our loved ones have received the vaccine, and its booster shots. These past 3 years, are days, weeks, and months that people of all ages, all social status, all education levels, all economic and political levels will recall with profound and transforming memories. The impact of Covid19 has challenged and effected all ages, from the youngest to the oldest, from the child in daycare to the parent in skilled nursing care, from the infant just born to the parent that just died.
Our global community is carrying this cross of suffering and death because of the rise of gun violence, opioid addictions, unending mass shootings as well as the murders that occur every day in our cities, state, and country. I believe that it has been through that collective cross that we are all carrying, that we have become more united as a world, nation, state, community, neighborhood, church, and family. But even as we look into the faces of these various deadly situations, we can choose to open our eyes and face it or close our eyes and complain about it. We can become a force to be reckoned with or a force that we bow to. We are fighting a war that we need to be prepared for and want to win. We want to fight for our health and the health and wellbeing of those we love, those we encounter and even the stranger.
We want to rediscover what peace, freedom, and warm embraces are amid our new normal. So how is rise in gun violence, the mass shootings, suicides, overdoses, and the wars that our veterans have fought similar?
We are all fighting a war, the war to stay alive, stay healthy and keep our children safe. We are asked to remember and pray for those who have lost their life due to gun violence, opioid addiction and drug overdoses, and suicide. All of this affords us the opportunity to recognize that in the hearts of the men and women who bravely chose to serve our country that their choice was rooted in a deep love for God, country, and their fellow human being. There was and is a presence of selfless, self-emptying, giving and a sacrificial love and heart where God dwells and strengthens them to give all that they have for the safety, good and wellbeing of another, from those they know to the complete stranger. Our doctors, nurses, medical staff, EMTs, fire and police, are those war veterans who are fighting for the health, wellbeing, and safety of others. There too is a presence of a selfless, emptying, giving and sacrificial love that goes beyond any ego, selfishness, self-centeredness that could take root. They are all facing the unimaginable death and grief as they see those they know and don’t know pass before them, whether it is from a virus or from gun violence. God is the one and only author of life and death and yet many have taken that role in their own hands and have taken the life of another as if the other doesn’t matter, or they are insignificant, or because they can’t control their own illness and it gets the best of them in the worst way.
The Veterans, our heroes, that fought and continue to fight for our country, and for the peace and freedom of others in our global community, gave and continue to give of themselves completely and are willing to offer the ultimate sacrifice for what they believe and are fighting for. They have watched their comrades fall and could only hold their hand and speak words of peace, job well done and surrendered them to their God.
They have lifted up those who were wounded from gun and mortar shots and the pain that wrenched through their bodies, and they have had to rescue those who were in the grips of the enemy. In a different way, our front-line heroes are doing the same. They have watched their comrades fall to the opioid and drug overdoses and gun violence, with only their hand to hold as they closed their eyes, Our heroes, both our Veterans and those on the front line, have had to endure the face of death yesterday, today and for many tomorrows to come.
Our Veterans suffered and died for their country. Country is not just a word, but they suffered and died for humanity no matter who they were or where they lived. They deserve our gratitude, our thanks, our recognition, and our prayers. When they came home, they may have come home to a hero’s welcome, but that didn’t take away the pain of their memories and the suffering that they experienced and will continue to experience physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Our Veterans gave of themselves completely. They fought and continue to fight for the causes of life, liberty, peace, and security.
If you ask a Veteran if they ever expected to face such a war in their own back yard, in their families, their community, their nation and their world, I will venture to say they would not have. This is a war where men and woman are not just in camouflage searching out the enemy, but also medical scrubs and masks, that rifles and guns are needing to be used to kill the enemy, as well as proactive testing, social distancing, proper sanitizing procedures, facial covering and vaccines, bullet proof vests, SWAT gear, a race against time, and where we are not just hearing about it in the media, but living out in our everyday lives.
With combat in war, gun violence and opioid and drug overdoses, the effects are all devastating because the bottom and most critical line is that human life is being taken away. People are dying at the hands of others, wars continue out of a need for and to control, the devastating opioid addiction and drug overdoses that continue to take lives, families are broken, fear is paramount as the violence against each other rises, the morale of the people is exceptionally low, and the grief is on a monumental level.
But where do we go from here? We go with our Veterans with a greater determination to fight, live life with gratitude, and seek strength from each other, from our God, and from within especially when life’s cross gets heavy and seemingly unbearable. As our Veterans did and continue to do, we seek the courage to fight when we feel we are without fight, we seek the strength to carry this cross when we feel fed up, we resolve to defeat the enemy and not be defeated by it so that we come out as victors and not victims.
So… as we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day, let us be mindful of how this day came about and let us pray for those who we are called to remember, our military past and present, that selflessly sacrificed and continue to do so for the good of others. Let us close our eyes and see that through their faith, courage, and determination, we are free and know what peace is. Let us pray that they know and believe in their hearts that they have done and continue to do the best that they could to be their best self, the person that God created them to be and have the potential to become.
If you are looking for Glimpse of God, seek out, talk to a Veteran, an active-duty member, a reservist, and listen to their story, learn from their wisdom and experience, and discover the God that called them, sustained them, and loved them through the most difficult period and time of their life. Their time, their sacrifice, their love for God and others, all formed them to be the selfless and courageous person that they are today. We all need examples of faith, hope and charity. We can find it in those who served and are serving our country, the family members, close friends, neighbors and all other soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who support the home front while their loved ones are deployed far away. Our military, both active duty and reservists, are a Glimpse of God. Family, friends, and supporters are big glimpses of God, so where do you fit in?
Take each day this week to remember and pray for the Veterans who fought for us and those in the military who are fighting for us now. May the week ahead not make us weak in spirit or our desire to fight, may the days ahead not put us into a daze where we choose to ignore our health and well bring and the health and wellbeing of others, may the hours in each day remind us that the day is ours and we can choose to live life to the fullest despite our limitations, may each minute remind us that nothing or no one is minute in the sight of God, and may each second offer us the opportunity to be the breath of God, where each second counts, and not wait to make that our second choice.
Duty, Honor, and Commitment…..We all have the duty to honor our commitment to serve God, be our best self and help others to become their best self. This war is an internal one where the devil seeks to take us away from our duty, our honor and our commitment and bring us to a place where we serve him and not our God or our fellow man. We become less committed to becoming our best self, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become. You can win that war one battle at a time, one prayer and one act of surrender to God, at a time.
Glimpse of God for the week of May 21, 2023
My glimpse of God comes in and through the Father McDermott as he prepares to move on to be the Pastor of another parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, effective in few weeks. Father McDermott has been our pastor for 10 years, and as we all might be aware of, the life of a parish priest in most dioceses, involves both spiritual and personal transformation, physical transitions, and tremendous changes both personally and with those he serves. And I believe that one of the many challenges that a priest faces is the time that they have to tell their congregation that they are being transferred, and that a new priest will be their pastor. This is the case for Father and Saint John Fisher. A difficult time for all.
When he came to Saint John Parish 10 years ago, the task or cross that he was given was to merge three parishes into one: Saint John Fisher, Immaculate Conception, and Holy Savior. As the process became clear and the parishioners of the merging two other parishes were probably feeling hurt, lost, and defeated, he approached them as God’s instrument of healing and hope with mutual respect, dignity, gentleness and understanding. In these past ten years, as he grew closer to the God he loves, he renewed His promise that he made at his ordination, his YES to be a shepherd of souls, God’s instrument of peace,
These ten years have reflected His commitment, dedication and devotion as he has always been a sign of healing as we lived a united parish, a sign of trust as we chose to worship as one family, and a sign of hope and wholeness as we all continue to walk on our journey of faith as one church, the Church of Saint John Fisher. Throughout all the renovation, re-building and fund raising for the church reconstruction” Raising the Roof” campaign, he has managed to take control, guide all the work for the renovation, keep the parish abreast of the progress, maintain his sanity and humor throughout, and still be a humble and unpretentious priest. We would not have the beautiful church we have today if it wasn’t for Father McDermotts hard work and sense of vision, to say the least.
Amid everything that a parish priest is called to do on a daily basis from the celebration of the sacraments, attending meetings, and the many other miscellaneous activities, he remains a joy filled priest. Father McDermott reverently honors the gift of His vocation and celebrates, shares, and nurtures that gift with his flock. In and through his vocation as a priest, he freely and selflessly shares the fruits of the gift and graces that overflow from those graces of his vocation. This is evident as he celebrates Mass and brings others to know God better and in a deeper way as he baptizes, absolves, nurtures, anoints, unites, and commends.
I realize that not everyone who reads this is Catholic or even understands what the role of the priest is, so I invite those of you who are not Catholic to look at your Minister or Pastor and see how he/she represents the person of Christ or brings you to a greater knowledge and love of God as you seek to understand Him.
In the Catholic Mass, there are two essential parts of the Mass: The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. I am not going to use this glimpse to explain what each part consists of, but to summarize them. This is just one aspect where one is given the opportunity to witness the true love of the priest for His God, His Church, and his congregation.
During the Liturgy of the Word, after the Scripture readings, the priest or deacon has the opportunity to give a homily, which is based on the readings. At this point in his reflections, Father M, as well as our Deacon Dan and the visiting priests, often incorporates his sense of humor and personal experiences to explain the readings in way that can be better understood by the congregation. Many of the congregation get it at that moment and laugh, while it takes some others a few minutes longer, and then you see them smile.
As I realize that the homily reflects the humanness and the perspective of the priest and deacon. I always leave with a sense of gratitude. In many cases, as there are priests and deacons, the homilies can either be too short, too long, too wordy, over the head, in the head, from the toes, off the hip, from the internet, but in our case, they are sincere and just enough to remember and focus on when you return home. With Father M’s unscripted words in his homilies, I am given the opportunity to see him as a person who, amid the many challenges to the priesthood, stands firm and committed to serving Christ freely, selflessly, and wholeheartedly. His words exude his love for the Church, for Christ and for us.
The next part of the Mass is the Liturgy of the Eucharist, where he stands in the place of Jesus Christ and through the process of Transubstantiation; the complete change of the substance of bread and wine into the Real Presence of Christ’s Body and Blood, he gives us our true and only source of spiritual nourishment, the Holy Eucharist. So, no matter who Father is, how young or old, a good homilist or not, personable or introverted, when he celebrates Mass, he is standing in the place of Christ, and when he raises the chalice and the bread and prays the prayers of consecration, the bread and wine become the body and the blood of Jesus. Through reception of the Body and Blood of Christ, we are all invited to change and to draw power and strength to make Christ present and alive in our life as Christians. We are all called to be transformed and be the best person that we can be, that God created us to be, and we have the potential to become.
Father M. and all priests, and in some cases our deacons, give us what we so desire as Catholics, the opportunity to receive the love of Christ through the celebration of the Sacraments, so that we can share it with others, and so become co- builders of the Kingdom of God here on earth. As Father M. celebrates Mass and through other parish encounters, I am given a chance to experience who God is because of his humility, love for Christ, desire to bring us to know Christ, and in his humanness, he chooses not to exude the holier than thou attitude.
This week, as Members of the Body of Christ and builders of God’s kingdom here one earth, let us strive to be the best person we can be, that God created us to be and have the potential to become. Let us take the time to reflect on how God uses our Body and its parts, as an instrument to spread His love, extend His compassion, and be His peace maker with those we encounter.
SUNDAY – PRAYERFUL SPIRIT - At your Sunday Mass or Service, pray for your Priest, Pastor, or Minister that they be strengthened and renewed by their prayer life, the Sacraments of the Church, other priests, the life of the Church, and the support of the people they minister to and the congregations they serve.
MONDAY – HELPING HANDS - try to reach out to those in need by picking up the phone and calling someone who is lonely and alone, by writing a letter or note for someone who cannot write anymore because they are arthritic or elderly or has trouble seeing, or by placing your hands in prayer and praying for maybe a few extra minutes for those who have entrusted you with their needs and concerns.
TUESDAY - HAPPY FEET - try to spiritually walk in the shoes of the suffering, the outcasts, the despairing. Pray with and for them as you listen to their story either in person, on the phone, from the TV news, or from the internet. If you know of someone whose journey has been difficult, they feel overwhelmed, and they don’t have the energy or desire to put one foot in front of the other, pray for them.
Instead of judging, ignoring, or minimizing their struggles, pray for the grace to better understand them. You may not be able to physically walk in their shoes, but you can pray for the grace to be present to them even when it is difficult, to pray for them even as you think of all the other prayers that you want God to hear, and to not judge them but rather be compassionate towards them.
WEDNESDAY – EYES OF TRUTH – try to be the eyes of truth by looking at those who you live with, work with, live near and even the stranger, and seeing the good in them. Remind them that they are God’s beloved child, that God unconditionally loves them, and that they are His greatest creation. See past their fears and flaws and see the face of Christ in them. See the GOD who loves them and has chosen you to love them in return. Choose to open the eyes of your heart, mind, and spirit to their goodness as God’s beloved child, and close them when your heart, mind or spirit is tempted to tear down, judge, or see only their shortcomings. The good you see in others is the good they see in you. Be that truth today.
THURSDAY – OPEN EARS – try to be the open ears that listen to another and seek to be empathetic and not judgmental. Try to understand where they are coming from and what is weighing upon their heart as they speak to you. Silence is a gift that, when we truly listen to someone, we are inspired to give.
FRIDAY - HUMBLE HEART - try today to be the heart of compassion by not tearing down another especially one that has offended you in some way, instead, take a moment of silence and pray to choose love over vengeance or anger. Forgiveness brings peace, silence empowers, and love conquers hatred.
I believe that the two hardest and most humble acts of love come when we can sincerely say “I am sorry” and “I forgive you” When we can admit our wrongs against another and humbly tell them that we are sorry, that is God’s grace working. His grace and our desire to be our best self, enables us to feel contrite and make amendment. When we can forgive one who has wronged us and when we say those life changing and transformative words “I forgive you” that wrong is no longer, that is humility and grace again at work. There is nothing that we can say or do that will make God love us less; His love is unconditional, free and without cost. As Christ’s followers, builders of God’s kingdom here on earth and children of God, we are commissioned to share that gift of mercy and compassion with others. Christ freely gave it to us so that we share it with others.
SATURDAY – BREATH OF LIFE –Every breath that we take is a gift from God. So today be the breath of life to those you encounter by saying kind words, by offering sincere compliments, or by supporting another with words of comfort and consolation. But more importantly, take a moment to focus on your breathing and see if it is slow, fast, labored or calm. In whatever speed your breathing is, is it a reflection of your present life experience or challenge, and if it is can you bring it to God in prayer? Can you make it a prayer of Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication, all, or some?
This week pray for all priests; those we know and are now experiencing the painful transition that change brings, those men who were ordained just yesterday, those who joyful and joy filled in their vocation, and those who are struggling to find joy or hope due to spiritual desolation, the effects of aging or physical illness.
Glimpse of God for the week of May 14, 2023
Happy Mother’s Day to all
To all: Mothers: Grandmothers, God Mothers, Foster Mothers. Mothers through Adoption, Blended Family Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Fathers who serve the dual role of Mother and Father, Consecrated Religious Women and Men who exude the love of the Blessed Mother in all that they do and those they encounter, and woman who are preparing to give birth.
As we set aside this day to celebrate the gift of motherhood, we also want to recognize that every day, every second of each day, we should celebrate those who have been like a mother to us. We should, and want to remember, in a special way those who have gone before us, our mothers, grandmothers, and others who have exuded the charism and qualities of Mary, our Mother to us so that we can become our best self, the person that God created us to be so that we can be a radiant reflection of Her Son Jesus to others.
I am sure that as we all have prayed the Hail Mary, we often envisioned the encounter of Mary and Elizabeth. As Elizabeth approached Mary, she uttered the words that bless God through Mary, the Hail Mary. As you honor Mary on this Mother’s Day, have you ever thought of how she honors you through the Hail Mary?
Here is how I think she honors you, you as mother, grandmother, God mother, foster mother, blended family mother, aunt, sister, adoptive family mother, father fulfilling both roles, siblings that take on the responsibility of raising their siblings due to an absent mother, and those who choose religious life and radiate the love of Mary and their love for Mary to all they encounter.
I hope that this reflection brings you to a deeper relationship with Mary and a better understanding of how you echo her YES by your surrender, trust and love for God and her Son Jesus. Mary loves, honors, and hails you as you follow Jesus Her Son, walk with Her, and love God with your whole heart, mind, spirit, and soul. You can take a day to reflect on the various aspects of the Hail Mary or take the prayer as a whole and reflect on it each day.
SUNDAY -Hail Mary:
We honor Mary as we approach her in prayer. How does she honor us? As we recite these two noticeably short words, we are honoring, recognizing, and blessing God’s action through her. She in turns honors and recognizes God’s action through us. She sees and wants to let us know that she is present in our prayer to her, but also, she recognizes in our actions how we try to reflect her Yes in our Yes, to radiate the presence of Her Son as we strive to be His body, His witness, His love to others.
MONDAY -Full of Grace: we are full of the grace of God.
That grace we received at our baptism and continue to receive through the Sacraments of the Church. Mary wants to remind us that we never are empty of God’s grace, that He is always ready to shower us with His grace whenever we approach Him and ask for it. Full of Grace, means that we are not half empty although there are times when we think we are, God doesn’t do anything halfway.
We might think that we are short on grace, but God’s graces are abounding and overflowing, we just need to open the eyes of our heart and mind, spirit, and soul so that we can recognize them as God chooses to reveal them to us.
TUESDAY -The Lord is with you: Although Mary was the first living tabernacle, the tabernacle where the Son of God chose to dwell, the living Christ, we as members of the Body of Christ, who choose to receive Him in the Holy Eucharist, are also living tabernacles for Christ and where He chooses to dwell. Christ dwells within us. As we receive Him as we partake of the Body of Christ, we are consuming His very being into our very being, into the very core of who we are. Our identity as Christ’s followers, as God’s beloved sons and daughters, as builders of the Kingdom of God here one earth, as Mary’s children entrusted by Christ to her care and love, is recognized, strengthened, and blessed as we choose to witness to that presence within us to those outside of us.
WEDNESDAY -Blessed are you among women; Mary was blessed beyond any other woman that God has brought forth from the womb. She was conceived without sin, chosen to be the Mother of our Divine Savior and endured the sorrow of His passion and death. She was blessed with the grace of God to endure, persevere, and overcome the challenges that the devil presented. These challenges or temptations could have taken the form of doubt, despair, discouragement, bitterness, resentment, and indifference, but she chose to believe in her God and His promise that He would never forsake or abandon her. She chose to live her Yes in complete love, surrender and trust. Many of us, both mothers and fathers, recognize the presence and blessings of God in our lives. Mary wants us to know that we too are blessed by God. He hears our prayers and gives us the answers that we need to hear when we need to hear them, they may not be the answers that we want to hear, but they are what is best for us. Mary was chosen to be the Mother of our Savior when God saw the time as best. Although we have not been chosen to be the mother or father of the Son of God, by our baptism, we have been chosen and commissioned to bear witness to the Son of God in and through our lives. We are invited to share our knowledge of Christ with others, to stand up for what we believe especially when it is difficult, and to carry our crosses and face our life’s struggles and challenges, and to help others carry theirs. It is an invitation by God to fulfill our baptismal promises to enter into His passion death and resurrection, so that we can become our best self. As we face the many temptations of the devil that may come in the form of despair, discouragement, revenge, bitterness, indifference, we can overcome them by remembering that our yes and Mary’s Yes were made in trust knowing that God will never abandon us or forsake us.
THURSDAY -And blessed is the fruit of your Womb, Jesus:
Mary gave birth to Jesus and blessed was she. The womb of Mary, the place where God chose to dwell in Mary. A woman’s womb is a place, a home, where God chooses to dwell each time she conceives a child. Many women do not conceive. What we conceive in the womb is what God calls the gift of life. Yet we are all called to be life giving, to be the breath of life, to share the life of Christ with others. We are all called to respect the dignity of human life from conception to natural death. Mary’s womb was the first to bring forth the Savior, yet His birth through her, allows us to give birth to His presence to others by how we live, the example we lead by, the love that we show for and share with others, and the love we show for ourselves.
FRIDAY - Holy Mary, Mother of God: Mary’s love, dwells within each of us. She is our Mother, and her love is unconditional, eternal and a sign of Jesus’ presence as she cares for us, intercedes for us, prays for us, and brings us closer to her Son as she knows we want to be. Mary is the Mother of God, and as her children,
we are also called to be Mother to those in whose face we are called to see God; the poor, the homeless, the forgotten, the estranged, the addicted, the alien, the refugee, those we dislike and those who even may hate us.
SATURDAY -Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Mary is always praying for us and with us. We can and are called to pray for others as well. We are all sinners striving to become saints. Christ died for all. You and I are not exempt from His mercy, grace, peace, reconciliation, and compassion, and either is the person that has injured us deeply. Mary wants us to realize that as she intercedes for us to Jesus, we are asked to pray for her intercession for others. Praying for others is a selfless act. As we lift others up in prayer, we are placing their needs first. Mary was selfless and as we pray for others, we too are following her example of selflessness and love. As we walk with others in and out of love, who are approaching the doors of heaven, we want to pray that the doors of God’s mercy be open so that they can walk into His loving and warm embrace. As we approach Mary to be with us and our loved ones at the hour of death, we too can ask for her to be with those who may not have anyone to pray for them, who may die alone, who may die at the hands of others, who will suffer to death, who we might not like but are called to love, who may have caused us harm or injury, or who have made us feel like we were dead, invisible or unloved.
AMEN: I believe. I profess and believe in the love and power of God as witnessed by Mary. I want to recognize, with greater clarity, how I am being called to witness His presence in my life each day.
Glimpse of God for the week of May 7, 2023
Usually, my Glimpse of God is about how, where, or through whom, I have been given the grace to see God more clearly. The view can be as quick as a glimpse or as long as a stare. Yet. it is through God's grace that I am able to recognize His presence in all things; in the ordinary and in the extraordinary, people, places, circumstances, and events that I encounter.
To recognize the presence of God in a greater way with more clarity and understanding, it takes not only one’s eyes, but also all of the senses as well as with an open heart and mind. Altogether, I am able to recognize God's glimpses, maybe not all of them, but many, in the course of the day.
I believe that we are all given the graces to recognize His presence in the many ways that He chooses to reveal Himself. I also believe that like any parent, He wants us to know that He is always with us even when we can't seem to see or hear Him. The greatest way that He reveals himself is through the sacraments of the Church, especially the Eucharist, through Sacred Scripture and each other. But as members of the Body of Christ, God chooses and uses us to be His presence in the world. Every time we look into the mirror, we are looking at a Glimpse of God. We are a glimpse of His light in a dark world, His voice when others are silenced, His consolation when suffering is inconsolable, His eyes to see to the heart of others, His heart that extends his mercy and compassion, and His peace when discord abounds. Sinful though we are, God knows that we are striving to be our best self, the person that He created us to be and have the potential to become, and yet as sinners striving to become saints, we often miss the mark, and yet He continues to call us
to reach our potential.
So for this week's daily reflections, I am suggesting that we take each day and try to be more aware of how God chooses to reveal Himself to us through our senses and how He chooses to use us to be His glimpse to others. As you walk through the week and reflect on your senses, do not focus on any cataracts, clogged ears, sinus congestion, arthritis, bunions, or laryngitis, but rather on the person that God created, sees and adores every day: the unique and special YOU.
What do you see first in the morning when you awake from sleep? Do you see God? Is He disguised as a child, a spouse, a garden, the gentle rains, or a beautiful sunrise? Is your vision clear or double, dry eye or teary eyed? Does seeing God bring clarity to the beauty that surrounds you? God created all things and yes, He created you and me. We are His greatest creation? Do you, can you, see that as you look into the mirror? However, you wake up to see God, He is still God and His love is and will always be perfect, unconditional, and free.
Today, thank God for the gift of your eyes just as they are.
What do you hear, how well do you listen? I believe that we hear with our ears and listen with our hearts. Do you hear a lot of noise or nothing at all? Do you hear the cries of your children, the requests of your family, your community members outside your room? Can you take the time to listen to the cries of the poor, the hungry, the elderly, the forgotten? Do you hear the front door closing, and can you take time to listen as the doors close to strangers, to the homeless? Do you hear your family begging for your attention, and can you take time to listen to their need to feel and be loved? Do you think that God hears your prayers, and can you take time to listen as He responds to them, even when and if the answer is not what you prayed for?
Today, thank God for the gift of your ears just as they are.
What smells or aromas do you remember as a child? Do they bring back happy memories or painful ones? Do you remember the smells, scents that surrounded your house as your mom baked cookies or cooked a meal? Do you recall the smell of your dad’s after shave or your mom’s cologne that indicated that you were happy because they were home? Can you recall how the various smells or aromas were a part of your life experiences and made them so significant?
Today, thank God for the gift of your nose just as it is.
How are your hands the hands of Christ? Do you offer up your prayers for those in need, or do you blame them for their situation? Do you extend your hands in peace and reconciliation, or do you clasp them shut in anger or bitterness? Do you pray with your hands and arms extended and open so that you can receive God’s blessings, or do you close them in despair or discouragement? Can you recall how you felt when another offered you peace and mercy through a handshake? Can you remember how you felt when you extended peace to someone that hurt you badly? Can you allow yourself to be embraced by God as He looks happily on you and the joy that He has in you?
Today, thank God for the gift of your hands just as they are.
It is tough to walk in the shoes of another. We can be as empathetic as possible, but we can never walk completely in the shoes of another, nor can they walk in ours. Our feet have walked miles and will walk many more as we continue our earthly journey. We can use our feet to walk or say stuck, to run for a cause or have no cause to run for. In any case, the ground that we walk on, no matter where or with whom, is holy ground. It is God’s ground and we have been given the gift of being able to walk on it. The challenge that comes with that gift is that we are invited to help others walk with God so that they can also experience His powerful and unconditional love for them. How have your feet been an instrument of empathy and strength for you and others?
Today, thank God for the gift of your feet just as they are.
How are you the breath and voice of God? Do you speak up when others; victims, children, the forgotten, the elderly, the most vulnerable in society, can’t? Do you stand up for what you believe; the gospel message, or do you fall for whatever sounds good to you at the time? Do you offer words of mercy and forgiveness or judgment and contempt? Are you familiar with the words “I am sorry” and “I forgive you”? or do you avoid them by making excuses for bad choices and behaviors? Can you hear, do you listen, as God tells you how much He loves you, how He adores you, how you are His beloved and that He forgives you?
Today, thank God for the gift of your voice just as it is.
How big is your heart? Is there room for it to continue to grow in love for God, self and others? Who has helped you grow in love for God? Have life experiences made your heart whole or is it broken? Can you allow God to heal the brokenness so that you can become whole and healed? How have you allowed others: Your spouse, your children, your parents, members of your community, to grow in God’s love for them by your words, example and prayers?
Today, thank God for the gift of your heart just as it is.
Glimpse of God for April 22, 2023
The immeasurable treasures at Assisi House
As I begin this Glimpse, I want to take a moment to recognize the many graces and the giftedness of so many that the Church of Philadelphia has received, through the open hearts of many men and women who have answered the call to serve as Priests, Consecrated Religious and Permanent Deacons. This May, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will celebrate the ordination of men to the priesthood, and in June men will be ordained permanent deacon.
This weekend, many Sisters of Saint Francis of Assisi of Philadelphia, will celebrate, in an incredibly special way, the diamond and golden jubilee of their first profession. WOW!!! What an honor to be in the presence of those who so willingly, graciously, and happily chose and continue to choose to serve Christ, live Christ and be Christ to all those they encounter. Thank you, Diamond Jubilarians: Sisters Marietta Culhane, Marie Patrice Feeney, Eileen Hennessey, Leonora Juliani, Anne Mancini, Ann McFadden, Marie Michelle Michel, Nuala Kathleen Swan, Mary Agnes Walsh. Thank You to the Golden Jubilarian: Sister Mary Dawson Smith.. As God continues to call men and women to serve Him by serving His Church, we joyfully and prayerfully celebrate with those who recently responded, those who continue to discern God’s call, and those who continue to say Yes as they celebrate many years of faithful service.
My glimpse for this week comes from the Sisters of Saint Francis of Philadelphia who reside at the Assisi House and will celebrate their Diamond (70 years) and their Golden (50 years) Jubilees. All are gems and precious in the eyes of God and all those they encounter and serve. We consider all the Sisters at Assisi House and OLA genuine gifts from God, friends in the Lord, and our second family especially to Clover. As I reflect on the Sisters at Assisi House, I am reminded of the prophet Sirach when he states “a faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure. Faithful friends are beyond price, no amount can balance their worth. Faithful friends are a lifesaving remedy; those who fear God finds. Those who fear God enjoy stable friendship, for as they are so will their neighbor be.” Sirach 6:14-17
So how did we ever come in contact with such great friends? It was God’s plan, 7 years ago, Clover’s golden personality would make it her first ministry as a therapy dog.
We had Clover trained as a therapy dog and found that the Assisi House was open to having a therapy dog come in on a regular basis to meet with the Sisters. So, ever since then John and I have been taking Clover, our Golden Retriever, for pet therapy. Clover is greeted, hugged, given treats, complimented, fussed over, sang to, and given many kisses by the Sisters as well as the staff. From the moment that she enters the doors of the vestibule to the moment that she walks out, she is the hit of the parade. They make her feel welcomed in their home. As a therapy dog, she is there to serve her purpose and that is to be a silent presence to each person. Although it is about Clover and the calming affect that she has on the Sisters, they always make John and I feel welcomed and a part of their family as well.
It has been through these one-on-one visits where we and the Sisters have come to love each other and grow in friendship. They share their stories with us, their challenges, their wisdom and their prayers and they embrace our stories, our challenges, and offer us their prayers, support, and encouragement. They are present to us as even they spend time with Clover. It was Clover who got her paws in the front door as a therapy dog, which allowed us to walk with her and each sister on this wonderful and blessed journey of true love, support, genuine friendships, deep lasting relationships, and joy. Thank you Sisters for continuing to allow us into your home, we are deeply blessed and grateful.
As I reflect on their jubilee and their vocation as Consecrated Religious, I am inspired, and in awe of these wonderful deep women of faith. These Sisters who are celebrating 70 and 50 years as a Consecrated Religious, as well as every sister who has been there and has moved on to 70 plus years, as well as to the sisters who aren’t there yet. Be it diamond, golden, or silver, each year they continue to shine as a true gem and precious jewel in the hands of their creator and the lives of His beloved children and creation. All have said YES so long ago, and yet just moments ago as well. Their YES is a daily YES. They live out their YES to God by the life that they live, have lived, and hope to live that of a faithful service with a heart that remains open always ready to be transformed, conformed, and reformed to the heart of Jesus.
They said YES with no treasure map to follow, no guarantee or refunds, no promises or exceptions as the world would ask or expect. Instead they put their trust in God’s wisdom and knowledge of their deepest desire and love for Him, their treasure map was and remains in the Sacraments of the Church, for it is in them they find the direction and path that they need to follow, their promise was eternal life and the guarantee was given to them by Jesus as He was nailed to the cross, and there are no exceptions, we are all included. All who choose to follow Christ will inherit eternal life. The Sisters have remained faithful followers despite and amidst any physical limitations, pain, discouragement, and disappointments. In the midst of it all they renew in their heart their YES to Christ as His beloved bride. All the Sisters are not only a Glimpse of God, but a clear picture of God and His wonderful all-encompassing love for all His children. They, like Saint Francis, exude the simplicity, humility and compassion that makes them truly God’s instruments of peace in a world torn by strife, discord, and division.
As we begin a new week, let us take a moment to thank God for all of those individuals; religious, secular and military, who have given us our freedom so that we can practice our religion, have given us religion so that we can pray for freedom, and who have united us as one under God, so that we will not be afraid to be a witness and a sign of His presence through acts of justice, words of truth, and signs of reconciliation. As I write the daily reflections, I have included the definitions from Marian Webster because they truly reflect the Sisters of Saint Francis at the Assisi House and how they continue to live out their YES.
SUNDAY – “J” – JOYFUL - The feelings expressed or a causing of immense pleasure and happiness.
Are you a joyful person? What brings you joy? What takes away your joy? Joy is not a fleeting gift from God, but one that is planted with deep roots. It is up to us; we can choose to cultivate it or ignore it. We can be a joyful person despite the challenges that come our way, or we can allow them to make us bitter and unhappy.
For today, take time to look at the various events, people, circumstances that bring or have brought you joy, as well as when you were the cause of joy for someone and how it made you feel and offer a prayer of gratitude.
MONDAY – “U” - UNIQUE - Someone or something that is unlike anything or anyone else, incredibly special, or unusual.
Do you see yourself as a unique individual? Do you recognize that you have been given extraordinary gifts and talents by God that make you who you are and the special person that you are? God sees you as unique, special and He calls you, His beloved. Can you allow yourself to be loved by God? It is a gift to be different and not blend in with everyone. God has created you to be you and not anyone else. There will never be another you. There will never be another heart like yours, another spirit like yours another soul like yours. You are created as uniquely as God creates. Do you like who you are, or do you try to be someone else? Can you allow God to love you and show you how special and unique you are and that you are gift?
For today, look in the mirror and begin to identify your uniqueness, your giftedness by God, what makes you special, intellectually, physically, or emotionally, what makes you stand out from the crowd, what people notice about you. Honor who you are, reverence who you are, and recognize that God created you and wants you to see how unique and special you are to Him and all those in your life.
TUESDAY – “B” – BOUNTIFUL - Giving generously, unselfishly openhanded.
We all have opportunities to give generously of our selves: by being present to another as we listen and words are not necessary, by offering our prayers to those who are seeking to feel God’s presence, by lending a hand to someone who is need, and by lifting up one who has fallen by our showing of compassion, mercy and understanding.
For today, look at how you have been bountiful and how others have been bountiful in your life. Ask God for the grace to continue to extend yourself to those in need, be it spiritual, physical, or emotional and thank Him for those who He has sent to you when you needed them most and, in some cases didn’t realize it.
WEDNESDAY – “I’ – INTUITIVE - Having the ability to understand things without any proof.
The prayer of Saint Francis can be a prayer of intuitiveness because it is in the prayer where we identify those areas that are “off”, hatred, doubt, despair, darkness, … and we want to make right with God’s love, pardon, faith, hope,…We want to make right what we spiritually intuit to be bringing us away from the Lord.
We might not be able to identify the exact moments where we have fallen to hatred or how we have doubted God or the how or why we gave into despair, but we sense deep within that something is not right, and we want to change. Hatred, injury, doubt, despair, discord, darkness, sadness, can permeate our very being, but it is the desire to bring forth love, pardon, faith, hope, truth, light, joy, understanding, and consolation that enables us to act in a positive way toward others before the weakness of sin wins.
For today, slowly pray the Prayer of Saint Francis and pray for the grace to identify one aspect in your life that you want to change, or that needs healing or has been healed.
THURSDAY – “L” – LOVING - Feeling or showing love or great care.
The Sisters have lived their life showing great love for all those that God has placed in their care. We all have the potential to be loving people, yet there are times when our love is overshadowed by hate, our compassion is overshadowed by rash and harsh judgment,
and our mercy is overshadowed by bitterness. Yet in an instant, we can change and be loving and better people. We just need to ask God for His help and His grace.
For today, ask for His grace to let go of those dispositions, attitudes, actions, judgments that make you unloving, and ask to be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit that will make you become the best person that you can be, the person that God created you to be, and have the potential to become. Your best self is a loving self a giving self, continue to share your gift of self with those whose best self might be overshadowed by self-doubt, sin, shame, or unnecessary guilt.
FRIDAY – “E” – EFFUSIVE – Expressing a feeling of gratitude pleasure in a heartfelt matter.
The celebration of the Mass is an act of thanksgiving. We come together to give thanks and to celebrate as a community the great love of Jesus as He gives us His Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. We are the Body of Christ. We are commissioned to be the hands, feet, voice, eyes, and ears of Christ in our families, our church, our neighborhoods, our community, our workplace, with those we know and the stranger, the outcast and the forgotten, the humble and the proud. We are all called to build the Kingdom of God here on earth. When we possess a spirit of gratitude, we can build the Kingdom without being inhibited or restricted, where there are no walls only open spaces.
For today, express your gratitude to those who need to hear it. If it is God, pray it, if it is to a family member, say it, but just don’t let it go.
SATURDAY – “E” – ENDEARING – Inspiring love or affection and sharing it.
Do you inspire love or affection, or do you shy away from it? God draws us to love; to be love and to share love, just not to hold onto love.
For today, as you prepare for the weekend, think of how you have inspired love and how you have shared that love for God, others, and self. Remember to pray for those who have inspired love for the stranger by placing their lives in harm’s way; our military, police, fire, All these individuals give of themselves because they were inspired by the love and selfless actions of another. We might not be called to go out and minister to another who is carrying so great a cross, but the person sitting next to us at home, in the restaurant, on the train or bus, the next person that we welcome in our home, the stranger that we see walking down the street, we can all give the selfless act of love by sending a prayer to God on their behalf, since only God knows their heart and the cross they carry, our prayer made in and out of love can make their burden a little lighter.
Glimpse of God for the week of April 9, 2023
The Spirituality of the Easter Basket
Christ has risen from the tomb, alleluia, alleluia…Happy Easter our sins are forgiven, we are redeemed, and our Lord has risen from the tomb. He offers us His peace and invites us to rise from our tombs as well. The Easter season has begun, and we have 50 days until the Feast of Pentecost Sunday to relish in the joy, peace, and amazement of the great promise of Christ’s resurrection, and if we are still enough, in our mini resurrections as well. Pentecost Sunday: the birth of the Church as the risen Jesus filled Mary and the Disciples with His Holy Spirit.
As we continue to move through each day of our spiritual and physical journey with covid in our rear-view mirror for the most part, we must remember that we are an Easter resurrection people, people who believe that new life is always promised after we carry our cross and enter the tomb of every Good Friday that we endure. Our Good Fridays don’t always mean experiences as much as they could mean the fears, anxieties, negative emotions that arise from within as we think about what is going on around us. It can be emotions as well as life experiences that keep us in our tomb and hinder our emerging from them to the mini resurrections that await us.
I realize that many people may not have had the experience of receiving an Easter basket, or even making one up for those they love, so I hope that this Glimpse of God brings you a sense of new joy in what I describe as the Spirituality of the Easter basket. I hope that you can better recognize how God has called you to know Him and yourself better as you relate to Him and others through the Easter basket. This is my inspiration, and yes, a tweak of last years, and I hope that it helps you to look at the Easter basket with new eyes.
As you look at my explanation of a makeshift Easter basket, and the daily reflections, remember those that you made as a child, young adult, parent, sibling, and think of what you had in it, and now think of what you would like to see more of in this makeshift basket, what you dislike that was placed in it, what you intend to consume first, and lastly what comes to mind as you look at the basket half empty. Do you see God’s actions and presence in the Easter basket?
He is your basket, He is always embracing you, filling you with His grace as He knows you need it most, and is always loving you and protecting you. It is never empty because His love is never void or missing.
You might feel empty at times, but that is only so He can fill you with the necessary graces during those times, yet even in those times, He is speaking to your heart and calling you to listen to your heart very closely. Those candies in your Easter basket that you consumed first and enjoyed, were His gifts to remind you that you are His beloved child, that He sees the sweetness of your heart where love dwells: love for Him, others, and self, and He genuinely enjoys you and your invitation to Him to be a part of your life.
He laughs with you, He cries with you, He is silently present to you as He whispers to your heart, and He is loud as He calls you by name wherever you are. He is there to console you, lift you up, forgive you, and shower His blessing upon you. Always!!
What does your Easter basket and what fills it say about your spirituality and relationship with God? Does what you place in your Easter basket mean anything deeper than just what the items look like? The basket with a handle or not, the grass, the jellybeans, the dyed Easter eggs, the candy filled Easter eggs, chocolate Easter bunny, and of course the traditional little chick “peeps”. Did you ever wonder what the various colors that were used to dye Easter eggs meant? What is or was your favorite color when you dyed your Easter eggs? And why?
Did you create designs on them or leave them as they were? Does your Easter basket have a handle or did it at one point? Do you carry it carefully?
I will attempt to describe the Spirituality of the Easter basket as I have been inspired to. This is my own idea, and my prayer is that you recognize God’s presence and your response to that presence in your Easter basket.
The basket represents how God carries us through the good times and the challenging times, and that He will never let us go. He has a grip on our life and all that it includes, and He sees the beauty in us that enables us to shine with hope like the grass and be the rainbow of color as in the Easter eggs. Amid our sufferings and the crosses that we call carry, the Easter basket comes, not to be source of denial of our crosses and pain, but a reminder of the strength that we possess as we carry our crosses, and the strength of our character that reinforces our faith in that God is carrying us.
As followers of Christ, even as we strive to be our best, sometimes our weak side emerges. When that occurs, we try to handle our crosses, our troubles, our pain with our own ideas, our own solutions, our own self, and we think that we are in control. When this happens, our Easter basket handle seems to be missing, it may have been loosened or even fell off. When we think that we are the only ones that can carry us through our challenging times, and we do not ask for God to step in and help, we are in a way taking the handle off our Easter basket. We are not allowing God to carry us because we are trying to carry our self. We are not allowing the loving embrace of God to warm us, assist us or comfort us. God understands this because He knows our hearts better than we do. He knows that we love Him so much and that we can sometimes get overwhelmed in worry and anxiety and we are feel too ashamed to turn to Him and we get in our own way to healing and seeking His help. We instead turn into our self and away from Him.
As your basket is filled with God’s love in so many and varied ways, it can get heavy if you try to carry it alone. When we emerge from our tombs, we see Him and our self in a new light, the light of love and hope, healing, and peace. If you carry it alone, you might miss the sweetness of God grace. You try to carry it but at but at some point, you realize that you need God, and you ask Him to help you. It is at that very moment you are given the grace to see the handle and you realize that it had not fallen off or even got loose, but that it was just tucked under the basket. You just could not see it because life had blinded you for a moment.
So… as you look at your Easter basket remember that Jesus accepted help. If you come to a time where you want to walk away from your basket, know that God is going to take the basket. He takes the basket; He takes and embraces you in all your beauty and picks you back up and brings you through to the next step. The step that brings you closer to the entrance of your tomb so that His light may shine brighter on you, and that you may see that you are not alone. He loves you and is always there to embrace and carry you.
The grass is a source of protection so that the strong person that you are, when faced with trials that make you feel fragile, or joys that make you put your guard down, you are protected and will be safe in God’s arms. The grass represents our salvation in Christ. Without the grass to protect the basket, or Christ to protect us from the evil one, we would be helpless and hopeless.
Without Christ or the grass of our Easter basket, we lose sight of our unique giftedness and gifts, they go unprotected and we can feel broken or lost. The grass protects the fragile contents of our basket and Christ protects us who can be at times very fragile. And there are times when the grass seems to cover or hide what is in the basket. I believe that this grass is God’s way of showing us that He has covered our sins by Christ’s death and that we do not need to bring them back but let them go. Although our goodness seems to have been temporarily covered by sin, God wants us to rediscover within ourselves the goodness and giftedness that we are because of His mercy and love.
What does your foundation of your Easter basket look like? Is there a lot of grass and does it cover the treats? Do you eagerly wait to see what is underneath the grass? Or are you afraid to look? In faith, what does your foundation consist of? Is your prayer life a significant part of your foundation? Is your relationship with God important to you that you nourish it on a regular basis? Are the present life experiences that you are living through strengthening your foundation or weakening it? Can you wait with eager expectation to see what God has hidden and waiting for you? God is God of surprises, are you ready to see what they are for you?
The Egg represents the tomb and once opened, represents the resurrection. As we color the eggs different colors, I believe that the colors that we choose represent our unique personality that has developed as we have endured crosses, tombs, and resurrections of our life experiences. The eggs are a reminder of our baptism and how we were immersed into Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection. We are all called by name at our baptism, and it is through our unique calling that we develop a favorite color of egg, or we lean towards a color or colors that make our personality shine.
Those chewy, sweet Easter chick peeps. Today they come in many forms and types of animals, shapes, and characters, but they are still chewy, sweet peeps. The chick represents the resurrection. Since chicks come from eggs, they represent the resurrection as they break forth from the shell or the tomb and walk freely away from darkness into the light. How many chicks are in your Easter basket? How many resurrection experiences do you recall as you look at the peeps in your basket? Are your resurrection experiences a sweet memory for you that you can take a whole peep and enjoy it? Or are they bittersweet that you can only take a bite at a time of your peep? When you recall your resurrection experiences, do you recall hearing Jesus call you forth from your tomb to His light so that you can experience the sweetness of His love and healing?
As we come forth from our tombs, we come forth our better self, our sweet side emerges. The sweetness of compassion, mercy, love, peace, joy, understanding, empathy emerges where previously perhaps, bitterness, anger, helplessness, discouragement, and revenge dwelt.
Our sweet side makes us better people, and not bitter people. The candy in the Easter eggs is a gift from God to remind us that we must endure our Good Friday so that we can experience our Easter Sunday. He reminds us that we will come out better, that His love for us as His beloved children doesn’t change, but rather grows, and He shows us this by placing the varied colored, and candy filled eggs so that we can be not only be reminded of His great love but also of the sweetness of our inner and outer beauty.
The jellybeans are usually one’s favorite candy in the Easter basket. They are not only sweet, but they are also small, and many can be consumed quickly. They are easy to pick up and pocket so that they can be enjoyed at various times.
But they do have a spiritual meaning, they represent a relationship with Christ and can be used as a source and instrument of prayer. So, the next time you are about to consume a jellybean, think of its spiritual meaning and take a moment to reflect on how Christ brings you closer to Himself when you least expect to.(this is from an anonymous source with my tweaks)
THE BLACK JELLYBEAN – represents sin and how we are drawn to sin when we seek to do our will and not God’s.
THE RED JELLYBEAN – represents Jesus’ blood and how selflessly He shed it for our sins so that we can be reconciled to Him and inherit eternal life.
THE WHITE JELLYBEAN – represents being cleansed at our baptism and every time we approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation and attend Mass.
THE YELLOW JELLYBEAN – represents heaven, the great Son shining in our life and how where we hope to meet God face to face when our earthy journey has ended.
THE GREEN JELLYBEAN – represents growth in hope, and how we grow in our relationship with God and each other in the light of God’s unconditional love for us as His beloved children. The growth is when we strive to be our better self, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become.
THE PURPLE JELLYBEAN – represents the royalty of Christ. Christ is our King and as our King, He invites us to build His kingdom here on earth, one prayer, one act of kindness, one act of mercy, one step at a time.
THE PINK JELLYBEAN – represents gratitude or Thank you. That which we should be praying to God daily since we have been blessed with so much. If we count our blessings and not just our challenges, we will see how our blessings have gotten us through our challenges, how our blessings of faith, family, friends have helped us carry our crosses and face our challenges without giving up or giving in.
THE ORANGE JELLYBEAN – represents the Lord, Orange(aren’t) you glad that you know Him in a deep and personal way?
As you look at your Easter basket you see many delectable items are still there, and many gone, but they were good, I hope. The candy, the beans, the eggs that are left either because you didn’t want to lose sight of what they remind you of: the good times, the happy times, the times that God touched you with His healing and new life (candy filled eggs) or because you didn’t or haven’t been able to let go of what they remind you of: past hurts, pain that was inflicted upon you, or your own weaknesses and sins. (empty egg)
Remember that even amid your pain and hurts, the heavy weight of your cross, the egg, although empty, is God’s gentle way of telling you that there is so much room that He wants to fill you with His healing and that He wants to make you whole. In your emptiness, He wants to fill you completely with His graces of reconciliation, healing, compassion, mercy, love, peace, and joy as and when you need them most.
Emptiness is a gift, an anticipation of God greater gifts. Can you open yourself, trusting in God and surrendering to Him your cares, concerns, worries, and stresses so that He can fill you with His love and graces? Can you keep the empty egg in sight to remind yourself that even when you feel empty inside you are becoming a vessel for God to fill you and heal you in ways that you could never imagine or believe?
Glimpse Of God for Holy Week
April 2, 2023
As we enter Holy Week, my Glimpse of God is not in a single experience that I had this past week or in any special situation that I found myself in, but rather in the anticipation of this Holy Week and what it means to me.
As a source of personal reflection and to discern my motivations, I often ask myself; What is Holy Week and what is it all about to me? Is it about the long passion gospel narratives that I hear on Palm Sunday and Good Friday, or the passing out of palm, or the unusual crowds, or the different liturgy times on Thursday and Friday, or the misunderstanding that people have about lent and the triduum, or the barrenness of the sanctuary and the empty tabernacle on Good Friday, or even the long Easter vigil and how people either avoid it or are attracted to it?
I don’t believe that it is these elements that make the week “holy”; they make it different, but not holy. These elements are necessary to celebrate and remember the specific events of Jesus, but it is not the outward celebration of the events that make them “holy”. I think that it is the spirit in which they are celebrated, and the inner disposition of those who participate in the celebrations, both the celebrants and the congregation, that make them “holy”. “Holy” means sacred, and blessed, as well as consecrated and hallowed. Liturgy is sacred. We are blessed. The celebration of the Mass is the most sacred and holiest events that we are privileged to attend. It is through the Mass that we encounter Christ in Sacred Scripture and in the reception of the Eucharist.
We were blessed at our baptism as we were immersed in the waters of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection. All that being said, if our hearts are not present to the reality of the liturgy, then we are going through the motions. We miss the true meaning, the “holy”, of the holy week services.
Jesus often criticized the religious leaders for “looking” holy, by saying all the right things but they were not doing the right things. Jesus said that the people could listen to what the religious leaders said because they knew the law, but do not follow their example, for their heart was far from God. I don’t think that Jesus would want us to celebrate His entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, or the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, or His passion and death on Good Friday out of obligation or guilt but rather out of love, desire, and gratitude.
Out of Love for Jesus in that He endured His passion and death for you and me in complete selflessness, unconditional love, mercy, and sacrifice. If we are truly in love with Him and desire to draw nearer to Him and live out our baptismal call to enter more deeply into His passion, death, and resurrection, then we would want to attend the special liturgies. It is in and through them that we encounter the suffering Jesus, the Jesus that although did not and could not sin, endured the death of a hardened criminal out of pure love. We want our hearts to be more like His because His heart is the perfect heart, and we want to strive to love as He loved and be more perfect in our love. He said Yes to His Father and gave of Himself completely so that we may live in eternity with Him, what love, what gift.
He would want us to celebrate with a spirit of gratitude in that we have been redeemed and forgiven and that we are grateful for such a wonderful life changing, lifelong gift. He would want our hearts to be united with His in His passion, death, and resurrection so that we can truly appreciate and be thankful for the gift of His love and life in ours. We can choose to enter into the liturgies as just a body in the pew, but I think that it would be better if we entered into them with a heart ready to be loved and embraced and a mind open to being truly present at the special events of Jesus’ life.
So, as you enter into Holy Week, my idea is to just take each day and reflect by using your senses as you draw nearer to and enter into the Holy Triduum.
As we begin this new and holy week, as you look in the mirror, take the opportunity and the grace to see within yourself the love of Christ as King: King of your heart, mind, soul, and spirit, and look out the window to see that same presence in others. When you are not able to recognize His presence as King because you are focused on your weaknesses and sins, shortcomings, and failures, and those of others, look into the mirror only to remind yourself that you are loved by God just as you are because His love is much greater than all of these. Seek His grace so that you can recognize, in a greater way, the presence of His great mercy, compassion, and unconditional love that HE has for you, that He has showered upon you and that you have shared with others. His death is a reminder that He sees all that you see, but He looks into the depth of your heart to see that which you have not begun to.
If during this holy week, as lent gradually comes to an end, and you journey into the days of the Sacred Triduum, you find yourself asking, “How have I grown in my relationship to Christ, or how have I been a reflection of His presence in my life to others”? As you look back and recall how you found yourself helping others and giving of your time, talent, and compassion, and mercy, know that your desire is in response to God’s grace, so trust in God and believe that you are closer to Him than you think.
We measure our progress and that of others with human expectations and limitations, but God looks into the very heart that He created and sees its width, its depth, its woundedness, its potential and fills it with His compassion, His mercy, His peace, and His grace so that we can be the best loving person that we can be. You are what He wants you to be, for you can be nothing less. What you are is God’s gift given in love and out of love, what you become is your gift to God.
This week that we call Holy is an invitation by God the Father to draw nearer to Himself and His Son Jesus. It is through Jesus’ suffering of His passion and death that we are made stronger to suffer our passions and deaths so that we can emerge from our tomb with a renewed hope, sense of self, healed and whole. This week we can all become a little bit more holy, a little bit more open, a little bit more Christ like if we choose to humble ourselves and recognize that not only did Christ endure all that HE did for you and me in and out of love, but that He would do it again. Yet HE does it again, repeatedly, every time we participate in the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments of the Church.
SUNDAY – PALM SUNDAY – As a bystander at the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey,
Are you one that is throwing palm or your personal cloak on the ground to make a path for Jesus? (touch)
As you listen to the crowd, are you also shouting Hosanna to Jesus as He passes by you? (hearing)
Are you so far back in line that you can’t see Him, and you are experiencing so much frustration that you are ready to leave for you home miles away? (sight)
When you hear that Jesus is entering on a donkey, the worse smelling animal, do you just turn away and go home, missing the greater purpose for which He is there? (smell)
When you hear that Jesus is coming and you want to be there because you witnessed His miracles and wanted to see Him again, can you taste the excitement in the air? (taste)
MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK - Using your sense of mystery, can you recall Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem yesterday, and look ahead to Holy Thursday and Good Friday and see such a stark change, and ask yourself where would I have been in these events? Would I have changed from glorifying Jesus to condemning Him? Every time I sin, I am not choosing Jesus, so do I deny Jesus as Peter did, and choose Barabbas to go along with the crowd no matter what the consequences are? or do I stand as an observer, silently and sadly by Jesus as did Mary and the women?
TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK – Using your sense of Wonder, in just a couple of days we will celebrate how on Holy Thursday, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. As we look ahead, we are reminded that every day we are called to do the same. Jesus washed the feet to show us that we must serve the needs of others. Serving others is not reserved for one day a year or just on the holidays, but rather every day. How we are called to serve is different for each of us because our motives are as unique as we are and as God calls us. How difficult serving others is sometimes especially when we cannot seem to serve with the empathy or compassion Christ had. Instead, we are judgmental. It is during these moments that we must reflect on the reason that God has called us to serve and seek His grace to serve not only in His name but in and out of love for Him and those we are called to serve.
The feet of another are what carries them and enables them to place one foot in front of the other and not remain stuck or go backwards. When we are called to wash the feet of another, what Christ might be inviting us to do is to walk in the shoes of another with a greater sense of compassion, empathy, mercy, peace and understanding, so that we don’t judge and turn away from them but rather receive and embrace them. When you find yourself being present to the needs of the poor, the homeless, the forgotten, the unforgivable, the estranged, then you are allowing yourself to be servant, not the judge, but the humble servant being and bringing Christ to them by your words, deeds, attitude, actions, and love.
WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK – Using the sense of Awe, do you try and make sense out of Jesus’ actions, or do they leave you in a sense of awe because you cannot explain or understand how He can do what He did out of complete and unselfish Love? That is so hard for us to believe, understand or imagine, but if we are truly His followers, it is not impossible for us to imitate. Do you believe this? Get ready, the Triduum is coming and if you are still trying to understand Jesus, even in these coming days you still might not understand but don’t get discouraged, just get ready, be open and allow Him to speak to your heart. He will stretch it, open it, embrace it, and return His mark of love on it.
HOLY THURSDAY – Using your sense of sight, can you be present and allow yourself to experience the humility of being a servant and serving the needs of others as Jesus did in the Washing of the Feet? Or can you use your sense of taste and perhaps as you receive the Holy Eucharist in the Commemoration of the Last Supper, reflect on how Jesus gave us of Himself to His apostles at the Last Supper and continues to give of His real presence today in every celebration of the Mass? This is Jesus’ real presence, His true Body and Blood, not a symbolic representation, but the real deal. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord…..
GOOD FRIDAY – Jesus dies on the cross. We hear Him being condemned, crucified, and dying on the cross. We know that He did nothing to deserve such cruel and terrible treatment, but we also know that He willingly, selflessly, and lovingly accepted His fate so that we may live forever in His and His Father’s love. Are you listening? As you venerate the holy cross, are you allowing yourself to be present at the cross to tell Jesus how much you love Him and how sorry you that your sins are the cause for His suffering? Not just do you hear, but also are you listening when He says “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”? He was talking about you and me, not just His persecutors. He forgives us when we say we are sorry, do you listen when He tells you that He forgives and loves you or do you just walk away?
HOLY SATURDAY – We celebrate the joy of the resurrection. We celebrate all of our senses in that we have the blessing of the fire, the lighting of the paschal candle and the lighting of the congregation’s candles, the proclamation of the Exultet, the Liturgy of the Word, the blessing of the Holy Water to be used at the baptisms of those being received into the Catholic faith that evening, and to be sprinkled on those at Mass reminding them of their baptismal call and promises, the aroma of the sacred chrism and holy oils used for the baptisms and confirmation, the reception of Holy Communion by those entering the faith and the congregation. We are truly a resurrection people. We proclaim the Gloria and the Alleluia again to celebrate this great mystery. Lift you voice and proclaim the great things that the Lord has done, they are marvelous in our eyes. Let us fully be present to this great and glorious gift.
Glimpse of God for the week of March 26, 2023
The power to celebrate our Cross
As we continue our Lenten journey of prayer, sacrifice, and selflessness, I know that we do so with joyful expectation of celebrating Easter and being renewed as a resurrection people.
Yesterday, I along with our Seminarian Dominic Mirenda, lead a Lenten day of reflection titled The Power of the Cross. Using the two thieves, the unrepentant thief whose cross had the power to insulate him, and repentant thief whose cross had the power of transform him, we focused on the power we give our cross and how our cross has the power to insulate or transform us.
Our cross has the power to produce an effect one that can be positive or negative. We can become bitter, angry, resentful because of life challenges or crosses or we can become grateful, peaceful, and stronger. A cross of suffering due to ill health, the loss of a loved one, financial stress, family estrangement or addictions can be used as avenues for us to become our best self, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become or they can draw out our worst self, the person that temptation has grasped and is leading down a dark road. The power of a cross is as strong as we allow it to be in either a positive or negative way. If we seek to recognize the power of our cross is transforation, then we have reason to celebrate it.
I know that we cannot celebrate our Easter Resurrection if we are unwilling to celebrate our Good Friday. If we fail to celebrate our crosses, we will miss the greater reality of how we rose above them and walked forth from the tomb to be where we are today. We can complain about our crosses, we can look downtrodden because of them, and we can be angry at God or others for causing them, but the reality is that we are called to carry them and if we do so in faith, trust, and hope, our cross can become the stone that we roll away so that we can truly experience our mini resurrections.
At our baptism as followers of Jesus, we were immersed into His passion, death, and resurrection, and it is in the light of that reality that we go forth each and every day to bear our cross with Him, so that we too can rise with Him, and additionally help others to also experience their mini resurrections. Our cross is a sign of hope for us to embrace, and others to see. Our cross is a sign of love, unity, hope, and peace with Christ.
This gives me reason to want to call my cross a cause of celebration, because in and through it, I know that I am in God’s good company, that I am never alone or abandoned and that I am strengthened by His grace. My cross with its sorrows, challenges, joys, and struggles make me who I am today and reminds me of how I became my best self through it all. As I think about the crosses that I have carried and continue to carry, I am blessed to see the faces of those people that God has placed in my life to help me, my Simon’s of Cyrene. It is through the many faces, shoulders, hands, feet, hearts, minds, and spirits of those Simon’s of Cyrene, that have empowered me to continue to bear my cross and be a victor not a victim, and through self-determination and perseverance, not to quit or give in to defeat, weakness, sin, or temptation. How about you?
Can you look at your crosses and see them as a cause for joy and not sorrow, peace and not turmoil, compassion and not revenge, mercy and not bitterness, love and not hatred and truth and not deception. This week as you continue your Lenten journey, look at your cross and seek the grace to recognize it for the gift that it is, and how it has made you your better self, the person that God created you to be and have the potential to become.
As you look at the cross you carry, can you recognize where you have shown more compassion than complaint? Do you see the hand of God in your ability to accept your cross and share your compassion with others, rather than complain about things and bring both yourself and others down?
For today, see your cross and an instrument of compassion and empathy to share, and seek to grow in God’s grace so that when you are tempted to complain and not see it for the good that it is and that it can bring you, His grace will strengthen you to see this truth more clearly.
When you look at the various crosses that you have carried in your life and still do today, can you respect them as a gift, the presence of God in your life? As you unite your suffering with Christ, your cross is that gift which enables you to surrender to His will so that you can be united in His passion and death and experience the resurrection.
If you reject your cross, you will not be able to recognize how Christ has heard your prayer to be united with Him and thus you will not be able to see how closely He is walking with you carrying your cross and calling you to become nearer to Him.
For today, look at what you want to reject in your cross; a person, an illness, financial stresses and worries, estranged family members, and ask God for the grace to see beyond that rejection. Ask him to help you see what your life would be like if this splinter of the true cross were missing, and you missed out on the opportunity to forgive, grow, experience personal and spiritual transformation, have your heart expanded, trust more, worry less, and be at peace.
for the grace to reach out to them especially when it is difficult as you carry our cross.
Being selfish; It is one of the devil’s greatest temptations and acts of deceit. He tempts us and leads us to believe that we are most important, and that it is all about what we need or want that should be our focus. He leads us to believe that it is ok to get all that we desire no matter how we attain or acquire it, that it is ok to hurt others if it means that we will come out on top, it is ok to tear others down because we believe that they are inferior to us.
When we think that we are the end all and be all of God’s creation, we can become so absorbed and selfish that we are unable to see the needs of others or recognize what it means to be selfless. Being selfless is a gift and an invitation to be a better reflection of Christ and His call to follow and serve. In God’s eyes as His beloved children, He wants us to be our best self.
This isn’t accomplished by being selfish, but only when we can see the needs of others first, pray for them, assist them in whatever way we can, and trust that our needs and prayers will be met by our very caring and loving God. It is when we surrender to this great truth that we begin to walk the selflessness journey and off the selfishness path.
For today, seek to recognize the temptation to be selfish and towards whom, and ask for the grace to see their face and respond to that grace with the action that God inspires.
Sometimes when our cross seems too heavy to bear and we think that we can’t go on, we can become very self-centered and absorbed. When this occurs, we are not able to see others in need or hear the words of those who want to lift us up, comfort us, console us or call us out of our self because they see that we are getting in our own way of healing and losing our self under the weight of the cross. Christ did not get lost under the weight of His cross, He accepted help to carry it even though He would be the only one crucified on it. He allowed others to comfort him, He did not refuse even the most insignificant gesture of compassion.
If we choose to become self-centered because of our crosses and its afflictions, challenges, worries or stresses, we are not living up to our potential, to be our best self, the person that God created us to be. Christ didn’t call us to whisper the good news to our self or others but proclaim it from the roof tops. We cannot proclaim the good news of healing, freedom, wholeness, mercy, compassion if we fail to recognize it because we are busy being self-centered and not other centered.
For today, reflect on one person that you know, but that you keep your distance from, that could use your prayers, support, and encouragement to help them carry their cross. Ask God.
For many having self-confidence is a challenge. It takes balance to be self-confident without having an inflated ego. God has blessed each one of us with our very own unique gifts and talents. He has blessed us so that we can share those gifts with others to the best of our ability. It is when we think that we don’t have any gifts or talents or that others are better because they are economically superior, better educated or of privileged class, it is then that we become more self-defeating and let go of the grace to share the gifts that we have with others. Being self-confident is an oxymoron. It is not about being confident in our self as if we came up with our gifts all by our self, or that our special talents developed because of our work and practice. No, self-confidence is about recognizing the presence of God as the giver of our gifts and talents because He knows that we can develop them and use them to glorify Him. We need to believe with a humble heart, that we have been chosen and not give in to thinking or believing that others are always better than we are.
For today, ask for the grace to recognize your unique giftedness and how you can share that with others. Think to about at least one gift or talent that you have been blessed with and try to honor it today.
We can embrace our cross or turn away from it, we can deny our cross or recognize it in all its challenges as gift, we can elude the cross or face it. We all have a cross to carry and if we are blessed not to have a heavy cross, then we should take a moment and look at our weaknesses and sin as the cross that will always call us to Christ and His mercy and compassion. (my book Shopping for Lighter Cross is an example of accepting our cross as gift. Available on Amazon)
A cross Is an invitation to personal and spiritual conversion and transformation. It is through our crosses that we can not only learn how strong we are but how much Christ like we have become. If we elude the cross or think that others have it better because their cross doesn’t seem to be as heavy as ours, we are not only deceiving our self but denying Christ’s wisdom and understanding. God knows our heart better than we know it our self. He knows what we need before we ask, and He also will not let anything befall us if we trust in Him.
For today, think about one aspect of your cross that you really want to elude or run from very quickly and ask for the grace to stop, look at it squarely in the eyes and accept it as a call to recognize your inner strength, courage, fortitude, and hope. Let God embrace you with your cross because it is then that you will see that He is carrying it on His shoulders with you.
For today’s reflection, you fill in the blanks…..
With my cross of……….. I have listened to God’s invitation to be still and know that He is God.
Because of the weight of the cross of…….., I have gotten stuck and chosen not to go forward.
For today, I will strive to be more still so that I can truly listen to God’s voice as He tells me that I am His beloved child, loved unconditionally and called to be my best self, the person that HE created me to be and have the potential to become.
I will see where I am stuck and ask for His grace to move forward and accept His grace in whatever form it takes.
Be still so that you can feel the gentle breeze of God’s Spirit,
as He touches your heart and opens it to His healing love and deep abiding peace.
Don’t be busy just for the sake of being busy, or to run from anything.
Lent is a time to listen as God tells you what is most important to Him,
and that He wants you to know, believe and trust in Him alone.
That you know and believe with all your heart that you are His greatest creation,
His beloved son or daughter, that HE loves you just as you are,
that there is nothing that you can say or do, no sin, that will make Him love you less, and that His love for you is free, unconditional, and everlasting.
As we enter a new week of our Lenten journey, beginning with the feast of Saint Joseph, and the beginning of spring, we enter each day filled with God’s great surprises. As we behold the beauty of God’s creation in the new life that surrounds us, we look outside to see the flowers in bloom, trees with leaves, birds in the air, beautiful blue sky, and more day light and sun shine. But more and most importantly, within the core of our very being, we can experience the the beauty and the love of the Son of God’s love shining over us and filling us with His hope, peace, joy, and courage as we choose to carry our cross and live each day trusting and surrendering to Him.
So, as I offer this week’s reflection, I place them in your hands and in your prayer. Take each day and choose to be still and listen to God and not be busy just for the sake of being busy. Listen intently as God tells you how loved and beloved you are to Him and what that means. His message is as individual and unique as you are, and although He loves us all unconditionally as His greatest creation, how He wants to show you His love, how He wants to confirm and affirm your response to His love, and how He wants to strengthen you in His love, is His message to you and to you alone. He wants to speak to your heart and mind like no other so be ready for the great message and surprise that He has in store for you.
SUNDAY – ‘‘B’’ Believe
Do you believe that you are God’s beloved son or daughter and that He loves you unconditionally, freely, without measure, and without cost? If so, do you are you able to share that message with others especially those who do not believe or know God’s love in their life?
If not, why not? What holds you back from wanting to proclaim this good news? Fear, uncertainty, lack of trust or knowledge, confrontation, laziness, weariness, if any of these are prohibiting you from letting others know that they are God’s beloved as much as you and I are, look to the cross and seek the graces from Christ who had all of your fears, weaknesses, lack ofs…., nailed to the cross because He knows your heart better than you do yourself.
Ask to go beyond and outside of yourself to proclaim His message of love in a time where so many need to hear it most.
If you do not believe in the love that God has for you, can you take this time during these remaining weeks in lent to be still so that you can listen with your heart to exactly what God is trying to tell you, and just maybe, you are now ready to receive and embrace the message because your heart and mind are more open to Him? It takes one to be SILENT to LISTEN.
MONDAY – ‘‘E’’ Embrace
Embrace your cross and do not flee from it…easy to say but not so easy to do, right? As we face our crosses each day and attempt to carry them with all our strength and courage, they sometimes get the best of us, and we want to just leave them alone, avoid looking at them, deny that they are what they are, and even getting angry that they are exactly what they are: too heavy, too unbearable, and too hard to imagine carrying. YET Christ could have done the same thing and if He chose to deny, look away or abandon His cross, where would we be today? LOST, ALONE, WITHOUT HOPE, THE SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH AND THE PROMISE OF ETERNAL LIFE.
My first book, Shopping for a Lighter Cross, (available on Amazon or by me), looks at life and how through the good and challenging times, I was given, as we all are, the graces to overcome the negative events, situation, people, or circumstances, and choose not to be defeated by them, but to become conquerors and resolve not to allow anyone or anything to them defeat our mind, heart, or spirit again. We are all given crosses to carry, God wants us to embrace them and not run from them. He knows our hearts and what exactly is filling them, and He needs us to be honest with Him so that He can touch and heal us, give us hope, and courage and strengthen us so that we can move forward and not stay stuck, or go backward.
What part of God’s message do you embrace and what are you far from embracing?
The cross that you run from is the cross for which you will eventually run towards.
TUESDAY – ‘’S’’ Stimulate
As you reflected on believing on Monday, God wants to go one step further with you.
Believe what you profess and profess what you believe. If you believe that God loves you as His beloved, and greatest creation and you allow that truth to permeate your very being from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, how would anyone know?
As you choose to listen more intently to God and His message of love for you, look to see if it arouses you, stirs in you an excitement, a renewed sense of self, a sense of new life, new beginning and if it does, are you motivated to share that new life with those you encounter?
They will know we are Christians by our love…..we all know that song, but do we live it?
Love is meant to be shared, not boxed, and if we are recipients of God’s great love, which we are, then we are called, commissioned an expected to share it. If you and I are stirred in the graces and love of Christ’s love for us as shown from the cross, then it should flow from us to others. How do we share it? Ask God. He will tell you how He wants you to share it in correlation to how blessed you are with it and who needs to experience it most from you. It could be a family member, a friend, a coworker who is financially struggling, a sick relative, an estranged family member, a stranger. God will reveal to you how you can be a great instrument of His peace, love, and hope to another. Look at it as a stimulus check……
WEDNESDAY – ‘’T’’ Trust
To trust, what does that mean to us and once we define it, how do we show that trust in God, others, or ourselves? If trust means to believe, confide in, hope in, and depend on, then in one way there are many that we say we trust. As children we are called to trust in our parents, siblings, family members and other adults. As we grow into adults, we learn to trust in spouses, coworkers, the Church, peers, friends, and community members.
Yet we all know, or unfortunately have experienced, a betrayal in trust from those we placed our trust in, and that has been and can be a very painful eye awakening life experience. YET there is a God whose trust has never been broken, whose promises have always been kept and whose love is always there to heal and bring about wholeness when humanity has betrayed our trust.
So, as you continue to walk on your Lenten journey, as hard as this may be for you to do, think about one person that has betrayed your trust, or whose trust you have betrayed, and seek God’s grace so that you can also seek mercy for them and from them.
Our Lenten journey can be a great journey of personal and spiritual transformation, conversion, and renewal if we allow it to be. With that, there is a great need for trust, surrender and courage to face those things that hinder us from truly experiencing God’s mercy so that we can be transformed and renewed. As we recognize that we are hindered, we also often recognize the source of that hindrance, be it a person, event, or circumstance.
So today, seek to be unhindered…seek to let go and be free. Seek to trust in God that now is the time to be merciful and seek mercy, trust and not be afraid, and choose to live life not hide from it. It takes courage to not be afraid and it takes trust to believe in your courage.
THURSDAY – ‘‘I’’ Inspire
To inspire: (my definition) to bring about the love, light and gift of God’s Holy Spirit as it is revealed to you to another by your presence, words, example, silence, attitude, mercy, compassion, peace, deep abiding sense of happiness and joy, and your wonderful gift of self.
This is a simple yet most difficult question for your reflection today. Who do you inspire and who inspires you? Who has been a source of inspiration to you throughout your life, in the good and challenging times, when you felt alone and without a sense of purpose, when you just needed to hear from another? Who looks to you for inspiration, and there are those that do, and what have you offered them that they continue to seek it from you?
God calls one to a spirit of humility to realize that they are inspired, and He inspires one to recognize true humility.
Both of these words use the exact same letters, but in different order.....
It takes the silent to hear and listen to the voice of God in the depths of your heart.
Is your heart able to be silent so as to listen to God's gentle voice, or is your heart filled with the noises around you that you can neither listen or be silent?
Perhaps today you can be silent so that you can listen to what God wants so much to tell you...that He loves you and even amid the noises He still knows your heart and hears your prayers. LISTEN
SATURDAY – ‘’L’’ – Learn
We call learn from many different sources: from our life experiences, our mistakes, our sins, each other, children can learn from their parents and guardians, and parents can learn from their children, spouses and siblings can learn from each other, students can learn from their teachers and teachers can learn from their students, we can all learn from each other if we are open to and choose to. It requires humility to listen and learn. We can think that we know it all and are in control, but it doesn’t take long for us to realize the deception that those untruths lead to, pride, big ego, selfishness, self-centeredness, and loneliness. That is not what God wants for us so knowing our hearts as only He does, God places in our life those that can plant a message or seed of knowledge that can help us to grow and become our best self, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become.
So, as you have come to the end another week on your Lenten journey, I have one simple prayer reflection: God has given you a packet of seeds, seeds of knowledge, humility, selflessness, peace, mutual respect, trust, belief, stimulation, encouragement, inspiration, silence, and freedom, who would you give seeds to and what seeds would you keep? Remember that both serve as a reminder of God’s desire for you to grow into your best self, and how you have helped others to also grow into their best self. What seeds do you want to grow more with and in and who might need a seed of hope in the form of encouragement….
A seed planted in great love grows greater love.
Time is a precious gift. What is time? We often hear people say I didn’t finish because I ran out of time, or people tell us that time is on our side, or there is no time like the present, we may say to ourselves my time has come to…and sadly my time is up. Time can be seen in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, year, etc. We often find our self-looking at our watch or clocks to see what time it is so that we know when something is either going to begin or end, or where we need to go and be. There are times in our life that we celebrate and there are those that we mourn, there are times that we are fearful of and times that we face with all the courage and conviction that we can muster. Time is an experience where we not only see where it has passed and realize that we cannot get it back, but also where we can see ahead and not know how it will unfold. We are given time here on earth to live and be our best self, the person God has created us to be, and we have the potential to become.
From the beginning of time God has been continually showing Himself to His people, revealing to His people His presence and calling them to take their time and use it to worship and adore Him alone. God’s time is not our time. We sometimes waste time or overbook our time. We watch time pass us by and then we get bored and wish time would hurry up. I would say that many of us do not take the time to appreciate God in the experiences of our life and the lives of those that we encounter and surround us.
This weekend we set our clocks ahead 1 hour for daylight savings time. What do we gain by setting our clocks ahead 1 hour? Certainly not more sleep or energy when we wake up, but rather more sunlight for the days ahead.
When I think of daylight savings time in the light of my faith, I come with a few similarities. For instance, when we are in the previous mode we are usually journeying through the winter season, where it is darker longer. This isn’t a bad darkness but a period where God is planting and preparing for things to flourish and grow. It is a necessary time if creation is going to be what God wants it to be. It is the same for us. Although it is difficult and challenging, we need to accept those dark, barren times in our life so that we can recognize the light and the newness that will soon become ours. Everything becomes a matter of perspective and balance with the darkness, light and many shades of gray. Also, in light of faith, when one’s time on earth is coming to an end and it will soon be time for them to meet their God and creator. When I reflect on this period of time, I think of a dear friend who is preparing to meet her God and He is preparing her for His loving embrace. How does one prepare for the unknown, where there will be end to one aspect of life and the beginning of another? With and in the eyes of faith, our leaving our earthly home to reside in our heavenly home, is a great time of transition and transformation, a time where we can truly become our best self, the person that God created us to be and have the potential to become. Our physical death is not the end of light and the beginning of darkness, but rather the end of darkness and the beginning of light. Let this be true of our spiritual life as well. Let this Lenten journey be a time where we die to self and the darkness of sin and walk in the light of Christ and the warmth of His unconditional love and mercy. We can all take time for granted, but let this time, that is the present, not be wasted or let it slip by but rather enjoy the gift that it is and the giver of the gift, who is God.
The glimpse of God is how we recognize, reverence, and honor the gift of time that God has given us. No one is promised tomorrow so carpe diem (those that know Latin!) and for the rest of us “Seize the day”!
Reflections of time…….
Sunday - Today honor, reverence and appreciate your time with God. During this Lenten season, seek God’s wisdom to discern how you can grow in a greater and deeper relationship with Him, and be a greater reflection of His presence to others.
Monday – Today, honor, reverence and appreciate your time with family and friends. Time goes quickly, children grow, and friends move, appreciate all of these many blessings today for only God knows their destiny of tomorrow. No one knows when their time on this earth will run out so before regrets settle in, bless all of those whom God has placed in your life. Forgive those who have offended you, seek forgiveness from all you have offended. Ask for God’s healing and peace in those areas of your life where you are broken so that you may become whole.
Tuesday – Today, honor, reverence and appreciate your time spent with yourself, you are your best company. One is never alone, but at times may feel lonely. Today honor your alone time as a gift from God to be in communion with Him, His Son Jesus, and our Blessed Mother Mary. Don’t run away or be afraid of the quiet but invite it, embrace it allow it to transform you as you listen to the gentle whisper of God speaking to your heart.
Wednesday – Today, honor, reverence and appreciate your time in and with God’s creation. Go out into the world and see it in all of its beauty, magnificence, and splendor. God has given us His creation to take care of so that it may flourish. We are all called to build up His kingdom here on earth. As we learn to appreciate and honor all of God’s creatures in His creation, let us remember that we are all created to work together to be God’s presence in the world.
Thursday – Today, honor, reverence and appreciate your time as you work. Work satisfies us, compliments us and allows us to use the talents and gifts that God has given us. Today, look at your work as an instrument that God has given you to help be His beacon of light, love, and understanding to those around you, and allow it to be a source of humility, peace, and joy.
Friday – Today, honor, reverence and appreciate your time with Christ on the cross. He suffered and died for you on the cross, spend time in quiet gratitude with Him. We are all called to carry our crosses, yet we think that we need to carry them alone. We are never alone. Christ walks with us and just as Christ accepted help from Simon of Cyrene, we too are called to accept help when the cross seems too heavy. Surrender and acceptance are characteristic of a true follower of Jesus. We must surrender our will as Jesus did so that God can do what is best in and through us and we can openly accept the many graces and blessings that God wants to share with us.
Saturday – Today, honor, reverence and appreciate your time in prayer for all of those who have entrusted their needs, desires, prayers, hurts, and pains to you. When we can take our personal prayer time with God and offer it up for others, we are acting in a very humble, selfless, and compassionate way. When others entrust their needs and prayer to you, they see in you the presence and spirit of God that enables them to ask you for prayers. This may seem easy, but when one truly feels the needs, pains and prayers of others, their empathy draws them in a closer union with Mary our great intercessor, and to her Son Jesus.
Glimpse of God for the week of March 5, 2023
The Celebration of the Cross
As we continue our Lenten journey of prayer, sacrifice and selflessness, I know that we do so with joyful expectation of celebrating Easter and being renewed as a resurrection people. I know that we cannot celebrate our Easter Resurrection if we are unwilling to celebrate our Good Friday. If we fail to celebrate our crosses, we will miss the greater reality of how we rose above them and walked forth from the tomb to be where we are today. We can complain about our crosses, we can look downtrodden because of them, and we can be angry at God or others for causing them, but the reality is that we are called to carry them and if we do so in faith, trust and hope, our cross can become the stone that we roll away so that we can truly experience our mini resurrection.
At our baptism as followers of Jesus, we were immersed into His passion, death and resurrection, and it is in light of that reality that we go forth each and every day to bear our cross with Him, so that we too can rise with Him, and additionally help others to also experience their mini resurrections. Our cross is a sign of hope for us to embrace, and others to see. Our cross is a sign of love, unity, hope, and peace with Christ.
This gives me reason to want to call my cross a cause of celebration, because in and through it, I know that I am in God’s good company, that I am never alone or abandoned and that I am strengthened by His grace. My cross with its sorrows, challenges, joys, and struggles make me who I am today and reminds me of how I became my best self through it all. As I think about the crosses that I have carried and continue to carry, I am blessed to see the faces of those people that God has placed in my life to help me, my Simon’s of Cyrene. It is through the many faces, shoulders, hands, feet, hearts, minds, and spirits of those Simon’s of Cyrene, that have empowered me to continue to bear my cross, not quit or give in to defeat, weakness, sin, or temptation. How about you?
Can you look at your crosses and see them as a cause for joy and not sorrow, peace and not turmoil, compassion and not revenge, mercy and not bitterness, love and not hatred and truth and not deception. This week as you continue your Lenten journey, look at your cross and seek the grace to recognize it for the gift that it is, and how it has made you your better self, the person that God created you to be and have the potential to become.
As you look at the cross you carry, can you recognize where you have shown more compassion than complaint? Do you see the hand of God in your ability to accept your cross and share your compassion with others, rather than complain about things and bring both yourself and others down?
For today, see your cross and an instrument of compassion and empathy to share, and seek to grow in God’s grace so that when you are tempted to complain and not see it for the good that it is and that it can bring you, His grace will strengthen you to see this truth more clearly.
When you look at the various crosses that you have carried in your life and still do today, can you respect them as a gift, the presence of God in your life? As you unite your suffering with Christ, your cross is that gift which enables you to surrender to His will so that you can be united in His passion and death and experience the resurrection.
If you reject your cross, you will not be able to recognize how Christ has heard your prayer to be united with Him and thus you will not be able to see how closely He is walking with you carrying your cross and calling you to himself.
For today, look at what you want to reject in your cross; a person, an illness, financial stresses and worries, estranged family members, and ask God for the grace to see beyond that rejection. Ask him to help you see what your life would be like if this splinter of the true cross were missing, and you missed out on the opportunity to forgive, grow, have your heart expanded, trust more, worry less, and be at peace.
Sometimes when our cross seems too heavy to bear and we think that we can’t go on, we can become very self-centered and absorbed. When this occurs, we are not able to see others in need or hear the words of those who want to lift us up, comfort us, console us or call us out of our self because they see that we are getting on our own way of healing and losing our self under the weight of the cross. Christ did not get lost under the weight of His cross, He accepted help to carry it even though He would be the only one crucified on it. He allowed others to comfort him, He did not refuse even the most insignificant gesture of compassion.
If we choose to become self-centered because of our crosses and its afflictions, challenges, worries or stresses, we are not living up to our potential, to be our best self, the person that God created us to be. Christ didn’t call us to whisper the good news to our self, but rather proclaim it from the roof tops. We cannot proclaim the good news of healing, freedom, wholeness, mercy, compassion if we fail to recognize it because we are busy being self-centered and not other centered.
For today, reflect on one person that you know, but that you keep your distance from, that could use your prayers, support, and encouragement to help them carry their cross. Ask God for the grace to reach out to them especially when it is difficult as you carry our cross.
Being selfish; It is one of the devil’s greatest temptations and acts of deceit. He tempts us and leads us to believe that we are most important, and that it is all about what we need or want that should be our focus. He leads us to believe that it is ok to get all that we desire no matter how we attain or acquire it, that it is ok to hurt others if it means that we will come out on top, it is ok to tear others down because we believe that they are inferior to us.
When we think that we are the end all and be all of God’s creation,we can become so absorbed and selfish that we are unable to see the needs of others or recognize what it means to be selfless. Being selfless is a gift and an invitation to be a better reflection of Christ and His call to follow and serve.
In God’s eyes as His beloved children, He wants us to be our best self. This isn’t accomplished by being selfish, but rather when we can see the needs of others first, pray for them, assist them in whatever way we can, and trust that our needs and prayers will be met by our very caring and loving God. It is when we surrender to this great truth that we begin to walk the selflessness journey and off the selfishness path.
For today, seek to recognize the temptation to be selfish and towards whom, and ask for the grace to see their face and respond to that grace with the action that God inspires.
For many having self-confidence is a challenge. It takes balance to be self-confident without having an inflated ego. God has blessed each one of us with our very own unique gifts and talents. He has blessed us so that we can share those gifts with others to the best of our ability. It is when we think that we don’t have any gifts or talents or that others are better because they are economically superior, better educated or of privileged class, it is then that we become more self-defeating and let go of the grace to share the gifts that we have with others.
Being self-confident is an oxymoron. It is not about being confident in our self as if we came up with our gifts all by our self, or that our special talents developed because of our work and practice. No, self-confidence is about recognizing the presence of God as the giver of our gifts and talents because He knows that we can develop them and use them to glorify Him. We need to believe with a humble heart, that we have been chosen and not give in to thinking or believing that others are always better than we are.
For today, ask for the grace to recognize your unique giftedness and how you can share that with others. Think to about at least one gift or talent that you have been blessed with and try to honor it today.
We an embrace our cross or turn away from it, we can deny our cross or recognize it in all its challenges as gift, we can elude the cross or face it. We all have a cross to carry and if we are blessed not to have a heavy cross, then we should take a moment and look at our weaknesses and sin as the cross that will always call us to Christ and His mercy and compassion.
A cross Is an invitation to personal and spiritual conversion and transformation. It is through our crosses that we can not only learn how strong we are but how much Christ like we have become. If we elude the cross or think that others have it better because their cross doesn’t seem to be as heavy as ours, we are not only deceiving our self but denying Christ’s wisdom and understanding. God knows our heart better than we know it our self. He knows what we need before we ask, and He also will not let anything befall us if we trust in Him.
For today, think about one aspect of your cross that you really want to elude or run from very quickly and ask for the grace to stop, look at it squarely in the eyes and accept it as a call to recognize your inner strength, courage, fortitude, and hope. Let God embrace you with your cross because it is then that you will see that He is carrying it on His shoulders with you.
For today’s reflection, you fill in the blanks…..
With my cross of……….. I have listened to God’s invitation to be still and know that He is God.
Because of the weight of the cross of…….., I have gotten stuck and chosen not to go forward.
For today, I will strive to be more still so that I can truly listen to God’s voice as He tells me that I am His beloved child, loved unconditionally and called to be my best self, the person that HE created me to be and have the potential to become.
I will see where I am stuck and ask for His grace to move forward and accept His grace in whatever form it takes.
Glimpse of God for the week of Fe
Glimpse of God for the week of February 26, 2023
My glimpse of God for this week comes as I reflect on the season of lent and how I am called to live in the light of God’s great unconditional love and mercy
In the barrenness of lent, in the depths of the darkness of sin, in the grips of worry, with the weight of our heavy crosses bringing us down and our suffering, we have Jesus Christ who has already walked in our shoes, taken on our burdens and then nailed them to the cross. But before He died, He gave us three gifts":
The gift of mercy "Father forgive them for they not what they do",
The gift of Hope: This day you will be with me in paradise,
The gift of Motherly love: Mother behold your Son, Son behold your Mother.
These gifts given to us from Jesus out of love, in love and for love. He wants us to love, forgive and be at peace with others so that we can be at peace with Him and our self.
He wants us to know that there is always hope and that we should never despair.
He has also given us Mary, His Mother and ours, to help us on our way to become closer to Him. She is a great intercessor as many mothers here on earth are. She presents our needs to Her Son, and He takes them, looks at us and answers them with a true and unconditional love, as He knows they would serve us best.
Lent is a time to reflect on the gift of life and love. Life, the gift of His life that we are given in the Holy Eucharist and the gifts and graces that are found in the Sacraments of the Church. Life, our very life, and breath is God's gift to us. Every breath is His gift to us, and we should strive to be His breath of life to all those that we encounter.
The Gift of Love. He gave of Himself, He suffered and died in and out of complete love for us. Would we do the same for Him or another?
Lent can be a great season to grow in our faith life and in our love for God, others, and self. We must be open to His graces and the invitation to stretch our spiritual comfort zone. We should trust that whatever He calls us to do, be, leave behind or embrace, will make us a greater reflection, beacon, and instrument of His presence in our world. Are we ready? are we open?
Just a reflection for this week, take each topic and each day and seek to grow to a better understanding of how you may be called to grow in holiness…….
BE STILL so that you can feel the gentle breeze of God’s Spirit as He touches your heart and opens it to His healing love and deep abiding peace. AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD.
SURRENDER those things that keep us from being our best self, the person that God has created us to be and keep us from becoming the person that He knows we can be and have the potential to become. We are called to surrender those things that are standing in the way of our seeing Christ more clearly in ourselves and in others, in life’s challenges and in our crosses. LENT IS NOT A TIME TO GIVE UP and think that we can’t do what God knows we can and invites us to believe that we can and that we, with His help, will.
STRETCH OURSELVES: our imaginations, our minds, our spiritual comfort zone, and our hearts. We need to stretch so that we can see ourselves accomplishing and overcoming the hardest challenges that face us, but we think will defeat us. We need to allow God to stretch that which is set and confined so that HE can reset, reform, and renew us so that we are a more clear and visible sign of His presence here on earth.
LOVE ourselves and others, especially those who don’t like us, and to HATE those things that take us away from God and make us want to be more self-centered and selfish instead of being more Christ centered and self-less. We are called to love, not merely put up with, but love one another as they are called to love us. Love is greater than like. Love is nothing less than giving your heart to God and allowing Him to expand it to include and embrace those who we don’t like, those we do not have a good relationship with or are estranged from. When we can give our hearts to God trusting that however He chooses to expand it, then we are also trusting Him to grace us so that we can love our self more deeply and authentically.
FORGIVE and not to be bitter. We are called to forgive ourselves and others, and not hold on to the past of bad choices, deep hurts, and poor decisions. Only in true forgiveness can we experience genuine and lasting freedom so that we can be the beacon of Christ’s mercy, love, and compassion for our self and to others. "Forgive them for they know not what they do”
NOT BE BUSY just for the sake of being busy or to run from anything. Lent is a time to listen as God tells you that there is only one thing that matters to Him. That you know and believe with all your heart that you are His greatest creation, His beloved son or daughter, that He loves you just as you are, and that His love for you is free, unconditional, and everlasting.
LOOK OUT THE WINDOW and see and appreciate His presence in all of His creation; the sun, the moon, the stars, the grass, the creatures that crawl about and those that hover over, the people that we know and the stranger that we pass by, the beauty of the day, the beauty in the hearts of those that care about us and the beauty of a God who cares even more for you.
TIME TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR BUT NOT IF you are looking to point out your sins, your flaws, your weaknesses, or your shortcomings, but only if you are looking to remind yourself that you are loved by God just as you are because His love is much greater than all of these. His death is a reminder that He sees all that you see, but He looks into the depth of your heart to see that which you have not begun to.
IF, ON YOUR LENTEN JOURNEY, you find yourself asking, “How am I growing or how have I grown, in my relationship to Christ, or how have I been a reflection of His presence in my life to others”? Look back, look within, and look ahead and ask for the grace to recognize not only how your desire to help others has been fulfilled, but also how you found yourself serving others and giving of your time, talent, and compassion, knowing that your desire is in response to God’s grace. So, for today, trust in God and believe that you are closer to Him than you think.
We measure our progress and that of others with human expectations and limitations, but God looks into the very heart that He created and sees its width, its depth, its woundedness, its potential and fills it with His compassion, His mercy, His peace and His grace so that we can be the best loving person that we can be. You are what He wants you to be, for you can be nothing less.
February 12, 2023
Of course, what else would the topic be for this week?
The Eagles football team is playing today in the Super Bowl, this day, February 12th, is a day that will be remembered as one of unity, mutual support, determination, and sportsmanship of both the players and most of the fans of the city of Philadelphia, as well as nationwide. It has also been a source of great inspiration to all of Philadelphia; the avid sports fans as well as those who have been unexpectedly drawn in by the excitement and thrill of our very own football team achieving the greatest honor a football team can accomplish: WINNING THE SUPER BOWL AND TAKING HOME THE VINCE LOMBARDI TROPHY.
After least years season, the team was expected to be very competitive this year, but even though we expected them to prevail throughout the season, it still feels great to see them play in the highest form of the game. So many times, we have seen professional ball players be aloof to their fans or face legal issues, but this team is different. They personify the aspect of teamwork, and good sportsmanship. They exude the qualities of authenticity, integrity, and mutual respect. They support one another on and off the field, in good times and bad, as well as being active in their local communities, supporting those less fortunate and setting an example of what a good role model is. They have fun and that is apparent in all of the news coverage and many photos.
Here are just a few of the charities that the Eagles support and stand behind throughout the year, not for recognition or accolades, but for the love, care, and concern for and of others. These are professional athletes showing true compassion and concern and humility, quality individuals and role models on so many levels!!!
The Eagles Charitable Foundation, Eagles Autism Foundation, The Boys and Girls Clubs of America, City of Hope, Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center, Music for Relief, Precious Paws, Unite the United.
SO, as we prepare for a week that could include a Super Bowl parade in Philadelphia, let us take time to thank God for the team that has represented His presence of being good role models of compassion, support, encouragement and selflessness to their fans, the city and those in need. But let us not lose sight of where God is, has been and will continue to be. He resides in the lives and hearts of all of us as His beloved children.
SUNDAY, “E” = Empathetic
We are all called to extend empathy towards others. As followers of Christ and God’s beloved children, we are given the grace to walk with others through our care, concern, prayers, and presence.
As you begin a new week, look to those in need, not to pity them, but rather to extend God’s compassion. Ask God to show you how you can be His instrument of empathy, care and kindheartedness and pray for the grace to respond. Empathy requires humility but rewards you with peace and spiritual fulfillment.
MONDAY “A” = Agile
Do you consider yourself agile? Have your ever considered yourself as being spiritually agile?
To discover the answer to this question, I suggest that in your prayer, ask yourself and God if you are swift to answer His call or invitation to be the best person that you can be? Do you see yourself as one that is responsive to God’s call to serve Him by serving the needs of others? Does living out your faith come easily, are you on fire or do you feel as though your fire has become a little spark? Do you believe that God is with you, that He loves you unconditionally and that you are His beloved child? Can you imagine that He wants your spark to become a fire that draws others to want to know Him better through you?
For today. As you journey through the beginning of the workweek, ask God to increase your desire to be an instrument that draws others to Him. Ask for the grace to allow Him to take and make your sparks more like a great fire of love, faith, and devotion, that draws other to love Him more dearly, see Him more clearly and follow Him more nearly in and through your example.
TUESDAY, “G” = Grateful
Do you have a grateful heart? Do you find that you have much to be grateful for? Do you remember to thank God for the gift of the very next breath that you take, the gift of a new day, the gift of family and friends, colleagues and community that surround and embrace you, the gift of your crosses that have strengthened you, made you a better and more empathetic person and have drawn you closer to Christ, the gift that has been implanted in you of a deeper love and concern for others, for the gifts of mercy, compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy that being a follower of Christ has made you a recipient of?
In your prayer today, reflect on the gift of gratitude that God has given you. Pray always for a grateful heart and seek to spread that desire to others especially those who are struggling and cannot recognize any reason to be thankful or grateful.
For Today, as you encounter family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, community members and even the stranger, take time to thank them for some quality that you recognize in their presence that has made you appreciate them more and has allowed you see God more clearly in them. Be sincere! Be honest! Be true!
WEDNESDAY, “L” = loving
Do you think that you are a loving and kind person? What does it mean to be a loving person?
Do you think that it means being perfect? Being a loving person begins with desire and completes with fulfillment. If one desires to be a loving person, a desire that can only originate with and from God, and seeks to follow through on that desire, can be a very loving person. Love is of God, finds its origin in God and grows only through God’s grace. In our sinful nature, that nature that Jesus died on the cross to redeem, God loved us into being and calls us to love in return. It is in our loving, that of God, self and others, we grow in a habit to love, to seek the good in others, to forgive others, to reach out seeking forgiveness and to bind the wounds and be God’s healing instrument of love.
For today, as you communicate and interact with others, seek love. Look for love, that of the presence of God in those with whom you interact with and see how they interact with you. Do they see the love of God within you, in your presence, surrounding you in and through your words, attitudes, actions, and deeds?
A truly loving person sees the positive before recognizing the negative, sees the good before pointing out the bad, recognizes and embraces that we are all God’s beloved sons and daughters, sinners as well, before judging and casting out.
What the world needs now is love sweet love…… that love today.
THURSDAY, “E” = Esteemed
It is tough to accept being esteemed by others. It seems more like an ago trip than a trip on humility highway. Yet as Christians, who truly seek to follow Christ and bring others to know Him better, we can be esteemed by others and that is not a bad quality, if it doesn’t go to one’s head.
Who do you hold in high esteem? Why? Who holds you in high esteem? And why?
For today, take a look at whom you hold in high esteem and look at the reasons?
If they are God centered, have brought you to know God better, and have helped you grow in your relationship with His Son and our Mother Mary, then thank God for such a great gift.
If others hold you in true genuine God centered esteem, ask God to show you how you can improve, build on, grow in His love, the very love that has attracted others to Him through you.
FRIDAY, “S” = Selfless
Being selfless means being other centered and not selfish. It can be hard to be selfless when others seek to be more selfish and self centered. One cannot be God centered if they are always looking at what they can get, acquire, own, or have. God wants us to grow and become the best persons that we can be, the best person that He created us to be, but yet we get in the way of what God’s will is for us when we seek to have things our way and not His.
Jesus died on the cross for us. It was a free selfless act. He chose to die for us and when we suffer, when we are wounded, He is dying with us as we die to self. When we unite our pain with His, when we choose not to be bitter, but rather to forgive, then we are being selfless.
For today, look at the many ways that you are selfless: as a parent, as a spouse, as an employee, and ask God for the grace to grow in that humility and love that has placed His will first before any selfish will of yours.
SATURDAY, “1” = One
There is only 1 God, 1 you, 1 Eagles team, and 1 chance for them to win the Super Bowl today.
We are all given special gifts and talents by God to be used to glorify and praise Him. Let us pray that the Eagles players take this opportunity to glorify God by playing their best and coming together as a team to win. Let us seek to see the good in both teams during the low times and in the high times. Let us not seek to diminish the other team by mean and degrading words or behaviors, for when we do that, we are not giving glory to God. Enjoy the game!!!
Glimpse of God for the week of February 5, 2023
Oh boy is it windy outside today? I can’t remember when it has been so windy out. Everything in our yard, the inflatable snowmen and penguins, the statues and other yard decor are all being blown around and finding new places to land and call home.
Yet, although I believe that we who live in this region are very blessed because we do not have the severe effects of the weather disrupting our lives and causing havoc as it is in many parts of our country. But more importantly in our spiritual life, If we are not prepared and if we take things for granted and stop paying attention to what is important, we too can be blown away, uprooted, and displaced by the heavy winds and storms of life. There are the heavy winds of injury, bitterness, gossip, and anger, and the storms of sin, revenge, despair, weakness, and guilt that carry us off to a place that we don’t want to go, that of feeling unloved by God or abandoned by God and do things that we really don’t want to do, like give into despair, discouragement, and hopelessness. Yet the devil convinces us that we are in the best place and that he will protect us from the winds harm. The storms of life, the heavy winds and rain can discourage us and make us feel helpless and, in many cases, hopeless, yet in all this, Christ assures us that we are not alone and that He is with us. Only He can calm the storms of life, all we need to do is ask for His help.
Heavy winds or rain, extreme heat or cold, or extreme humidity can take our breath away, affect it in a negative way or diminish it to a point that it can be life threatening. This can be the same with our spiritual life. We possess the breath of life, God’s Holy Spirit, yet if we allow the various life storms to affect our breathing, our spiritual health and wellbeing can also be threatened. But that is not what God wants or desires for you. He has a message and as you breathe it in know that His Holy Spirit is flowing through, in, and from you. His message is this…..
You are a breath of life: God’s life to others. God called you by name and loves you unconditionally as His beloved son or daughter. Your very breath is God's gift to you given out of complete, selfless, and unconditional love. No one person, no sin, no action, or thought can change or lessen God's great love for you. You are the breath of God's life to others. So, this week, don't hold your breath, try not to get short of breath, don't breathe too quickly, but let the awesome presence of God, in others, in creation, in yourself, take your breath away. Take a deep breath and reverence it because your breath is God's Holy Spirit.
Continue to remind yourself that you are the breath of life to others, that you possess that life-giving breath within yourself, and that you received that breath from God and remember to say thank you.
As you begin a new week; start by taking a moment, just 60 seconds, to stop and focus on your breathing. As you do that, become aware of what is going on in your life at that moment. With whatever is going on, positive or negative, calm yourself so that you can see with the eyes of God, His presence in that moment. Be it in that person, that circumstance, that choice, that situation, that joy, that sorrow, that regret, and see Him embracing you, calming you, celebrating you, forgiving you, and loving you. Then as you inhale and exhale your next breath, think of it as spiritual CPR; Christ's Power being Renewed in you.
SUNDAY – “B” – Believe that you are the breath of God
Do you believe in the love that God has for you, that this love is unconditional and that there is nothing you can do to earn or lose that love? God gives it freely. As God’s beloved child, do you see yourself as lovable, beloved, and loved?
Today in your prayer, as you take your next breath, think about the love of God: that which you have for God, and the love that He has for you. Breathe in God’s gift of peace and exhale your sense of gratitude.
If you find yourself short of breath, pray that whatever is causing your breathing struggles: stress, cold, worries, weariness, ill health…., and ask God to make your breath a breath of peace, a breath that speaks words of love, life, joy, hope and desire. If you find that you lose a breath, pray in gratitude for that which is taking your breath away: the love of your life, your children, your pets, your grandchildren, God’s awesome creation, the recognition of God’s great love for you.
God’s gift to you of His Holy Spirit, a spirit that not only permeates your very being and dwells within you, is making His way out by the words of mercy, compassion, peace, reconciliation, and joy that you speak and enters in through a gentle whisper, a smile, or a deep abiding presence of peace.
MONDAY – “R” – Rejoice in the memories
Memories, some may be painful, some may be pleasant. When you were growing up, do you remember what you were taught about God? What do you remember from your early days about God? Was He a God of vengeance, punishment, fire, and brimstone, or was He a God of love, mercy, compassion and gentleness? What aspect or picture of God do you hold on to and cherish, and what part have you learned to let go of because it is not the God that you have experienced or are in relationship with?
Rejoice in the memories that have brought you to where you are today. The memory of the God of love and compassion that you turned to as you were deeply wounded and felt alone, the memory of the God of mercy as you reflected on, and was sorry for, the sins that damaged your relationship with others and with God, the memory of the God of peace as you felt inconsolable at the loss of your parent, child, sibling, or best friend, the memory of the God of joy as you celebrated the gift of your marriage, the birth of your child, your grandchildren, your accomplishments, your profession as a consecrated religious, or your jubilee as a religious.
Today in your prayer, reflect on the relationship with the God that you have come to desire, and the person that you have become. God rejoices in you, loves you and is happy that you have chosen to follow Him.
TUESDAY – “E” – Enjoy the moment
Try not to look so far ahead that you miss the present moment. As a society we are always looking toward the future. In retail, they bring out the Christmas decorations by late summer, in December they bring our Valentine’s day decorations. On tv, they begin to show end of year car deals in the fall, we see and hear by engaged couples that they can’t wait till the wedding day is over. Now there is nothing wrong with looking ahead, but when we fail to see the present moment, when we are so focused on the future, that we neglect our present, then we can miss out on a lot of God’s Glimpses and surprises that He is waiting to show us. When we wait or anticipate some event, like a wedding or a birth, we are excited about the end result and most likely stressed out about the journey getting there. Every day is a gift that can be filled with many stresses, yet it can be in those stresses that we find God. If we always seek to go to the next thing, we can truly miss out on a lot. Couples planning a wedding hate the many details, yet in those details they have an opportunity to become closer and get to know each other better. As a woman is preparing to give birth, she might be sick and uncomfortable, but during those nine months, she can experience the greatest mystery of knowing that a child is growing within her very body and is being nurtured and sustained by her. We might hate winter and want the spring to come now, but then we can miss the beauty of the trees as they wait to display their spring greatness through their winter barrenness, or the beauty of the snow blankets that God uses to cover His upcoming spring garden, or the hours of light that God hides so that we can seek Him in the darkness and walk strongly in the light.
Today in your prayer, seek to enjoy the present moment and the people, pets, and encounters that fill it.
WEDNESDAY – “A”- Adore the adorable
Adorable. Do you believe that God thinks that you are adorable? How can God not adore you. HE respects you, loves you unconditionally, created you in His likeness and image, has called you by name. and even knit you in your mother’s womb (psalm 139)
There is no other person like you, nor will there be another you. You are one of a kind. There is no heart like yours, no soul like yours, no mind that works like yours. God created you individually and uniquely out of complete love. God creates only good and only in and out of love. God has great respect for you and for the choices that you make. He will never go against your free will but will also never abandon you when your will and His don’t necessarily meet. It is in all of this that He is devoted to you and finds you most adorable or able to be adored.
Today in your prayer, imagine God adoring you and listen to Him as He speaks His words of adoration for you. You are adorable……. He sees His very self in and through you and He wants you to know that He adores you for that.
THURSDAY – “T” – Trust in God to heal and make whole
Trust is difficult especially when you have been hurt or betrayed. Imagine how hard it must have been for Jesus to trust anyone, except Mary His Mother, after he had been betrayed, denied, condemned, and executed by those who were his friends, those He healed, and those who didn’t even know him. As weak and sinful human begins, when we are hurt, we want to get back at, or seek revenge on the person or persons who hurt us. Our very breath of life can become the breath of darkness because it speaks words of anger, revenge, insult, and even death. We feel as though we cannot trust the person or anyone because we don’t want to get hurt again. As followers of Christ, we are called not only to forgive, but to begin anew, and not hold onto a grudge. With God’s grace and an open heart, we can and will trust another again.
Today in your prayer, although this might be painful, trust me in that God will be with you. Take a moment to recall an instance where you were betrayed and hurt deeply. Don’t dwell on the hurt, but seek God’s grace to forgive, again, seek healing so that you can become whole, again, and pray for the person or persons that hurt you, again. You will not be disappointed because God’s knows your heart and wants to heal you, just ask Him to.
FRIDAY – “H” – Honor your Creator and His creation
God not only loves you unconditionally, but He respects you deeply and has blessed you abundantly. Are you able to recognize this? We often think that only God deserves to be hallowed or revered, and we, out of love and respect, should revere our God. The question I pose is this: If we believe that God created us in His likeness and image, shouldn’t we show great respect and reverence to our self and others? As temples of God’s Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ, shouldn’t we honor each other as if we were honoring God Himself? As followers of Christ, we are called to see the face of Christ in those we encounter: those in our family, our neighbor, the stranger, the homeless, the estranged and even our enemy.
Today in your prayer, see the face of God in those you pray for, those who have asked for your prayers, those you promised to pray for and those who are in need.
SATURDAY – “E” – Enliven others’ lives by your love
Our every breath is God’s gift to us and how we use it, is our gift to God. We can choose to be the breath of life and speak words of healing, compassion, mercy, humor, or peace. Or we can choose to be the breath of darkness and speak words of gossip, anger, hatred, insult, or judgment. How we choose to be the breath of life and speak God’s words and spread His good news will influence others so they may want to desire and know God better. When we choose to follow Christ, we are choosing life. As we choose life, we are setting an example for others. Today in your prayer, take a moment to reflect on the words: “They will know we are Christians by our love”, and ask to see how you are the one who shows the Christian example by your love: love for God, others, and self. Your love for God will enliven others, it will clarify what it means to be true authentic follower, and not a hypocrite who talks a good talk, but doesn’t walk the walk
Glimpse of God for the week of January 29, 2023
What does Clover, our Golden retriever, who is recovering from torn ACL surgery, me becoming the first female, lay, catholic chaplain for a law enforcement agency, my book, Glimpses of God: Seeing God in Everyday Life, about ready for publication, and Christine Flowers have in common? At first it would appear to be nothing, but the more I reflected on what a glimpse of God is and how this week was filled with many, it became clear.
First Clover’s torn ACL and her recuperation. It has been painful for both me and John to watch her struggle and not being able to take away her pain and make her feel better. She limps but she is determined to get where she needs to go. Her ACL being torn, is not from any knee jerk reaction or words that we humans might express without thinking, but arthritis and her being a 12-year-old active puppy and therapy dog. On Tuesday, I was finally cleared to become the first lay, catholic female chaplain for a law enforcement agency, signing a great deal of paperwork honoring my word, respecting, and keeping confidential the words of others that are shared with me, and respecting the meaning of the words; integrity, fidelity, and courage as I encounter the many and various settings and individuals as a Chaplain. My book, the compilation of many words to describe the various ways that God has chosen to reveal Himself, is almost ready for print. And the person of Christine Flowers who is a columnist for the Inquirer and Delaware County times. I feel that she shares with her readers the written word through the lens of compassion, empathy, and integrity. I have been reading her columns for years and I have a great deal of admiration and respect for her and her writing. She is proud of her Philadelphia Italian roots, cherishes her family, professes, and lives out her Catholic faith, and is passionate about her work as an immigration attorney and as a writer. The written word, her written word, is not one that diminishes another or tears them down. She does not use her column to force her opinion out there as the one and only, or to purposely inflict pain on another by her words. She is true to herself as she speaks the truth, she presents it clearly, and she doesn’t back down or get backed into a corner due to political, economic, or social expectations. Her word, the written word, sheds light on issues with the truth. I am sure there are some people that may not agree with her perspective, but as it is explained, one can get a clearer understanding of the issue presented.
So, are we with being true to ourselves and speaking the truth without being afraid, insecure, or intimidated? How do we use the written word to guide us? And what written word do we use? The only one that we should use to keep our moral compass in the right direction is the written word of Sacred Scripture. It is through reading and reflecting on Sacred Scripture where we are invited to listen to God’s Holy Spirit speak to our heart and as it invites us to follow that which will enable us to grow in relationship with the one and only God, Christ His Son and His Holy Spirit.
As we live each day and seek guidance so as to discern what God was calling us to do, do we refer to His written word and allow the message to permeate our being, do we listen to the Holy Spirit so that we can be true to the written word of God or do we turn the page or close the book when it gets to be too demanding or challenging for us?
After reading God’s written word in Sacred Scripture, do we keep silent or share its message with those who we encounter? We live out the written word of our life. God has written our name in His book of life and through our baptism, we are called to share the truth of that gift. If we just read the word and then shut the book, or remain silent, not only would we be in the dark about its meaning but so would others. We are children of the light, not of darkness. Whether you write a column in the paper, a blog on the computer, a letter to a friend, or in a journal, the words have a message and, in many cases, invoke a response. God writes His message of love on our heart; all He asks from us is to respond in love. How do we do that? By reading His written word. As we read Sacred Scripture, we will learn the best way to be a more loving person, our best self, the person that He created us to be and have the potential to become. Our spiritual journey is one of ongoing growth and spiritual transformation and we can’t allow the periods of fear, anxiety, or our crosses to cancel out the commas of trust, surrender and hope.
Gods written word is open to read and reflect on so that the meaning of its message may permeate our very being and we in turn, may profess what we have come to believe and believe what we profess.
This week, as we hear many words spoken out of love, compassion and in peace, let us reflect on how these words reflect God’s written word in Sacred Scripture. If we hear words of anger or hatred, let us pray for mercy and peace. As we read many written words, from various sources, may they form spiritual sentences that don’t end with a period, with no further growth, but with a comma indicating that there is more to come. But if our journey calls us to form a spiritual period due to weakness or sin and we feel we need to start anew, let the written word of God strengthen us so that we can continue reading, listening, discerning, and sharing His message.
SUNDAY – “W” the written word. God’s Word build ups and strengthens us.
For today, as you hear Sacred Scripture proclaimed at your worship service, seek to recognize that what you heard proclaimed is God’s message to you to strengthen you, build you up and empower you to proclaim it to others.
MONDAY – “R” Offer the words of remorse, contrition, and apology.
The written word of remorse. When we write a note of apology to another, the written words of remorse, apology and mercy fill the page. When we think of the person that we are sending it to, we shamefully see their face in light of the pain or injury that we caused them. We express our need or desire to be forgiven. Christ died for all and as we seek to be forgiven, we must also forgive another. The written word allows us to form our feelings through the words so that the recipient can truly see that we are sorry. In and through the sacrament of reconciliation, we are given the act of contrition so that are sorrow and remorse is summed up perfectly. For today: take a few moments to reflect on the words of the act of contrition and how freeing they are.
TUESDAY – “I” invitation: God’s invitation to come and share in the banquet meal, do you RSVP or reject it?
The written word of invitation. How do you feel when you receive an invitation to a special event? A birthday party, a shower, a wedding…Do you ever think about your relationship with the sender and how special they think you are to invite you? Sometimes we cannot attend the special event so we send our regrets, and there are other times when we are over the moon because we were invited that we quickly send our rsvp in, and yet we all know that there are events that we kind of want to attend, but we are on the fence about attending for one reason or another, and we wait till the last minute to respond or not. It is not that way with God’s invitation to join Him at the banquet meal of the Holy Eucharist. That invitation is always open. When we respond, He joyfully accepts our yes to attending, He rejoices when we show up at the last minute, and He understands when we say; Lord, not today….HE knows our heart better than we do and He knows and understands our responses. He will never go against to our free will. The invitation to join Him so that we are nourished at the His table is and will always be open as He awaits our response.
For today: the next time you receive an invitation to a special event or you remember that it is someone’s birthday or special event in their life, pray a prayer of thanks for their feet walking with yours on the journey of life.
WEDNESDAY – “T” thank you.
Does the gift of gratitude fill your heart or are you on empty due to life challenges and crosses? The written word of gratitude can be a powerful source of transformation. When we write a thank you note to someone for their thoughtfulness as shown through their gift or special act kindness, we are letting them know how much we appreciate what they did and how it made us feel. This act of acknowledgment has the ability to bring us to a WOW moment as we realize that they thought of me to do that. Sometimes when we feel overburdened due to life’s challenges, we tend to forget to say thanks to God, others and ourselves.
To God for the gift of life and the life of His Son Jesus who selflessly died so that we may inherit eternal life when our earthly journey has ended. We want to thank God that this life has meaning and purpose. To others for journeying with us during our weakest moments, for them not giving up on us but inviting us to become out best self despite the devils lies and deception. To ourselves for not giving up and believing the devils lies that we are no good and that God doesn’t love us because of our sinfulness. Jesus selfless love for us sinners and His dying on the cross is our reason for gratitude not discouragement, hope and not despair, peace and not discord.
For today: write a list of at least 10 things that you are grateful for and 10 people that you have been inspired by for their spirit of gratitude, especially in the face of a heavy cross, life stresses and challenges.
THURSDAY – “T” – trust in God that He will guide you in the right direction
The written word of trust, surrender and freedom. Twila Paris sings a song: Do I trust you, Lord. (I would like to write the words here, but I do not have copyright permission, so if you have a chance to look them up, do so).
In the song she expresses God all-knowing power and that HE knows all that she is experiencing and that she would rather die than to lose her faith in the God she loves. God knows your heart, your life struggles, the cross that you carry, your worse fears and anxieties, the question, is that have you told Him how you feel? As humans we often try to run away from our feelings, we hide behind masks of work, addiction, sleep, negative behavior, ego, shame, guilt, and sinfulness, so that others would not, could not, see what we are going through. Yet we cannot run and hide from God.
The final refrain includes these words: I will trust you Lord, when I don’t know why, I will trust you Lord till the day I die.
For today: Ask God to help you surrender your worse fear, trial, cross, stress, so that you too can say to Him, I will and I do trust you, Lord.
FRIDAY – “E” The gift of encouragement as you carry a heavy cross and help others carry theirs.
The written word of encouragement is amazing, it can be emotionally, spiritually, and physically transformative. It offers hope amid despair, encouragement amid disappointment, and peace amid panic. For today: Offer Saint Francis’ prayer for peace for someone you know who is seeking to find peace and for yourself as you continue to be a peacemaker.
SATURDAY – “N” now is the time to listen to God’s Holy Spirit as He speaks to you
The written word of living in the present, Sacred Scripture
God has a surprise for you today in His Written Word. Here is glimpse of some of His surprises, after a week of listening and discerning His will, as you have helped others carry their cross and as you have borne your own, as you have made it through another week of winter with the threat of the flu, virus, covid around each corner and as you have reflected more on the significance, importance, and transformative power that is found in the written word; God’s yours and others, God has a message for you. “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.” Matthew 11: 28 -30
Remember: Your breath is your life, use it wisely. Your heart is big, fill it wisely. Your mind is open, expand it wisely. Your God is present, reverence Him wisely. You are God's temple, honor yourself wisely.
Glimpse of God for the week of January 22, 2023
My glimpse of God comes from a very God like place filled with wonderful people and awesome, strong and determined clients .
The place is Blue Pearl Veterinary Hospital. Everyone there, from the staff that greet you when you enter, the techs that assess your pet’s situation and the veterinarians, are all very personable, professional, empathetic, and compassionate. I have experienced a great glimpse of God as they minister to the many patients that come to them, with the respect, dignity and compassion that is of God. They see those in their care as a responsibility that is not to be taken lightly. The care and the empathy that they exude from the moment we enter the building when we are in the exam room with the vet and as we prepare to leave.
Clover has been a patient at Blue Pearl since 2019 when she was diagnosed with glaucoma, and this week we had to bring her in for surgery for a torn ACL. As long as Clover has been a patient, through the pandemic and now post pandemic, the care that she has received has been extraordinary. The doctors and the staff are truly instruments of healing, understanding, compassion, empathy, and love to Clover and all the kids that enter their door as well as their owners. They explain things so that we understand and treat Clover as if she were their own. Everyone ministers to the patients and their owners, with a great and contagious smile. Not a fake smile or one that diminishes the illness or concerns of the pets, but rather one that exudes the dedication and devotion that comes from the depth of their being.
As we begin a new week, let us try to recognize, with greater clarity, the instruments that God chooses to use so that we can become our best self, the person that He created us to be and have the potential to become.
As we journey through the first month a new year, let us celebrate the newness in our life in whatever form it takes. As we bring in a new year, let us pray in gratitude for the many blessings, crosses, and graces that we received it the past. Let us strive to recognize them in our present so that we can appreciate and be strengthened by them in the future. Let us pray in gratitude for all those that take care of God’s 4 legged, flying, and crawling creatures: our cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, birds, snakes and others…, that as they serve God’s most vulnerable, helpless, innocent, forgotten and abandoned creatures, they are serving God who created them. As we begin a new week, let us also remember that our pets are reminders of what we can be and are called to be: unconditionally loving, forgiving, and happy to be alive because they are in the care of great owners, or in our case, a great God.
SUNDAY - “wag the tail” – Dogs wag their tails, as a greeting, to show that they are happy. How do you greet others? Are you happy and look them in the eye, or are you unhappy and pass them by? Does your happiness depend on material things, or do you recognize that happiness comes from within, and that God is the only source of true happiness? Dogs wag their tail, some people clap their hands, what do you do to show that you are happy? Do you smile, are you able to laugh, do you radiate that inner happiness by your attitude towards and with others, or do you dwell on your stresses?
In the midst of life’s pains, challenges, and crosses, we can learn from our pets that we will not be defeated. Pets have owners that are entrusted to take care of them; we have a loving God who takes care of us. We are all God’s creatures, and He takes care of all of us. We have a lot to wag our tails and be happy about.
MONDAY – “give the paw” - Dogs are good at giving their paw on command. I see it as a gift. They want to make us happy so they listen and follow the command. Their paw is a part of them that they lift up for one to take and shake.
Do we give our hand to another to take and shake, or do we raise it against another as a sign of power? Do we give of our self to make another happy, or do we isolate ourselves? Are we selfless or selfish? We don’t need commands to do the right thing. We know in the depth of our heart what is right and what is wrong, yet there are times when we know better but we still choose the wrong. When we do this, we can say that we are sorry; we can reach to another and either extend peace and mercy or ask for it. God wants to take our hand and extend His peace, mercy and love so that we can be happy and share His peace and happiness with others. Can you reach out today and touch someone or ask to be touched by the God of all mercy and love?
TUESDAY – “roll over” - Our dog and cat roll over mainly because they want their belly rubbed. In this position they are vulnerable and submissive, but also trusting and content. God doesn’t ask us to roll over and just accept what we are asked to do as a robot would, rather He wants us to be in relationship with Him, and through prayer, discover what it is that He has in store for us so that we can be more trusting and content. He asks us to trust Him and know that He will not hurt us or take advantage of us. We have pets that trust us and we have friends and family that we trust and also trust us. In our relationships, when we feel vulnerable and afraid, we are not expected to just rollover and accept whatever we are told, but rather we are called to love our self enough to stand up for our self and be true to our self because that is what God has created us to do.
WEDNESDAY – “purr” Our cat purrs when she is happy. It is a sound and sign that she is comfortable, happy, and her belly is full. You can hear her even if she is not right next to you. When you are still, does your body resonate with stress, tension, or peace? Are the sounds that come from you sounds of disgust, anger, frustration, or do you resound with happiness, peace, love, and joy? Do you treat your body as a temple of God’s Holy Spirit? Do you get enough rest; do you try to eat right, and what about exercise? Do you take care of your body, as you know you should? Do you work or are you always so busy that you don’t have time to truly relax with family, friends, or others? Our body is the only one that we will be given so it is up to us to take care of it as best we can. Progress leads to Purrfection.
THURSDAY – “cuddle” - Our pets Clover and Cannoli cuddle when they want to be close to us. They come to us to cuddle and sleep. It is nice to know that we are useful. Anyway, to cuddle involves a comfort level that comes from within, one that calls us to let our defenses down and just be in the presence of another.
Do we feel the need to have our defenses up with others or do we trust others? We may not cuddle with our friends, but we are called to be open and not have our defenses up all the time. Are you comfortable with others where you can be yourself without feeling the need to make yourself something that you are not out of fear or insecurity? Do you hide behind a mask so that others do not see the real you, but rather the person that you think they want to see, or you think that they rather see? Do you recognize that God loves you just as you are and that He wants to cuddle, embrace, and hold on to you because of His great love for you?
FRIDAY - "stay" - We ask Clover to "stay" because we don't want her to go ahead and possibly get hurt. When we walk and are ready to cross the street or go a different route, the "stay" command is what she will hear and obeys, at least most of the time the rest of the time she is just her Deliberate self.
What are we being called to "stay" with? What do we need to be with, to honor, to process, to discern, to acknowledge? There are times in our life that we want to just get through and not deal or feel that we expect will come. Yet in those times, we can experience great peace, healing, joy, comfort, consolation and solace, if we are willing to stay and not just run ahead. It is in those “stay” moments that God fills us with His grace so that we can make it through the difficult times without running away. God doesn’t tell us to stay, but rather He invites us to stay and be still and know that He is God, He is in control and that He will never abandon or forsake us.
SATURDAY – “come” – Our pets come to us when they want or need something.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart”
We also come to Jesus when we want something; that something can be peace, joy, forgiveness, love, presence, companionship, a spiritual hug, and a loving embrace. Jesus invites us to come to Him, He wants us to come to Him, and He waits for us to come to Him. He rejoices when we come to Him. When we come, we are responding to the words of encouragement, support and healing that Jesus expressed, are you ready to come?
Remember: Your breath is your life, use it wisely. Your heart is big, fill it wisely. Your mind is open, expand it wisely. Your God is present, reverence Him wisely. You are God's temple, honor yourself wisely.
Glimpse of God for the week of January 15, 2023
Happy New Year. I hope and pray that this new year of 2023 brings you a greater sense of joy, peace and true happiness that only our Lord can provide. As each day approaches may you see Him more clearly in yourself and others, love Him more dearly through your prayers, acts of love and acts of mercy, and follow Him more nearly, as you take each step of your earthly journey one step at a time, not looking back with regret, but looking forward with and in hope.
As this new year enters its third week, is anything different for you? Have you made your New Year’s, resolution and can you see how it has made a difference or have you forgotten what your resolution was?
People with all their sincerity, personal conviction and self-determination make New Year’s resolutions.
The ones that I have heard range from going on a diet, exercising more, praying more, eating better, refraining from foul language especially around their children, calling family members that live far, reconciling with an estranged family member or friend, and getting more rest. All are great resolves to make, and in the end can make one a better person; a healthier person, a more spiritually connected person to God, and a person that knows what true peace is. With all the good intentions, I imagine that by this 15th day of January, many people have already forgotten their resolution or haven’t had the time to put it into practice.
This year when people say I resolve to…. It sounds good and the resolution is made with great conviction, hope and a sincere desire to accomplish what they desire to change or improve in their life. The question that I present is WHY? Why do people wait to make until the new year to make a resolution? I believe that if one is seeking to change, improve something about themselves; their physical well-being, their behavior, or their spiritual relationship, why wait? If the resolution is that important, why would you want to wait, why not begin today? God wants you to best your best self, the person the person that He created you to be and have the potential to become, so why wait? God is knocking at the door of your heart, He knows your desires and wants to fulfil them today, now, not later, not tomorrow, not next year….
Today is the only day that we have, yesterday is in our history book, and tomorrow is not here, nor are we promised it. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Made for what? We are God’s greatest creation, His beloved children and loved unconditionally, and what we can give Him is our gift of love each day by seeking to know and love and serve God to the best of our ability. How can we know, love, and serve God if we do not know or love our self?
Each and every time we pray the act of Contrition, we make a resolution “ I firmly resolve with your help and your grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin” or some forms say “I firmly resolve with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life, Amen” with means I believe. What do you believe when you pray that prayer? That God will forgive you and that you will do your best to keep your resolution that says you will sin no more, avoid the near occasion of sin, to confess your sins and to amend your life. How important is that to you? If it is that important, why would you want to wait to make it, wouldn’t you rather start right now to sin no more, avoid those things, people, or situations that cause you to want to sin, go to confession so that you experience the healing presence of God as your sins are forgiven, and amend your life? These are such crucial acts and ones that can bring about personal, and spiritual transformation.
If you say that prayer on a regular basis your resolution will bring you great strength and you will see a difference in your spiritual life that will overflow into your personal life and in your actions, the words that you speak and in your deeds.
I don’t make a New Year’s resolution. Why because I would probably forget it by the first week, but more importantly and seriously, I think that whatever I would resolve would be important to me and I wouldn’t want to wait until another day or year begins. My prayer and resolve on January 1st, is the same every day after that. My prayer and resolution each day is to be the best person that I can be, that God has created me to be and that I have the potential to become.
And unfortunately, when I find myself not being my best self before God, others, and in the mirror, and I see my worst self emerge, I find myself praying the Act of Contrition, a prayer for mercy, so that I can start again with God’s grace and do better.
The gift of each day is the most important gift that we receive from God, and since we are not promised tomorrow and yesterday is on our history book, why wouldn’t we want to make this day our best day and our gift to God? If our resolve is to eat healthy and get healthier, to refrain from foul language, to refrain from any negative behavior, contact loved ones more frequently, forgive or seek forgiveness from one that you have injured, but also miss in your life, why wait until tomorrow or next week or next year, today is the day!!! Today is the day to begin to make the changes that will make you a better, healthier person physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, a person that will be able to look in the mirror and recognize that you did your best to know, love and serve God and see Him in others and in yourself.
If you want to be your best and true self, if you want to be a better person, then today is the day. I believe that we all want to see God more clearly in our desires and in our life, and we want to make a resolution to recognize Him and make the changes that are blocking our view. When we seek to follow God’s will in our life, we become a person who is at peace and others can see that peace in us. When we seek to undergo personal or spiritual transformation, our loving God who knows our heart and our deepest desires better than we do, will answer our prayers in His way and in His time. If our resolutions have transformative powers, why wait to experience them?
A new year has begun. We can look back at the year that has passed and offer prayers of gratitude and contrition, and we can look ahead with hope and great expectation for God’s continuing surprises. What are we hoping for and waiting for with great expectation? Only you can answer that question.
My hope, and I believe that is yours too, is that the spirit of Christmas become a daily frame of mind or mind set, and that we recognize with greater clarity, in this year of 2023, that Jesus, the Son of God, came into the world completely out of unconditional and selfless love, for you and me.
This week to help us to make Christmas a constant mindset, I suggest we revisit what the corporal works of mercy are and how we can fulfill them every day and not just at Christmas. Every day we are afforded the opportunity to give of yourself, your presence, your love, and time. It is also an opportunity to give of your talents and treasure so that others may see the gifts that God has showed upon you, and this might help another uncover and recognize their special gifts and talents as well. All are God given gifts, and we are called to share them with others. If we are trying to become a better person, to know, love and serve God, to see Him more clearly in our life and in the life of others, then the corporal works of mercy will invite, enable, and empower us to accomplish our resolution, one day at a time. Look at what you can do and are comfortable doing. Remember helping those in need should not be done out of guilt, ego, control, or obligation, or holiday, but rather. out of selfless love, compassion, concern, and care for those that are our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need.
For today, There are many who are hungry right in our back yards. In your local community, there are food banks that give to the hungry men, women, and families. Think about donating food items to them so that they have more to share with those who are in need. Let us pray for the hundreds of men, women and children that will go to bed hungry and do not know where their next meal is going to come from. God will give you the words of your prayer.
For today, If you are traveling and you see folks working outside, or elderly people walking outside, perhaps you can offer them something hot to drink water to keep them hydrated. If you have children or know someone that is active in sports, think about donating bottled water to their team. If someone is thirsting or pining to be wanted, and not feel as if they are an outcast or on the fringes of family, community, or society.
Give them a drink of the life-giving waters of faith, love. and compassion by being present to them and letting them know of the great love that God has for them, that they are His greatest creation and that they are His beloved child.
For today, if you know or see an elderly person or a family that does not have the proper clothing for the weather, ask them if there is anything that you can do for them. If you are uncomfortable doing that and you would prefer to give them an anonymous gift of a hat, gloves, coat, or shoes that are in good condition, then do it. Ask God to show you how you can best help them. Let us pray for those who feel naked before God because they don’t think they have anything to offer, because they feel vulnerable and have been stripped of their dignity and self-respect. Ask God to clothe them with His love, compassion, adoration, peace, healing, dignity, forgiveness, and compassion, so that they can find comfort and be clothed in the warmth of His love.
For today, seek to find a way to help the homeless in your community. You may not be able to shelter the homeless by bringing them into your home, but you can shelter them with love, surround them with compassion, build the walls with strength, dignity, courage, and self-respect, pray for them in love not out of judgment or ego. There are many shelters that need casseroles, food that can be carried, clothing, and blankets. Find out if you can deliver items or if someone will pick them up. Our homeless men, women and children can use whatever items you can give out of love, to help them keep warm especially during these cold days and nights. Let us pray for those who have a home but are spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically homeless because it lacks love, presence, support, encouragement, understanding, and forgiveness. Pray f or those whose house is filled with physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, neglect, bitterness, control, manipulation, and silence. Pray for those who are trying to adopt or become foster parents, and for the children who are abandoned, left alone, or taken away from their parents and families.
For today, if you can visit someone you know who is sick and feeling isolated. If a physical visit is not possible, contact them and speak with them so that they can hear in your voice, your concern, love, and care for them.
Spiritually, let us pray for those who are sick that God provide healing, strength, and courage as they carry their heavy cross. Physically: suffering from a chronic illness, terminal illness, or sudden illness, psychologically; suffering from mental illness, depression, anxiety, or spiritually; suffering from a lack of faith, deep seeded anger, resentment, and bitterness, or sin that is eating away a person’s soul and spirit and causes them to reject God.
For today, pray for the imprisoned, both physically and those whose heart, spirit and mind are imprisoned because of fear, anxiety, anger, and feel as if they are unloved, despised, and unforgivable. Pray that they open their hearts to God so that they can recognize the unconditional love that God has for them, that He abides within them and that He wants to heal them and make them whole through His mercy, unconditional love, and compassion. Let us pray for the grace so that we do not judge them but accept them as a fellow sinner striving to be a saint that needs our prayers and support.
For today, pray for the many babies that will be aborted and for those who perform the abortion. Pray for those who will die in war, homicide, gun violence, terrorist attacks and natural disasters, and whose bodies will not be discovered or given proper burials. Pray for those on death row who will be executed. Pray that those who take the lives of others have a conversion of heart and realize that life is sacred and should be treated with dignity, respect and love and that GOD is the author of life and death. As we bury the dead, let us also take a moment to bury the past hurts, bitterness, injuries, and seek God’s grace to forgive, let go and be free.
Glimpse of God for the week of January 8, 2023
Beholding the face of God in Christ.
The Christ child came, our salvation was born, and humanity was saved. As Mary and Joseph beheld the face of God in Christ, God made it possible for all aspects of humanity to behold Him: the poor shepherds, the strangers that allowed him to be born in their stable, the animals that watched over them, the visitors passing through and the traveling Magi.
I believe that the lives of all those individuals who beheld the savior in the face of an infant, were changed forever. Like those individuals, we too can be changed forever, one glance at a time, when we seek and find the face of God both in others and in ourselves. As humanity is given the opportunity to behold the face of God in Christ, to listen to His messengers,
we are all given the opportunity, are invited, to behold the face of God in Christ in each other, those close to us, those far away, those
estranged from us, the stranger, and even our enemy, and then to take the risk to be transformed and changed.
Today, as we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, we recall
how it was through the message of an angel that the three wise men sought the child Jesus, the Messiah and found him. It was also through the message of the angel that they should return home
by another route. Although we may not hear an angel tell us what way to go, or how to get there, God does provide His messengers to guide us so that we can be our best self, the person that He
created us to be and have the potential to become. With this message, also comes the invitation to be transformed. These messengers can come in form of parents, siblings, teachers, church members,
religious leaders, community members, neighbors, coworkers, friends, and even our enemies. As we listen to God’s messengers as they lead us nearer to Christ, as we seek to behold the face of God, we
must always be open to how God chooses to reveal Himself and as when we seek Him with an open mind, spirit, and heart, we too shall behold Him. And in that epiphany experience, we like the wise men,
can be changed forever.
Let us be mindful that we are always invited to see the face of God in Christ in others and in ourselves. Have a blessed, merry, and happy Epiphany. Let us keep our mind open to beholding the face of Christ in all those we encounter and perhaps we will behold him when we least expect to. Start by looking in the mirror, His face will be clear and bright.
This week’s glimpse comes as we behold the face of God in Christ. What does that face look like? We are all God’s beloved children and inherently, we possess His presence, His love, and His compassion. As we behold the face of Christ in others and in ourselves, the face could and often reflects the presence and compassion, love, and peace of God, but sometimes these qualities are either masked underneath other significant emotions that a person is experiencing or emerges forth from them. These could be joy, happiness, sadness, sorrow, stress, worry, disappointment, anger, weariness, peace, or love.
This week I will take each day and invite you to look into the face of some of these various life experiences and see the face of God in Christ. If you are looking out to others or in the mirror, Christ dwells in our lives and in each experience that we go through.
When we least expect to see Him, He is there. In the face that we are beholding, we may see Him in the glare coming from the eyes or in the emptiness of them. He can be seen through the smile, grin, or the frown of the mouth. He can be seen in the color or lack of color in the cheeks and how the hair is taken care of. As we behold the face of Christ, we can listen to the voice that comes forth from it, be it the voice of an infant through the cuus and whimpers, of a child with few words that sometimes make sense or not, or of an adult’s voice that comes with words of joy, sadness, or confusion. God reveals Himself as He sees best and so that we can see Him when we least expect to or are least open to. And, as we behold the face of God, are we willing to be transformed by what we see so that we can, as the wise men did, follow a new path or different direction that God places before us and become a new creation?
What does this face look like? How do you behold it? Do you behold it with fear, apprehension, anticipation, joy, or great love? When we behold the face of God in joy and happiness, how do we respond? Do we allow others joy and happiness to take root on our lives, by our presence, with empathy or do we attempt to overshadow their joy with our stresses, worries, or crosses? As we behold the face of God in joy, and we see it clearly in the face that is beholding us, are we able to see God in our very face? When we behold the face of God, are we open to personal and spiritual transformation through that which is not only beholding us but penetrating our very being? Are we able to recognize and be a person of joy: a person that is centered on Jesus, Others and Self? Are we willing to change, to trust and surrender to God all that is keeping us from being a joyful person so that we can experience true and lasting joy and happiness?
What does this face look like? How do you behold it? Do you behold it with fear, apprehension, anticipation, joy, or great love?
When we behold the face of God in sadness, do we allow ourselves to enter into the life experience that has caused one to be sad? Do we shy away from beholding the face because we feel uncomfortable and it makes us feel uneasy? How are we changed when we behold the face of God in sadness and sorrow whereas we see God in the sadness and sorrow and do not turn away from Him? In and through sorrow we can be transformed into a new creation, or we can choose to stay an old creation in need of greater healing so that we can become whole. When you behold the face of God in sorrow, do you, can you allow yourself to see Christ on the cross, reconciling, healing, and loving you, or another, through the pain, sorrow and sadness?
What does this face look like? How do you behold it? Do you behold it with fear, apprehension, anticipation, joy, or great love? When we behold the face of God in stress and worry, do we feed into it or do we try to surrender it so that we can begin to feel a greater sense of calm and peace? When you encounter the face of God in stress and worry do you reject it, embrace it, or turn away from it? In your ability to accept it and discern how you can surrender it, do you? The face of God in stress and worry, is a face that some behold but for the wrong reasons. Some people thrive on stress, worry, and anxiety so that they can be the center of attention or take the attention away from someone who is need.
Life experiences can make one feel isolated then feel anxious amid the isolation. When we behold one who is stressed, the face of God is beckoning for greater love, patience, understanding, compassion, and empathy. When you behold the face of God in stress and worry, be it in the mirror, or out the window, can you pray for God’s grace so that you can see more clearly God’s peace?
What does this face look like? How do you behold it? Do you behold it with fear, apprehension, anticipation, joy, or great love?
Take today to look around at the face of God in those you encounter and as you see another who is disappointed and frustrated, be attentive to your feelings. How does another’s disappointment and frustrations affect you? Are you drawn into them or are you able to distance yourself from them? When you see the face of God in disappointment, in the mirror or out the window, are you filled with hope or despair? As followers of Christ, we as He, Mary and Joseph did, will face many disappointments. But we cannot let them define us, but rather we can choose to overcome them. Can you take the latest disappointments that you experienced and one of another and redefine them? Not disappointments but rather ……discoveries, revelations, hidden treasures…
What does this face look like? How do you behold it? Do you behold it with fear, apprehension, anticipation, joy, or great love? Only you can answer these questions as you behold the face of God in anger and irritation. These emotions can bring about great pain and cause injury both physical and emotional. How do you respond? Some respond with hurtful words and or actions causing more pain and a divided heart. When you behold the face of God in anger, how do you handle it? If you are the recipient of another’s anger, are you able to see the face of God that only desires healing, understanding, and peace and not injury? Not many people like to be with someone who exhibits anger, and never seems to be not angry for one reason or another. Yet we know that as God’s beloved child, who is hurting, we are invited to see beyond the anger to understanding, patience and empathy. Can you seek to see God more clearly so that you don’t respond with more anger, but rather compassion, understanding and empathy?
What does this face look like? How do you behold it? Do you behold it with fear, apprehension, anticipation, joy, or great love? Are you so tired that you cannot offer any consolation to those who are
Exhausted? I think we all know the face of God in weariness and exhaustion and as we look in the mirror, we see clearly what that face looks like. Sometimes in our exhaustive moments, we can be short with outers, inpatient, and get frustrated easily. It is these moments that our face is not one of tranquility, but rather angst. When you behold the face of God in weariness and exhaustion, can you come to Christ who says to all of us, Come to me all you labor and are heavily burdened and I will refresh you…..He knows your weariness and wants to refresh you, will you allow Him to as others behold His face in you?
What does this face look like? How do you behold it? Do you behold it with fear, apprehension, anticipation, joy, or great love? Are you longing for lasting peace and a greater sense of hope? Happy Epiphany. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it. It is the day where God revealed Himself to the nations, to the poor and the rich, to the shepherd and the stranger. As you behold the face of God in the poor, the homeless, the less educated, can you see past the shadow of social status, a box for a home, tattered clothes, and see God himself before you? As you behold the face of God in your coworkers, in your boss, in your community, can you see God revealing Himself through their wisdom, experience, and knowledge? Can you allow yourself to be transformed by their sharing it with you instead of being too proud to accept it?
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