Name: Cookie A Magee,DMin
(Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership)
Hometown: Aston, Delaware County, Pa
Welcome to my first ever website. Creating my own website is my attempt to reach out to viewers and introduce them to the many Glimpses of God's love, peace, mercy and healing presence. I truly believe that Glimpses of God are everywhere: in people, places, events and in the life and eyes of the beholder. You may be asking, what is a glimpse of God? It is what we see in the blink of an eye that has a lasting impact on our hearts, in our lives and down to the deepest recesses of our souls. For instance, one can go outside and see the beautiful and awesome scene of nature, you blink and although your view was for a flash, the memory, the smell, the sound, the sense of awesome, sinks deeper than just a blink and being forgotten. In life, there are many glimpses; be those of events, people, and circumstances, which remind us God is near. Even through the negative, if we seek Him, He is there. I would like to help, by way of my website, my books and through Spiritual Direction, anyone who is seeking and struggling to see Him in the midst of any painful situation.
I feel that I have been called to introduce the variety of ways that God shows Himself each and every day, in every breath that we take, in every sound that we hear, in every smell that surrounds and envelops us, and in every blink of an eye.
So...Every week, beginning on Sunday, I hope to introduce a different opportunity to see glimpses of God. These opportunities are for those who desire to grow in a greater relationship with God and learn how He reveals Himself to uou, to me everyday in a wide variety of ways.
I enjoy being placed in God's creation where I can grow in a greater appreciation of His goodness in nature, by walks and talks with my husband and our- pets, with friends and with my God.
As a Spiritual Director, I hope that my website will encourage others to see that they are one of God's glimpses to others, that they are God's greatest creation, loved unconditionally by God and they are His beloved child. I believe this with absolute certainty, and it does not depend on where one has been, what one has done or survived, because God chose us before our humanity and all of its sinfulness and choices, came into play.
I can speak this truth because I have lived it. God has called me from a life of painful abuse and victimization to a life of being truly blessed, made whole and healed.
My life, my situations, all the negatives,were encountered by God's curve balls: the positive experiences, events and people that got me through the painful times.
I published my first book titled 'Shopping for a Lighter Cross" that describes how God's curve balls, the positive experiences, events and people in my life during the painful times, were there to overcome the sins and bad choices of others and how His courage strengthened me to forgive and seek healing. It is a good read because it was inspired by God to help others.
My second book came as complete surprise to me, in that a publisher approached me about publishing my Doctoral Theses: "Personal Transformation Occurs When One Can Recognize the Presence of God in Self, Others and in Life Experiences". This is also included on my website. I hope you enjoy both writings as spiritual tools to use as you seek to come to a greater understanding of God in your life experiences, as well as taking that understanding to be transformed, and transform others.